SORRY , this game has become a snowball Slaughter-fest ☹

Oksy lets end this once and for all. You can group up with people and do strats that way. You like someone ask them to join you. You can infact whisper the other team after the game by doing /w and then their user name. People are willing to team up with you if you play decently.

Or you can just sit there in qm all alone and complain about things. Your pick but this post should not be needed honestly.

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When has QM ever been balanced?

(Except during the short week when people complained about queue times and had it reverted?)


I share your sentiments, but it’s not that bad. If you only won 5 out of the past 23 games, then it’s not entirely luck to blame. Most of my past 23 QM games were solo queue, and I won 14 of them. Out of these games, there were games where I played badly while testing out heroes I’m unfamiliar with and got carried, and there were games where I got MVP, tried to carry the team, and still lost. You win some, you lose some.

Sometimes I’d get 3-5 game losing streaks due to bad luck with team mates, but then I’d have a 5 game winning streak after that. I’ve been on the losing side of snowballing games, but they aren’t common… and when they happen, I check Hotslogs afterwards, the other team either has multiple people in the 2500 MMR range or a person with 3000+ MMR.

Yes you are, just like me and many others who really like to play HOTS. I also had many friends and most of them stopped playing, but I found some new ones. If they are logged in, we play together, if not I play ARAM or otherwise spend my free time.

Are you sure you can not improve your game? These are just QM, even if the opponents are a 5-man team, they will usually be weak / medium players.

what you are complaining about is matchmaking not snowball.

I find myself enjoying most QM games. Sure, sometimes it’s a stomp in one direction or the other, but most of the time we get a reasonable comp (pro tip: pick a tank or healer to get this 80%+ of the time), no one team dominates the objective, and I see lv23+ matches more often than lv17- matches.

Dunno what the OP’s problem is, whether it’s just bad RNG or if he only queues as assassin or both, but I just don’t see it in my games.


are u a blizzard employee ?

because everything u just said is a 100% complete lie .

The game is fine. You need to stop being a one-trick-pony. Up your skill.

Grand Marshal, Defender of the Crimson Court

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I feel your pain dude!

Flag on the argument. Ad hominem, attacking the person making the argument rather than engaging the argument itself.

Also, complete and total lack of any supporting evidence of the second statement, can’t even think of a single penalty that would apply in this situation… It’s almost like sending out only your Quarterback and a guy to hike the ball to him and expecting the Quarterback to live somehow.

So OP makes a stupid first post, then some people actually give him good advice, OP can’t take it because to some extend it shows how stupid he was/is, end of thread.


After hundreds of games of ranked, hundreds of unranked draft, I still find QM the most fun in this game.

Yes you get these weird comp match ups occasionally that seem impossible to win, but most of the time the match up is rather fun to play around.

Also, because it is such a light hearted mode, the general angst is much less. Toxicity is a lot lower I find in QM and makes the mode the better mode to me.


He complains about every single aspect of the game.

Is it a struggle to win with an AI teammate? Yes.
Is the odds of winning reduced to 0.1%? Hell no. More like 10-20% if you’re actually competent at the game.

so u mean to tell us that u win all the time with an A.i. team mate in ranked matches ?

lol ok.

either your a lil kid who doesn’t know better, or a blizzard employee.

Looks like you can’t read. If you have a normal win rate of 60-70%, and you get an AI teammate, your win rate for that game becomes 10-20%. That’s a pretty big impact.

But if your normal win rate is 40%, then with an AI teammate, your win rate becomes 0.1%.

Only foolish thing you are doing is playing QUICK MATCH.

Play draft games, give yourself a better chance to play the real game.

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This thread is cursed.

I honestly wish they would rebalance QM MM based on other things like self sustain, wave clear, crowd control, mobility/dive, tankiness and other metrics.

The game heroes are too varied to go based solely on their general type. Sure these 2 heroes might both be ranged assassins but they are not at all equal at what they do.

I ponder if Blizzard went through some metrics of what a hero can do and gave them a internal value of 1 to 10 based on how well they can do that metric and then tried to make QM’s that average those numbers out so both teams are about equal in them if that wouldn’t produce more equal matches.

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Well QM never but it was NEVER good, when the game was “LIVE” they did not repair it, I doubt now that the game does not have high priority for actiblizz to do something about it.

It’s a lot of effort to establish those metrics so the question is, would it be worth it?
Do we really want to have two teams that have the exact same strengths and weaknesses fighting against each other? Basically teams have to be identical to have a fair match? Just go for mirror match in that case, then it’s at least 100% balanced.

The point of QM is the imbalance. You have to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of both teams so you can come up with a strategy --> abusing their weaknesses and playing out your strengths. Obviously the map which is also random also heavily influences the strategies. Good QM players have to adapt their talent builds to a degree it would rarely happen in drafts.

Honestly i think people who want to have a better balanced QM don’t really understand the game. Not meant as an insult but feel free to be offended xD Maybe think about the game design of MOBA’s in general and how a game can be balanced and still fun.
A good example is the balancing of WoW. There are different classes in the game and at the beginning they were all pretty unique and it wasn’t really balanced. It was more like a rock-paper-scissor. Now over time, all classes have become the same thing, they all have the same abilities, just different skins/animations because that makes it balanced. Why have different classes in the game when they all have to be the same so some people can’t complain about imbalance?

Thankfully HOTS isn’t WoW and the balancing problem is easily solved by playing draft modes.
Get yourself a decent hero roster that covers a few different roles and you can enjoy draft modes.
At some point players don’t want to play a specific hero anymore because they already played every hero. Those players basically don’t know which hero to take for QM so they play draft --> then they pick what makes the most sense according to the map/draft and their skills. That’s what makes players competent HOTS players in my opinion. Players who only play one hero are not competent HOTS players, they might be just competent at using a single hero.

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