Yes, obviously. What kind of reading comprehension is this…
Because your math skills completely deny our own experience with Valeera.
No. My math disproves your claim that she can one shot bruisers from full health before cheap shot expires
Your issues with valeera were largely skill based. She was rarely picked at high levels for a reason.
She was not overpowered. You could argue she was unhealthy and polarizing, but that isn’t what overpowered means. If she was overpowered she would be a priority pick/ban.
Well then could you care to explain where your math values are based on? Show us all your math.
Because this seems wrong.
I went into an old replay I had lying around. Unfortunately I didn’t have any replays of me being oneshot since I do a replay-delete occasionally, but I still save named replays, and I happened to have a replay with Valeera who had coldblood.
As you can see, her 3-point Evis is 632.
Her current one is 538.
For your information, after they removed Cold Blood, they also did a big nerf on her Evis, which many people thought to have been an unnecessary overkill if they removed Coldblood.
According to a comment from one of the threads I linked below, it was a 15% nerf to Eviscerate.
I think they should probably buff up some of her other skills (her auto-attacks, her garrote, her blade flurry) but I think a 15% nerf to her maximum Eviscerate damage was pretty reasonable.
It’s the typical overnerfing of Stealth heroes blizzard tends to do.
I found a video that shows what we’re talking about:
While there is a 1 level difference, she still reduces raynor’s health from like 95% to 5% within the duration of her stun. If she had remembered to use her W she would have killed raynor before his autohealing could have kicked.
Also remember that her stun was 1.25 seconds back then and she had old stealth.
Furthermore you can find plenty of threads regarding how Coldblood 100-0’d people.
And here is a curious one, a thread that YOU made.
And exactly how would a person that started playing after the valeera nerfs know much about her pickrates back then?
Our family is falling apart
(1.04^20)(30 + 110 + 130 + (300 * 2 * 1.25))
1.04^20 is factoring scaling
30 is cheap shot, 110 is sinister strike, 130 is blade flurry
300 is 3cp eviscerate. ×2 from cb, 25% more bonus dmg from expose armor
The moment Narha brought up your old thread with countless people swearing that she could instant kill most squishes…
Is the moment you lost this fight.
Good job, Narha.
People are delusional. They say they were one shot, but they were actually 70% health. Selective memory gaps. I mathematically proved her Max burst with cheap shot in that post.
Of course burst damage will seem higher than it is to the one playing against it.
I would think narha would know that as well, seeing how many people claim they were “one shot” by chromie when they were actually half health
You know, I just thought about re correcting my statement about it being able 100% a squishy.
Sorry, I was exaggerating a little. It was really around 20/40% life which means you need to be topped health all the time, 24/7 or Valeera has the ability to just delete you right out of a fight every 45 seconds.
Oh, god, 15% between 40% life of missing depending on the target is instant killed target with no way to counter it because she can silence and or stun every defensive ability, and if the healer is skilled enough or rather say, lucky enough to heal before the victim dies - Valeera can just negate that healing easily.
Sorry, Hailfail - I exaggerated my claims just a little.
The irony here is rich.
Did you seriously ignore the video I linked of a raynor being brought down to 3-5% by a 1-level advantage valeera that forgot to use Bladeflurry after her combo?
Or missing the point that you can dodge or prevent a lot of Chromie’s damage through various means.
Valeera gets close to you in one way or another and you can’t prevent the combo since you’re stunned.
The fact that Valeera could do such insane damage within a tiny space of time while you’re stunned was a huge problem.
Of course he did.
I giggled though, Valeera on release was so dumb.
I actually don’t have a lot of problems with a lot of heroes that were broken, but they didn’t bother me. There’s only a few heroes that have really make it into “Yeah, that’s broken” pin.
She wasn’t one of them and nor was Mal’ganis.
I think most people just see the numbers and freak up and get hysterical about it.
(Lvl 1 numbers)
Ambush dealt 180 on release.
She had 75 AA dmg (2/sec 150 dmg).
Q dmg was never changed, so it’s 110.
Eviscerate dealt 300 dmg on three combo points.
Blade Flurry dmg was not changed, so 130 dmg.
For simplicity let’s stay with the lvl 1 numbers but add talents:
Ambush and Evi deals double dmg plus after Evi, her enemy has -25 armor.
So Ambush is 360, Evi is 600, every dmg after Evi has a x1.25.
So let’s say she went:
Now with numbers:
360+75+110+75+130+600+75*1.25+110*1.25+75*1.25=1675 dmg.
Ming has 1232 hp at lvl 1.
Raynor has 1470 hp.
Both hp and dmg is scaling (I just didn’t want to bother with it, that’s why I used lvl 1 numbers with talents). But it is clear, that Cold Blood Valeera was a force to be reckoned with.
(And she was used by pros with this build.)
We were talking about being killed in the duration of cheap shot. That is certainly longer than that and the target will have plenty of time to react. Hardly a “1 shot.”
As usual you completely change the topic so you can be right about something when you are proven wrong.
Very sparingly. But again. The point was she wasn’t used all that much by pros or in ranked, so she clearly wasn’t actually broken. You change the topic yet again.
Valeera is very strong at shutting high value targets down, at dueling heroes and at securing kills.
She is an asset with and against heavy dive teams.
She isn’t supposed to neither deal poke damage nor clear waves so accept her points of strength and weaknesses and stop complaining about your favourite character isn’t overpowered the way you dream of
Not her job at all
Valeera wanders around with an abathur hat trying to gank on certain maps, or you play her as a silence bot so whoever your tank initiates on can’t escape. Those are the only valid situations to play her in. There are better choices in every other situation.
Because of your limited strategic thinking
What about a 5 seconds blind bot every 8 seconds ? easily protect your whole team from an illidan better than any tank
Because I’m realistic.
There are plenty of other ways to deal with the heroes most heavily punished by cheap shot that don’t sacrifice as much as valeera does in the team comp.
lmao calling for buffs to a super easy hero to play. hit e and delete an enemy. aint happening noobies.