I agree that a top level player would not face the same problems. My post was rather long but I did say that within a given matchmaking bracket if you are better than the best opponents within that same matchmaking bracket you would not face the same issues. However, if you at the level with the best opponents (and yet better than say a median person within that same bracket) you would not rise, although it will feel as though you should.
I would also add that the problems really come in with the pyramid nature of the ranked system when combined with an mmr/elo system. So effectively you have more bad players than good players within almost any given matchmaking range. This is because the top end of every range shrinks in number of players.It also means as say someone falling within the wost 50% of your bracket but not the worst 10% you wonât fall at all. This does presupose that you are not often picked as the best player within a lower bracket which is harder to ascertain.
Here is an actual real life example (I can provide screenshots although I am wary about naming the person). This person has two alts they played regularly, though one has about double the number of games:
Platinum 5
Started: Preseason (when game started)
Games Played: 1.585
Win Rate: 49.7%
KDA Ratio: 3.2
In 2017 Season 3 he was was Bronze 2
Alt 2:
Silver 2
Started: 2017 Season 1
Games Played: 710
Win Rate: 49.2%
KDA Ratio: 3.3
In 2017 Season 2 he was Gold 5
So oddly, the same person playing with the same KDA and the same winrate is climbing on one account and falling on the other. Does this mean that climbing is difficult or that within say Silver to Platinum there is no difference? Perhaps it means the difference between the best and worst players in silver is greater than that between a median silver and a median plat player. Not really enough information to form a solid conclusion but enough to show that the ranked system as it stands either cannot recognise the skill levels or players or that a simple win/loss elo system is flawed, or both. Either way from the perspective of the player - he is stuck at the 49-50 mark, and there are flaws within the ranking system.
From my personal perspective I have no axe to grind - I have climbed from Bronze to Gold twice so far and have been pushed down during placements back to Bronze twice (another element which contributes to the elastic nature of ranks within hots) - I donât play rank seriously though and itâs not a concern to me.
Why then is this an issue? Itâs an issue because itâs the main reason that people that the ranked mode is, and has been for a long time, dying. When I started playing I joined a clan which was advertising for people to group together to play hots. That clan, along with many others, moved to other games.