Abathur nerfs when?

You want to know what his counters are?

  1. Team fights.

  2. Objectives

  3. Literally anything that requires a body.

Abathur means you’re team is going to 4v5 basically the entire game, and is usually put as the only support on a team.

Abathur also has to choose between double soaking lanes during objectives or using the symbiot in order to help ONE person on the team do a little better.

If you know the other team has an Abathur (and there’s no way you can’t know) and you choose to do the following:

  1. Not go top or bottom lane to stop his soak at the start of the game.

  2. Not go top or bottom lane after objectives to stop his soak.

  3. Not send someone down lanes to push back the lane he’s been focusing on.

  4. Ignore for “need more kills in fights cause that means I’m better”.

You deserve to lose. Abathur is easily countered by just giving a small amount of attention to the lanes after an objective instead of just lingering around for drawn out team fights (which his team should try to bait you with in order to give him more time to work and push).


“Sky Temple” is the name you were looking for.

I personally don’t care to much about him. The most problem he causes in premade teams, with Varian or Illidan (in QM / Unranked). Otherwise he’s more of a hindrance than a enabler - that’s why I wouldn’t waste a ban on him … only if I could see there is a premade team on the other sinde (in Unranked); but that’s not possible (in Ranked it’s a different story … or if he’s in my own team).

And as said before; Dehaka is no counter to Aba (still talking about plays in lower leagues); there he doesn’t need to bodysoak to be a stong enabler - because ppl miss minionwaves regularly, but he buffs his hat-target into oblivion.

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Are you trolling? He always had hat abilities on 4s CD. The optimal way to play was to symbiote, throw the abilities and cancel + resymbiote to reset the CD. It would give you more damage and shield/heals. Only exceptions to this were some very high AS heroes that relied on AA to keep them alive and deal damage like Varian, Illidan and Tychus, you also needed the AS at 4 if you did this.

Nope. I’m not. Nice nobrain-opener, thx.

You know, that hat has a bit of a delay, right? And he had to lose the other abilities for seconds to keep up the movespeed on the same target. Now that’s not the case. With new E cd with hat, that talent rised in power (especially with Monstro).

The problem is only with his chase potential. It got increased with no need to cancel and recast hat for low E cds.

Less that he needs nerfs, more that a couple of talents could use small nerfs, and a couple could use small buffs.

That’s probably the case, yes, but let’s nerf first, see the change in his power and builds and buff after.

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This buzz word is the reason so many heroes have been gutted in the past and why the game has become so stale and homogenized.

This would be fun and it would prevent Abby from sitting on Varian all game since he would have to constantly be on the lookout for stealth heroes while performing his other duties.

Those abbys who are good would do just fine while people sleeping on varian would get crushed.


No one mentioned Tyrande as a counter? As an Aba player, I always hated the owls and getting stunned while trying to tunnel away… >.>

I don’t think Aba needs any nerfs considering the change to locusts.

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Or he could have his locusts buffed and be forced to risk being in lane and get killed more.
Like tracer genji and samuro before having “you never see me die” type of heroes aren’t sane for the game.

…but his portals can allow a teammate to dive in and wreck/displace him.

This is situational depending on Aba’s position but Dehaka can usually sneak in with bush stalker and pull him in range of a high burst team mate or at the very least give them vision.

Which ult and why is it bad?

What do you mean you don’t know how he could do anything? Have you played Hanzo?

How is it wasted if it kills Abathur when you need to?

How is it wasted? You know his ult hits more than one target right? He also has this nifty ability to dive in, deal a crap load of damage, and autoport to safety within a few seconds. I figure the ult would just be a backup in that case (ie: Triple Tap on Nova as kill insurance).

…ok you’ve been grouped with bad Illidans or your team couldn’t take advantage of having one. :man_shrugging:

Why do you think certain heroes are auto-lose? I’m noticing a couple patterns here.

Same as above.

You seem really fixated on ults… Diablo is amazing for displacing heroes, especially stationary ones like Abathur and Sgt Hammer.

Anyhow, I felt compelled to inquire because your post got so many likes. Playing Abathur isn’t a walk in the park when you’re against an opponent that knows how to deal with you or at least make it extremely difficult to do anything. Going hat build usually means you’re much less effective at everything else unless you’re dead center in the keep for nest placement and hopefully keeping center lane pushed back for easier transitions.

Oh and just for fun, I’m curious how you feel about:

  • Tyrande: Owls, Stun, Hunter’s Mark, either ult.
  • Stitches: Hook, gorge, devour, smash. :slight_smile:
  • Garrosh: Stun, Throw, Friendly throw (if allowing a team mate to dive in and get out)
  • Stukov: Lurking arm, both ults
  • Zagara: Infested Drop, Hunter Killer, Banelings, Devouring maw
  • Muradin: Stuns for days, haymaker :cheese:
  • ETC: Stuns for days, knockbacks, both ults
  • Deckard: Roots, both ults

There are so many ways you can deal with an Abathur. Sometimes it only takes one competent player, other times it takes a couple.

