2 matches, 2 leavers, 3 matches, 3 leavers?

Had a long day with work and family, came back home and thought I’d play HoTs and first match -> highest lvler on team the healer’s AI, got stomped hard.
second match -> one of the assassins left mid game and got AI teammate again, close game but lost.
What’s it gonna be Blizzard? third match-> third leaver teammate? Should I start leaving matches too?


And that’s how it spreads. I don’t even blame you, everyone has a limit. Thanks blizz.

Solo que is pretty much dead for these reasons. You cant carry people let alone AI.

this may have changed since a month ago when i posted about it. however, i doubt it. its one of the reasons i think things are actually bad in draft games though.


when they ‘merged’ the ranks they basically did almost nothing. you see TL had a big issue. which was that ppl could use any hero at any level and you could be a total noob account as well. this is what made it so painful to play TL.

the current ranked rules have it, as i recall, being that you only have to get to a minimum of account level 80. nothing more.

however, the rules need to be account level 80 + only able to pick heroes level 5 or higher. this was a critical rule that was enabled in HL that didnt get implemented.

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1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish


Ranked just isn’t worth it. They should improve the AI experience for VS AI only players at this point since they’re literally the only ones happy with the game.

By now, people should know to ask blizz to stop doing anything to ranked. Every time they do, it becomes worse. Much like their AI.

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Got a dc in enemy team third game that day LOL I really like this game, I like the concept, this game is much more fun than League of legends but at this rate Imma have to quit too fam

Just tough luck at this point :pleading_face:

It’s actually possible to win with AI. I’ve had a few games where it was AI since the 1st minute of the game and we still won easily. It’s especially hilarious when the AI kept on killing certain human players on the other team. The leaver on your team probably plays worse than the AI anyway. There are plenty of players who are worse than the AI, so it’s always possible to win. Stukov AI always lands the perfect shoves. KTZ AI will land some perfect chain combos. Probius AI will be better than any player who only does AFK lane pushing. As long as it’s not your tank that goes AFK, you can always win.

I have been playing this game for 4 years and played over 4k matches and i can count on 1 hand how many times I have won with an A.i. team mate .

can u win with an A.i. team mate ? yes u can .

is it likely ? Hell no.

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I’ve only played for 2 months and less than 300 total matches and I can count at least 10 games where I won with AI team mate.

Try making a smurf account and work your way out of bronze in Storm League. Every other match you’ll have a leaver, but you still have to find a way to win. The good news is that some of these human players, including ones with thousands of matches and 4 years of experiences with the game, are legitimately worse than the AI.