Thank you coming back to HotS!
There is the patch loop bug, and the recruit a friend bug. The patch bug is over two years old, the other is over six months old.
It was stated in the original full maintenance mode patch notes that “client stability” was a priority moving forward. This was made all the more ironic as the patch loop bug already existed when that promise was made.
Hots is the only game on the launcher that has this issue, at this point, it feels like wilful neglect, rather than a lack of resources to address this issue.
Communication from whatever is left of the Dev team is greatly appreciated. Only you could find a negative in this.
clearly you haven’t explored the 25d year old please remove the same hero aram
otherwise, you wouldn’t have asked a stupid question.
The context of Undondory’s post isn’t this topic, but it is a follow-up to post #9 (QueenBW)
B.W.: “2% mirror won’t stop people from leaving the matches when it does happen”
W.M: “give it a day before we see another thread [asking to remove mirror matching] or another necro [of a topic for removing mirror matching]”
You would be shocked to find out that 30% of the time, WoW launches everytime. It’s like the perfume meme from the comedy film. If you play the game once a day you might not have noticed it but something is definitely wrong either with the app or game files.
Sometimes pressing play doesn’t work at all and if you’re lucky, at a random moment over the next 15 minutes your pc will attempt to launch 10 separate instances of the game in parallel and crash Windows. This is something which has been going on since the launch of the most recent expansion and customer support is full of monkeys claiming they are unaware of any issue despite several different topics lingering on the first page.
Years ago I would have been surprised, but no longer. It was telling that the threads in Technical Support and the Bug section regarding the patch loop were closed.
In one of the closed threads, the support staff reply was essentially; “The patch bug exists, but this is a new patch bug, not the old patch bug, so we’re marking this as resolved.”
To be clear, I’m not blaming the staff, their actions are constrained by those in charge and the time they are allocated to address issues. From all we’ve heard over the years, it doesn’t sound like the management treats QA, CS and Dev teams with much care or respect.
I can’t seem to fix the lag after this update. It’s unplayable. This has happen in the past with every update but the fixes i had like deleting the blizzard folder are not working.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Samuro to activate Image Transmission on a Mirror Image directly after his Hearthstone activates.
This change was long overdue
I really appreciate this patch! This gives me hope for future changes to the game
they forgot about the rehgar shield bug, and hanzo stack bug.
sams gonna need a buff he has no sustain lol
Damn you… Now you infected me with it D :…
Damn you to hell…
Nobody cares about the 20 lines of code you came up with after 1,5 years
Samuro doesn’t need more sustain. He is supposed to be squishy. Fast in fast out causing maximum chaos and damage. He can wreak havoc on structures. That’s what Samuro is all about. He is nasty in the right hands even now.
“Now” is the nearly decade old universe where sam can image transmission after hearthing
Minkyyyyy… It’s been many of an eons since I last saw you and Karabears. Nice to see you guys still around HOTS :d
I’m shocked to see the game receiving any kind of support after so long, but not unpleased. I do enjoy it, so I’m happy to see SOMETHING being done with it.
I agree with others statements about finding a more permanent solution to the ARAM same hero issue, but am glad to see someone is listening at least.
I can say from my own perspective that it definitely did not feel like it was 5% before, as I’ve had so many matches have a forced mirror, including one time where I had two almost back to back. I hope that 3% difference is truly noticable, as I personally don’t mind one every now and again, but find that they happen WAY too often to not warrant something like an opt-in/out switch of some kind.

did not feel like it was 5% before
people are generally pretty bad about how probability ‘feels’. You might think 5% of your games, so it’d be pretty rare an event, but if you think about it as 1 out of 20 games, then it suddenly seems much more likely to happen when you consider that there’s more than 10 people playing the game.
There isn’t a good indication of how many games are actually getting played – sampling sizes to heroesprofile or the defunct hotslogs aren’t good indicators – so for all the “dead game” usually associated with it, it can be harder for people to realize just how many games are being played at any given time to consider how frequently a mirror can pop up if more than 20 games are being played at any given moment.
Full aram mirrors could be most fun with all healer characters. Unlike with every other scenario where reaction time, critical mass of heroes and coordinated burst decides the match, here you would have an opportunity to make smart decisions on when to focus the enemy, when to attack the structure or even try to walk past your opponents in an attempt to conclude the game the moment you start to notice it has become impossible to die.
Four mirrors and a forced healer in fifth slot, random or not, could make even the most unenjoyable of matches much more fun.
I love me some all the same hero arams, will be sorry to see them less often. The Sylvanas fixes kinda read like a nerf, I’m curious how that will go for her. Samuro’s fix also reads like a nerf, but he does feel oppressive in lane currently (to me and mine, at least) so I think he’ll be fine, but we’ll see. Nice to see the game getting worked on, hoping for more in the future. As an aside, has anyone at bliz ever mentioned supporting a balance council for hots like they propped up for sc2?