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I’m not sure I understand what you mean here. Why would buffing his locusts put him at more risk? I thought the nerf in duration meant he had to position more aggressively/actively thus he’s more vulnerable. Failling to do that, you’re essentially stuck behind a gate and your locusts don’t do much like they used to. That’s quite a disadvantage considering how much XP he’s able to soak if allowed.

Arthas is the best hat and clone target in most conditions.

It seems you havn’t realised fully that we are not talking about Abas hat target, but his body … and dthat i’m talking mostly about ults is because i was answering to Karabars hero list and the ults were the only way he could mean how those heroes could counter Aba.

Fort will kill the one that goes in … Medivhs shiels doesn’t stay active long enough.

I’m still talkign about the scenario where he sit’s under the fort. And agian - that’s enbough in lower leagues.

Planet Cracker, or else you can’t reach him under the fort. But it won’t gain any other value.

Yeah sure … but his arrow won’t kill Aba and the other one does no dmg.

Because you should use it to heal your teammates, not to kill Aba that respawns faster than the ult is up again.

Yes I do, but if you just try to kill Aba with the ult, you use it in the wrong moment and it won’t give you any value by hitting the other heroes … or, as said, you have to wait for lvl 20 and till then you can’t do much … teleporting behind the fortwall wont kill Aba, the teleport is too short and you will probably die in the process trough gmh from the structures.

Having Illidan, Artanis or Nova in the team is usally an auto loss. Illidan just dives in and dies, Artanis can’t even hit swaps or thinks he’s a sololaner and Nova doesn’t do any siegdmg so one less person that’s soaking. There are just too many other heroes to pick that are better that those three. Like heroes with cc for example.

  • Tyrande: Owl got nerfed, can’t kill Aba across the map. Huntersmark … you can’t even reach him and it doesn’t deal dmg … rain has a too short cast range and the other ult heals, doesn’t deal dmg
  • Stitches: can’t hook through structures, can’t reach him
  • Garrosh: how is he even supposed to reach aba? … throwing a teammate into the fort will just get the teammate killed
  • Stukov: why do you even list him here? he has no way to reach Aba under a fort/keep … nothign has enough reach, not even the arm … and the same count’s for Muradin (Haymaker is usally a loss too), ETC and Deckard.
  • Zagara: maybe … but the angle has to be right and she shoud be laning … not tryign to snipe Aba under structures.

And I have to say it again; we are talking about the following scenario: lower leagues, a coordinated Aba prepick team (varian/illidan + aba) vs a uncoordinated team of 5 soloplayers.

Aba certainly will die faster to Medivh +1 than most heroes who would go diving in with Medivh.

Scatter hurts.

Illidan shouldn’t be diving in foolishly, otherwise he’s a wasted character. He can get extremely solid value if supported at all properly too (which is when you would take him in a draft mode where countering Abathur is a concern).

How is Arty not a solo laner? He has solid enough sustain for trading and poking, good waveclear, and missing swap is not the character’s fault.


His weakness is laning. Be there, focus locusts/minions with hat and his xp contribution drops dramatically.

Yeah, but that needs the attention of two heroes, that 1st have to spot Aba, then run there, and need the trust to dive a fort - not happening in uncoordinated play.
Scatterarrow is hard to aim, and I don’t think one scatterarrow (that won’t hit with every part of the scatter) will kill him.
As before - there are just too many better heroes than picking Artanis or Illidan as offlaner … and Artanis is wasted in the sololane …if he hit’s his swap, there has to be followup dmg (needs coordination again) … and his lack of cc will be a hindrance in the teamfights.

I mean people gank all the time, certainly you can ask for someone to come with you to kill Abathur if you really want to. That or gank other people but this is a mudrering Abathur thread.

No idea if one will kill him, but one plus a Q and an auto probably will.

Artanis is great in the solo lane precisely because he is able to survive and trade with most of the cast, his swap is great for escaping or enabling ganks as well as for killing those who push too hard into your turrets, and later on in the game you have the swap. Sure he won’t win a duel vs Imperius or something but he still brings a lot of utility to the team.

It’s also not that much coordination to murder the person thrown into your facehole.

Illidan you take mainly because if he gets enabled he wipes the enemy team basically by himself, which is why he’s not allowed to be good otherwise.


Also Chromie can scout and snipe him as well.

If Illidan is enabled, you don’t need to pick him to counter Aba, because Aba is in your own team. :stuck_out_tongue:

If Artanis would be great in the sololane, he would have been picked in proplays. And for my taste, he really lacks self heal as sololaner … but yeah, that’s just my personal oppinion. :wink: … But we stray quite wide from the original topic (that wasn’t even my post).

Tassadar and or Malfurion are pretty good enablers, Illidan doesn’t need much. Just someone who can keep him safe as he dives on in, since he does plenty of damage on his own.

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