10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

and you are defending this very minor issue so… Sounds like you believe everything the company tells you .

yea because you are so tuned in to what they tell you. Just quit a Kerrigan MM after three other people on my team quit and two off the other so clearly our experiences are different . They need to give MM it’s own mode so people can avoid it or don’t complain when people quit. The company did this to the game nobody else I just don’t have to tolerate their crap mode . Todays post’s from the knights encouraged me to create another account " IQUITMM" it made me laugh. You can keep the mirror since I am neither vain nor beautiful just smart enough to know I do not have to play a match they forced upon players . So what happened to you ignoring me? Just had to rush to the defense of the game lol

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So we agree on something, mirror games is a very minor issue that happens infrequently. You acknowledge this fact, yet you post daily complaints and waste time making alt accounts and leave games, which (aside from ruining the match of nine others) puts you in leavers queue.

All of this suggests you care very much about something that by your own admission is a “minor issue.” If you really believed that, you would play through the very occasional mirror game(s), instead of posting about it here daily. You spend more time “avoiding” MM than you would if you just played them out.

Just leave him. Not worth talking to someone who is so full of himself. He can keep complaining into the void and keep leaving games as he does. it wont effect us. Let him have fun getting reported by people he leave outnumbered cause he could care less about those he leave for something that only pops up once or twice every 100 games.

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Hey, at least I got him to admit mirror games are a minor issue, that’s progress from “every second game is a mirror match.”

Yet, I will heed your advice and let the 5 posters who still think this is worth posting about daily have their fun, for what it’s worth.

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Lies are intentional deception and falsehoods: what I have written is for the purposes of informing people, not to decieve them. You, however have expressed why you don’t read your own writting and then conflate that to me. ie projecting. You decieve yourself, and then blame others.

I am not “defending” your strawman; that’s part of why I keep suggesting to bother to read what is actually written

You haven’t refuted any of my claims or predictions, but instead, persist in making incorrect statements of your own.

You complain about something, I’ve offered advise on how you could “improve” that yourself, which is also contrary to your claims.

You’ve predicted I have “brown eyes” and I don’t. I have a double-recessive combination that loops into a rare minority, rather than whatever bigoted tripe you thought. I’m also not just saying that to correct you, I’ve mentioned that about myself previous posts.

The functional concern here is that people that do no use correct observations with useful hypthesis will not make accurate predictions. Predictions shape expecations, which ifluence how much people enjoy something.

You are the one preventing yourself from learning how to make better predictions, so you impose frustrations on yourself, and you repeat that conduct instead of learning to do better and “improve”

Since you are faulting others for your mistakes, flaws, and frustrations, you are likely also creating your own cognatice dissonance.

Yea, I don’t have magical powers to force you to learn how to learn, but connecting correct predictions based on evidence is a way to demonstrate a constrast with your impulsive and ignorant claims: if you don’t have the correct process, you’re not going to draw accurate conclusions.

From my experience, people that constantly think everyone else is “lying” are often frustrated until they realize they don’t have to keep repeating their ignorant loop.

That’s part of why I keep pointing out that you are the actor that influences your own actions, rather than it being the anything-else you keep trying to blame.

If you want to stop being frustrated by being “wrong” frequently, then you’re going to have to step outside of your confirmation bais.

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Let him enjoy living in his own world of lies meanwhile others will enjoy playing the game.
You cant argue with delutional/stupid people that see everything that goes against his own narrative as a lie and only believe the lies he brainwashed himself into thinking is the truth.

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The experience of the forums band wagon is always different than the one for the rest of the world. While most people hitted the uninstall button long time ago, those people still try to sell the story that everything is fine. Delusional at it’s finest.

It’s the same kind of person who tries to explain to you why BlizzCon 2018 was great.

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And the troll bandwaggon will still get mad when the truth is told.

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The capacity to call anyone that disagrees with you a ‘bandwagon’ doesn’t mean that you are correct or that you are accurately summarizing what people actually write around here.

If someone plays the 1985 Super Mario Bros and just holds ‘right’ on the stick/d-pad, they’re going to die very quickly. If all they do is repeat that conduct, no amount of calling everyone else liars, bandwagons, fanboys, or faulting the game is going to change that repetitive outcome.

Almost 40 years later, the first hurdle of the game hasn’t been changed, so if someone wants to play, possibly enjoy, or even ‘beat’ that Mario game, they are going to have to do something different than holding one motion.

In case the analogy is lost on you there, HotS is in a condition of not-changing, so if people expect their game to be different from their previous one, they are the ones that are going to have create that change be it less tower deaths, fewer left games (to play out leaver queue) picking something aside from their failed one-trick, or – heaven forbid – put in an iote of effort to actually develop the ‘skill’ that they claim to have.

People that subscribe to bad conspiracy theories waste their time reinforcing the expectation that that is true instead of putting that time/effort into improving their knowledge, observation, and ability.

The capacity to try to point out that people can change their conduct to magically influence their enjoyment of an activity does not mean people are saying something is ‘fine’, but that the status quo of the game is unlikely to change, especially from a select few rants on a forum for a ‘ded’ game.

Many of the chronic complainers around here, such as yourself, create the bad time they’re having because they delude themselves on lies, refuse to learn how to improve what they’re doing, and expect the universe to change around them instead.

