That is way too forgiving for a profit motivated company.
If you didn’t dismiss the flat earth theory out of hand on its ridiculousness to you, then you would have investigated it to understand what it is those people think and why, where it comes from, who promotes it, why it was a flash in the pan on the part of so many celebrities. You didn’t do any of that, so you didn’t get to the bottom of it. You didn’t come up with your own conclusion about it. You didn’t make a determination like:
Flat Earth Theory was a psyop injected into the information sphere to pollute the waters to disrupt communication between varying groups that would/could otherwise come together on common cause regarding real conspiracies against the human race, nation, community, family, or you as an individual potentially.
Instead you sit with the status quo and assume there is something wrong with the person. That kind of makes you a conspiracy theorist yourself.
As for my scenario, I came to OP’s thread to see what he had to say and what his reason was for quitting the game. (EDIT: Wrong thread, but same motivation regarding OP and his complaint.) I was processing his statements and seeing the feedback he got. I simply noticed your typical attacks which can be found in hundreds of other threads where you don’t accept a shred of information coming from the OP, you simply function like a Blizzard drone, protecting the integrity of the game regardless of its state.
Yea, forcing ppl to lose is really profitable… especially when “knowing” it makes ppl quit. So much money…
Also I guess you never heard about ppl making smurfs just to noobstomp, indicating that winning a lot doesn’t make ppl that bored as the “forced”-group wants to make it sound with “you’re forced to lose so you’ll want to play more”.
This is a free-to-play game, so making ppl lose doesn’t really effect them positively in making them want to pay on a game that frustrates them so much (and makes them leave).
Not like everything is insanely hard to obtain for free in this game… You can basically get even “money” (gems) just by lvling up your account.
And if you follow some of the progress of the udnerstanding of the human psyche, you should kinda feel how hard it is to “rig” the system.
Why do you think so? I actually did. But… I actually payed attention is school and my hobby was watching documentaries and reading about the different aspects of science so I could know why that’s so brainless of an idea.
But I know why ppl beleive in these things, because I like to learn about the human mind and psychology.
Oh look, another fallacy! How original!
I don’t mind that you got confused, but… it’s kinda telling…
A fan? Stalker? Hi!
Tho you alreay calrified you just couldn’t pay attention to what thread you’re commenting on…
I still want to point out that the @Op made questions, I legitally answered. They didn’t claim.
But if they’d did, I’d wanted to see proofs. And context. Details.
I got none of that, so hard to take @Op seriously and into my heart and mind if he abandons his own thread and words their thread vaguely.
Ironic. This part is something I’d address with:
Namecalling. Alienating. Generalising. Polarising.
Me saying “you are not forced to lose” (me, who climbed multiple times because I played in HL, TL, SL, UD and even tried out the game on a different server where I had to start from the beginning) = saying that “everything is perfect” and being blind and mindless (which part sounds ironic yet again considering our takes on the topic).
What about those that do lose that many? (I was in that shoe too.)
Why were they not forced to win then?
Where is the system now? Not working? (Wouldn’t be surprised, kinda impossible to make a system that is precise and using humans.)
Can you show me statistics about how much money ppl spend who lose more then they think they should?
So you did come here with bias, thx.
That’s your opinion.
And at least I don’t hide behind alt or in the shadows, stalking
I guess you missed my comments about how much I dislike the Gladiator’s Medallion or disliked the Weather Anomaly. Or Anomalies in general in stalking process…
And how exactly are you any better? You’re much worse. Someone who calls ppl drones and shills because they disagree with them? Talking about openmindness and taking ppl seriously.
I didn’t say when did I climb. Don’t you think it’s a bit bold to assume I did after they left? When did they exactly leave? Source? Proof?
This is what every forum main believes, and it’s telling that this is all the support Blizzard has left, the people that are in disbelief that Blizzard could be sophisticated. What’s actually happening is you’re projecting your own lack of intelligence onto Blizzard where everything is mostly random, inconsequential, unrelated, unintentional, and unmotivated.
It’s not about how much they lose more than they should. It’s the fact that they can’t stop playing until they feel like they win fairly. It’s a form of gambling addiction. It’s the same reason why Casinos exist. You’re basically saying that Casinos don’t make money because they give money away (It’s a free game).
I’m not hiding. I get reported and banned for the most benign things. Blizzard manages an environment of Pro-Product posting. Complaints are expected and allowed to appear to exist, but they get shadowed/hidden, and the user eventually gets suspended for 1-3 days at first then a week and then more.
Talking about openmindedness
You can’t claim to be open minded when you only post on a forum where your opinion is nurtured through censorship.
When did they leave exactly?
A lot of people left when they added a silence system. A lot of people left when they added Tracer. A lot of people left when they added each subsequent highly mobile OW hero. A lot of people left as they experienced the silence system over time. A lot of people left as they learned about the matchmaker riggings. A lot of people left at once when HGC was ended. A lot of people left when they announced they were ending production.
Take your pick. The game was dying from the start because of rigged matchmaking which most intelligent people saw and got silenced if they mentioned it on the forums here or on Reddit. There’s a reason why the devs don’t post here. It’s so they don’t attract attention here. Reddit has many other parameters for controlling speech. Downvotes carry the heaviest load. Most people simply won’t see the complaints if they’re downvoted.
Ppl are not silenced here for voicing opinions as long as they don’t break rules (like namecalling, which means you’re probably rightfully banned ingame too).
Then post your accounts, all.
I won’t be surprised if you’ll dodge this. I know your kind
3. I hope you got enough attention from me to not feel lonely or furstrated for a few days. Have a nice day :slight_smile:
copy/paste word count has 838 words, and in the 18 point font I use if I’m reading without my glasses, then it’s about 4 full pages.
As far as just replies go, I did type longer posts in some of hailfall’s topics (such as deathwing and whitemane) I also have made longer replies in other forced 50% topics. One of my posts has a note at the end, and I think it said the reply was still shy of either 1000 or 2000 words – either being longer than anyway.
I’d like to think the longest I did was back in alpha/beta in some replies to Eigenscape (spelling) back in his series of “this game is unfair” topics. I know I had to chain-post replies due to the character limit, so I may have had a least one set that was possibly 50% longer than what I wrote here. I remember a post being at least 3 consecutive posts long and those might have had a 2000 character limit (don’t remember) though I do remember having to edit a lot more furiously due to trying to phrase things to fit character limits between posts >.<
I have to disagree. I posted a VERY strong opinion on how to deal with the “bads” in this game a few weeks back, and that is the one and only time I have ever been moderated here.
By contrast, I had a guy tell me to “go do do myself” (obviously I won’t retype it) a few days ago, and despite reporting the post, the player in question is still active.
They would punish him if he did that. There is a rule that a player is only allowed one account, and if that account is silenced/suspended, and you post from an alt, it will result in a perma ip ban.
Ah, the white knights strike again. Definitive proof was posted, yet again it was snowed under by utter garbage, and the thread resulted in nothing. GG!
But ofc we are whiteknight for not having the same opinion as you and the other troll. If you think us people who are here regualry are white knights then you are a deluted human like anyone els who say so.
You just like to be a meat shield for OP so he dont have to come here and tell anything himself. How many reponds have OP made to this thread since he made it. 0. a big zero. He just made a thread and then hides behind someone like you cause he is affraid to come out from his cave and make arguments himself in his own thread. So go on being a meat shield for OP You seem to enjoy it Defender of Trolls.