Abathur nerfs when?

Pros pick the best in the current meta. Being good is not enough and not being picked in proplays =/= being bad.

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Artanis is fine in the solo lane, mostly because after level 4, it is very difficult to kill him, so he won’t miss any soak. I think a lot of people believe that “solo laning” means they have to kill their adversary in order to win. Most of the time, you simply have to avoid losing. In addition, if your team is coordinated, Artanis is probably the best bait for ganks. He can wander around at very low health, meaning the enemy will often overextend while trying to finish him off, and the swap comes into play when they realize they have been lured into a trap.

I was in a match last night on Artanis, solo laning against Blaze, and had no problems at all holding my own.

True, he isn’t meta, but that is more due to the fact that he is a fairly one-dimensional, all-in hero. He does see play in Division S on occasion, but I agree it is rare. The thing to remember, though, is the vast majority of the player base isn’t Division S material, and Artanis is just fine as he is.


Wow, what a well thought-out response!
The movement speed isn’t even until level 16, where most talents start to get pretty strong. 40% movement speed isn’t op at 16…


It is pretty strong at every lvl. Even at lvl 20.
And not just because it’s “wow, 40%, so much”, no, 40% can be balanced late game. But Aba can keep it up too frequently.

And sometimes chasing a Monstro is hard on it’s own, but now it can have movespeed more often than before and gained a tunnel baseline as well.

But thank you for your well-thought out response :slight_smile:

Ok the list part makes sense. I wasn’t talking about the hat target though. There are a plethora of ways to harass, CC, pull, throw, or outright kill Abathur in general. A good amount of them don’t even require ultimates.

Certain heroes sure but there are plenty that can port in, kill him, and either port out or use some other escape. Keep in mind that blocks work on towers/forts too. Decoys/Summons help a lot because they tend to “taunt” structures which buys you extra time.

Well maybe it’ll be difficult for Dehaka to pull him out with the slows from the towers but the vision would still be a benefit for other heroes who can kill him from range or pull him out. Then again, I could probably say the same for others so I think I can agree with you here. The bottom lanes are usually the best spots for Abathur (ie: Cursed Hollow) because sitting on the south side of the fort makes it really difficult for anyone to get to you.

I don’t see how planet cracker is bad if you have someone like Tyrande or Chromie to follow up and CC them in it because then it’s useful in plenty of situations. If you’re talking about burning the ult everytime JUST to kill Abathur then no. I don’t see value in full time focusing Abathur period. I only think it’s worth focusing him when it gives you the advantage before an objective or something. It does work on minions waves though so if you actually do use it on Abathur, you can force him out of the lane while clearing minions along with it.

I’m pretty sure Hanzo is one of the better heroes that can constantly harass Abathur. He can sneak in the side of the fort and light him up. His trait even gives him an easy exit if positioned right.

I can see your point with the cooldown but her ult should be used to gain strategic advantage whether it’s healing or killing. Even then, she does have a sleep dart to interrupt his tunnel as well so that’s useful if you’re helping a teammate.

Ok then you can time your attack while your team mates are in range of the enemy, soon as you dive in, do your damage to Aba, ult if you don’t kill him or have to port out, you take a chunk of your enemy’s hp and your team gets to dive a target.

In the scenario of Illidan countering Abathur, you’d have to go for a split push build to counter Aba’s wave, soak XP, and Hunt heroes that will secure a kill for your team. There have been niche moments where I’ve snuck in, killed aba and escaped in time or had an assist but I’ll have to give it a shot in the current state of the game.

Artanis could be difficult to utilize but he can still close range swap heroes to body block them like I would with Dive on Illidan. Just have to change your approach in a lot of cases imo. As for Abathur though, it depends on where he is and if you can flank him or not.

Nova may lack siege but I’ve had games where I’ve soaked plenty and still solo’d or cleaned up enemy heroes. I used to love baiting people over because I’d sit there popping minions while the inevitable counter comes over. That’s when I’d simply kill them or force them to bring a friend over to deal with me. Sometimes it’s a hero you can’t deal with in which case I switch targets/lanes or ask for an assist. Nova in her current state takes a lot more patience than it used to but it’s really fun if you can psyche out your oponent and capitalize on it.

I know it was nerfed but it gives you vision and constant damage that can eventually kill him if it doesn’t move/heal. The stun interrupts his tunnel and is ranged. Huntersmark I agree on the range, no idea why it’s so short but the vision and debuff makes it easier for you and your team mates to kill him before he tunnels out. That’s plenty to deal with for an Abathur which makes him a lot less effective.

You can hook him from the side of the fort thru the trees and doodads. :wink:

This isn’t what I meant. As Garrosh you can go in through the side of the fort and simply throw Aba over the walls/trees. That or you can have a team mate dive him and have Garrosh in range to throw them out to safety since he’s going to be slowed and Garrosh can take enough hits to get out.

What do you mean his arm won’t reach? If we’re talking forts he can likely hit him from the side or even the front. If it’s the keeps then you’ve already pushed him back to where his locusts aren’t doing much anyway.

Well now we’re at the real problem imo: Coordinated vs Uncoordinated. A coordinated team should be able to pick a solution that can counter Abathur without losing much versatility.

After replying to all of these though, it truly does depend on which map, which lane, and whether or not it’s a fort or a keep he’s hiding under. My earlier reply I was imagining him center lane in Cursed Hollow but bottom lane on the same map is a much different story.

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Monstro’s die pretty easy now even fully buffed. Even going with heals on W and E. I couldn’t imagine even trying to use monstro without the move speed. :frowning:

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I only want slight nerfs on the movespeed. Like 30-35% instead of 40%. It’d still be there, imo in a strong state, but slightly weaker than now, which imo is a bit overtuned.

Why? Its like that since a long time?

But Hat and E is changed. In a way which increased the power of that (btw already often used) talent.

Well even if it’s a slight nerf I feel like they should restore the Monstro to it’s original fortitude or at least allow it to heal from globes or something. It would make more sense to cripple its mobility if it had a more rewarding way to heal. Health globes makes sense since it should be a reward for clearing lanes but I think it should only count if you picked it up while you were in control so it’s not a cast and forget sort of thing.

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And how did it affect this talent? Q reset is still better (even tho barely/nearly irrelevant). You shouldnt take shield speed without previous shield talents anyway.

EDIT - I simply fail to see how and why this talent would become suddenly problematic after the changes. Not to menton Volatile is better.

LOL, my response was more thought out than you saying “Yes”, as I explained how talents start to get much stronger at 16.

But nice try pal :slight_smile:

Oh wow, your response was more detailed than a meme reply to a previous meme replay and even contained the secrets like the sky is blue :open_mouth:
Your parents must be proud of you, Misty :smiley:

The only thing that really changed on abathur, if played above Gold level, is that his single target healing combined with MULE were reduced. In their place he now has a weaker AOE heal. That’s about it… the other changes were mostly negligible as all his other builds and playstyles were, and still are, bad in comparison.

That being said, I do like that I can be slightly lazier and leave his hat on targets longer than 1 second.

Ah yes, resorting to personal insults now.
Let me try!
Calm down internet warrior :slight_smile:

You came here, mocked me and now you’re pointing your finger at me, because I returned the favor, lol, gold :smiley:

You came here, tried to give your (flawed) opinion, and gave no argument to back it up.
Gold :smiley:

I used arguments here and in other threads, you just didn’t read through that meme yes from lazyness(?) -.-" Pls, don’t embarrass yourself.

Should we get you a marriage counseling? :joy::ok_hand:

aba needs a nerf…