Matchmaking Update - December 21, 2018

i think you guys need to consider making some changes to ranked in regards to hero level requirements because this situation is not acceptable in ranked.

basically the way it works right now its no rules as it was with the old Team League which was basically junk. everyone agreed there. allowing people to just queue up as anything made ranked a disaster zone.

in the old ranked system Hero League had a rule to combat this sort of thing. it was that to even use a hero you had to get that hero to Level 5 minimum. i believe this sort of restriction needs to be considered again. Hero Level restrictions are important to ranked.

as an aside, the current account level requirements are 16 heroes and account level 80. if you got all 16 of those heroes to level 5 that equals 80. assuming you picked 16 heroes with the intention of leveling them for ranked to begin with. so mandatory hero level requirements makes even more sense.