Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes — September 20, 2023

Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes — September 20, 2023

Heroes of the Storm has just been updated with the patch! Read on for details.

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It’s really nice to see so many bugs getting fixed after such a long time, the Orphea bug was especially problematic. Thanks to whoever had some spare time to tackle them!

We’re still all eagerly waiting on some balance changes though - it’s been about 18 months since the last balance update. :hourglass_flowing_sand: :skull:


As much as I complain about the sam change I do really appreciate them coming back to the game and hope it only ramps up from here.


They don’t do balance. Only bug fixes.


How’s it going, it’s only been two years.

Also I see you’re trying to pacify the divided player base with the aram adjustment. It’s a step in the right direction but not a solution. You might convince someone like me who plays many games in this mode to sit through the match but it won’t stop more casual individuals from quitting after the loading screen which immediately ruins the game for everyone.

Disable it completely or introduce an opt-in button. Another solution would be to introduce a draft reroll vote button only in case of a mirror. Unless six out of ten players vote in favor, the match goes on and everyone who leaves or skips the vote gets reported automatically. Technically it wouldn’t be any worse than afking during hero selection, which can ruin the match just as much.

With OW2 becoming available on Steam, other games are sure soon to follow. You’ll eventually need to think of a better and more permanent solution to this problem, but that will require more effort than changing several numbers.


downside of bugfix updates is that these might not be anything ‘new’ just someone finally getting around to notes left a while ago, or seeking parity with all the different versions of the game the devs had been working on and just making the change live.


Whoa someone did actual work on this game! :flushed:

Goodjob team! It’s nice to see a patch release on here :d


5% or 2% it wont stop people from leaving mirror matches when it do pop up.


i wasn’t gonna say it
but I was thinking it
I’ll give it 1-2 days before we get another thread or another necro


Thank you for fixing these bugs, @PezRadar!

He also said that he monitors the Forums and Reddit for feedback. So feel free to keep reporting bugs, and easiy to change issues.

I’m also happy that ppl can cry less about Mirror Arams, while it’s still a thing.


Thank you for these fixes! The community really appreciates it.


They stated that future updates will focus on bug fixes and stability “with balance updates coming as needed”.
Of course that is a stretchable phrase but I’d say seeing heroes clearly overperforming for years should be a pretty good reason to tune them down. Hogger, Tracer, Blaze, Rehgar, Genji, Mephisto and Maiev could all use some nerfs, just to name a few.

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Too bad patch was 2% short of fixing ARAM. I still don’t want to play a game mode I did not choose.

Fixed an issue that allowed Samuro to activate Image Transmission on a Mirror Image directly after his Hearthstone activates.

This “fix” will effectively remove Samuro from his current (and almost exclusively seen) existence as a screwball-pick offlaner, due to the hearthing trick’s necessary use to deal with the 1v1 against offlaners who often have their own high sustain mechanics; similarly, the mechanic is currently one of the only things that gives him presence, given his lackluster waveclear compared to other offlaners, and his comparative high vulnerability to damage as a melee assassin.

It also will further narrow the playing field for talent selection to favor the already dominatingly most popular E build. The character is already extremely rare to encounter in play and struggles in the meta against every offlaner and splitpusher.

Please do not do this.

That said thank you for continuing to support hots and offering bug fixes


Not the boat buff I was expecting but I’ll take it

not even out yet and I’ve already been proven right
it is a burden to be correct sometimes

Are they preparing for a Steam release? Or am I just high on copium?


These things could be hotfixed without all the pomp

how is it a necrobump on a 7h old thread