Abathur nerfs when?

High pickrate, over 51% winrate. WE can all agree that no slug reigns forever. Time to gut that slime Blizzard.

At least make stealth heroes able to invade forts again or something I don’t care. Just do something to make this slug suffer for his life.
Tired of playing against premade slugs. And abby overall just does too much right now.


So, you lost against an abathur, doesn’t mean he needs nerfs.


I think as well he needs slight nerfs here and there.
(40% movespeed every 12 sec on the same target or every 6 sec on different targets wasn’t op, but 40% every 6 sec on the same target is.)






OP still has got a point - Aba lacks propper counter heroes since forts and keeps got stealth detection.


Maybe next week with the event?

It is ironic that in his current state Abathur could make Illidan comps have a comeback, but everyone would just pick Twin Blades Varian and hat him instead.

Aba counters:

  • Medivh
  • Dehaka
  • Fenix
  • Hanzo
  • Ana
  • Mephisto
  • Illidan
  • Artanis
  • Nova
  • Diablo

Basically global Heroes. Be it global in terms of rotation or they have global Heroics.
Or Heroes who can dive him next to a fort. That’s still a thing.

  • Medivh can’t interrupt his tunneling or has to wast the sheep ult
  • Dehaka can do nothing if Aba sits under forts/keeps (and in lower leagues thats anough to steamroll over your opponents with a aba-hat varian etc.
  • fenix has to pick a bad ult and waste it for aba
  • hanzo … don’t even know how he could do something, ult again?
  • ana; wasted ult
  • mephisto … wasted ult … and only after allready damaging him or after lvl 20
  • illidan … ok, maybe, but lost game because of the illidan pick xD
  • artanis … ok, the beam could work, but doesn’t interrupt … and again lost becasue of the pick
  • nova … same
  • diablo … ult doesn’t kill aba, even if it damages him

I can’t accept counter heroes as “propper” if they have to waste ults/pick bad ults only to kill a hero. Propper counters can achive something with their basic abilities.


As someone who played a lot of “catch abathur” before you have to recon that supporthur is way less “interactive” than before.
I wonder if abathur shouldn’t have a " you lose power the further you are from your allies" or something to force him to risk his neck much more than right now.
Lots of people here agree that abathur is one of the least countered hero and i would welcome some "less frustrating to face " treatement beginning by seeing him die more often.
Plus i miss zeratul’s voicelines interaction with abathur when you kill him more than once.


But a Heroic for a kill is excellent value.

Sorry that there are no Heroes countering Aba simply by existing.

Sheep ult is basically a basic ability from lvl 16.

If Dehaka can’t get Aba, than Aba provide less value to his team than he could.

Hanzo has Vision and Scatter Arrow for Aba next to fort.

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Maybe, if the heroic has a high chance of killing that hero … but more or less none of the ones you listed do that. And Ana needs vision for her ult too.

That’s not what I mean; Aba enables so many heroes with his basic abilities … so other basic abilities have to be able to stip him from doing that. If stealth heroes can go under forts and keeps again, they can do soemthign against aba witout specially picked ults … but they still need to find out where he is and some skill not to die agaisnt structuredmg as soon as they reveal themselfs.

Iirc Eyes of Horus doesn’t need vision.
Plus any global stun (Hanzo Arrow and Apoc by Diablo) puts Aba out of hat and puts it on cd, that’s like putting someone in a Cocoon but you got other value as well.

Also, Medivh and Illidan can dive forts with no problem. A Genji can as well if it got vision from someone.

Ana can’t hit soemthing with her shots if she can’t see the target. …My thoughts behind it … I usally pick the other ult.

Yeah, but that way you suddenly need an ult to interrupt a basic ability on a 4 seconds cooldown! :open_mouth: … And where would you rather shoot your Arrow … into the enemy team, to stun every hero there … or at aba across the map to interrupt his hat, that’s back 4 seconds later?


REEEEE I lost to an Abathur, obviously this hero is over powered there is no way my skill had any effect on the game.

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51% is not cause for concern. Call for a change when the winrate his 54% or higher.


But, but … it’s a “very hard” hero … hard heroes must have a low winrate since only pros can play them well!

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32.1% popularity in masters with about 60% of those being bans and not picks. that’s not particularly crazy.

not only is that well within the standard, balanced winrate (48%-52%) but that puts Abathur in the top 15 lowest winrate heroes in Master league. nothing that is mentioned is even a remote problem.

based on what?

His stats say otherwise.


Abas winrate is pretty balanced. Maybe you just don’t like playing against him.

Ban him in maps he is really good in such as the Egyptian looking battle ground(forgot the name) or other big maps.

Dehaka is a very good counter because It essentially makes aba stuck inside forts and keeps

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