Abathur nerfs when?

wait, i thought the new globes xp concept is an actual nerf to aba, coz body soak doesnt work like before… or im wrong?

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Well, against normal players you don’t have much time to body soak anyway because people won’t let you. Unless there’s an objective on the other side of the map, then you can safely go out of the gate and body soak, but that’s how you would body soak before so…

Exp globes is also a buff to his Q, because you can just hat to get the globes, you don’t actually need to hat when the minion dies.

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ohh, ya, didnt think of it that way, no wonder more abas im seeing in bronze/silver SL matches now :slight_smile:

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Its on a 40cd , i have no problem spending that to kill aba lol

Not really , the beam will likely kill it , then with the lvl 20 talent you get a free cast on a new enemy target. Profit !

No but will kick him out of symbiote.
This can seriously mess up his allies expecting aba to participate at crucial moments.

Such necromancy !!

No no no Darak ! you got it all wrong ! Aba is supposed to stay at the nexus all game :joy:


Aba needs a nerf…

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Well, the original incentive was to soak XP in lanes with him. But then Blizzard decided to say “Nope, you can’t do that anymore.”, so they created the problem in the first place. I think giving him the ability back to soak XP from a bush would already be enough to get competent Abathur players out of their base.


He wouldn’t be OP even if he could stealth soak those globes (they would not gravitate into the bush, but he’d get the XP anyway).

Why? Because decent players were always tracking his locusts to kill him anyway. He always takes a risk by soaking in a bush because locusts cannot be turned off and you can deduce his position from the timer.