Since you aren’t evidently literate enough to notice, many of the "bandwagon’ advise you’re trying to deride applies to games outside of this one, so even if your magical narrative were remotely true about ‘defending this game’ that doesn’t change that ‘helpful’ advise is still more useful than complaints.

The reason several people speak out on falsehoods isn’t to “defend” the game, it’s to point out that falsehoods are false. People have an nigh infinite capacity to refuse to learn, make themselves miserable, and carry those bad experiences to any game they play. It’s this amazing function called “free will” with the wonderful irony being that assertions toward overgeneralizing dissenting opinion tries to pretend that other do not have said ‘free will’ despite the functional reality that chronic complaints have effectively surrendered their own.

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I didn’t and don’t do that. I call out the 3 people in this forum that have an opinion on everything and try to explain very often why some sort of critic isn’t true or based on facts (which of course they also don’t provide for their claim). This is the definition of a band wagon.

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As QBW3 noted, there is no point trying to reason with some people here. Keep in mind that even when I’ve explicitly agreed with some musing from Aubergine (and others), they denied that I agreed and still call me “hive mind bandwagon.”

We have fed them too much, and my feeling is they are here for the attention and not due to a passion for Hots. Remember, this is the same person who said they would prefer Hots to be shutdown, as they don’t like mirror games in ARAM.

What can I say, obviously the truest of true fans right there.


Problem is it does not really matter what they say cause people are leaving normal ARAMS just as much. But sadly a small minority want to make thier problem bigger then it is.

How many times does people have to be forced to play with bots just because these people think they have higher moral then others ? They know what they are queing up for but still comes out with the same excuses. its all about me me me. Self centered egos are the worst.

I will bet all of them are still leaving normal ARAM games when people dont pick what they want them to pick. If you dont pick a healer there is a high chance you will have atleast one who will go afk in base until game is over. They should just quit this additude and move on to QM or ranked if mirrros fills thier head so much with pain.

They are trapped in thier own suffering cause they cant move on. Just like a ghost.

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This isn’t my first post at you, and in case you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty particular about reading things through when I reply to something.

You have an unspecified list of people that you assert are the ‘forum band waggon’ and think all of their posts are effectively spam. You hold to this belief so strongly that you have interjected yourself into actual discussions to suggest than an OP ignore that if favor of “real” posts that you yourself don’t produce.

The capacity to complain doesn’t make people “right” and your inability to discern feedback from what doesn’t suit your confirmation bias generally means you forgo actual conversations and feedback in favor of confirmation bias.

So sure, you could say that you don’t call ‘anyone’ that disagrees with you a ‘bang wagon’ but the result of you posting a disagreement with someone to declare them then ‘band wagon’ still results in you choosing to disregard what is posted in favor of putting out a label. Based on your claims of intent for posting on the forum, it’s not advancing your cause.

A ‘band wagon’ is a group that act in perception that something is ‘popular’. They are fickle trend followers and not grounded people that declare they have a reason for doing something for years on end.

If you’re considering 3 people a “band waggon” then you don’t seem to understand what a popular trend’ entails – which is part of why I bothered trying to spell out to you the difference between what you think you are doing, and what you actually end up posting.


Just got all Greymane just now. Only one leaver but that first happened when game was already close to be over at lvl 22. Second mirror match with no leavers so far.

Then on the other hand I had a guy who left aleady in hero select cause he got bad hero choices by the look of it. But somehow its still fine to quit out of normal ARAM games cause of bad hero choices that ended up with a bad team comp vs a team who had everything.

Somehow that is still fine by the people that parrot that mirror games are destroying the game lol…

But lets see what the four remaining parrots on this forum have to say about that.

never said it was a major issue . if it was a real problem it wouldn’t be so easy to avoid. The only people on here every day are forum knights like yourself . I am here every couple weeks at best . I am not here to endure a boring mode I didn’t Q for that is for the sheep that games like this produce . It only takes a couple minutes to switch accounts you may want to learn to tell time before making silly statements that are just not true.

Lmao time is a mystery to you I guess. Blz made it very easy to avoid this mode I thank them for that.

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Enjoy your delusions . Nothing you have said is even remotely true . Keep desperately grasping at straws of ignorance as you keep drowning in your own stupidity . MM only bothers the people stupid enough to stay. I do not allow Blz to decide what I do in game that is for people who no longer think for themselves. Sorry if this hurts your feelings

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It seems like you’re the one with hurt feelings :thinking:

Would you like a hug?

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don’t you just wish .

As I have said to you many times, I only like some mirror games and I understand why people might not like this feature, as I was miserable playing my all Genji/Alarak/Maiev games as I suck with those heroes.

It is your choice to leave all mirror matches, but it is selfish and inconsiderate behavior, as you clearly don’t care about how your actions impact the other nine players you’re matched with.

This is a very amusing take. It’s clear you don’t read replies, or don’t understand them, as my negative opinion of mirror games differs from many of the forum regulars. Having said that, many of the forum regulars have also stated they don’t like mirror games either, but unlike you, they accept that if they make the decision to queue up for ARAM, they have a small chance of being presented with a MM. Most are mature enough to simply play out those occasional MM games, and have enough respect for the other nine players on their team not to quit or go AFK, but you do you.


go on reddit, or read any of the 30 threads here, ASAM is universally hated and the only reason the forumies fight for it is some twisted sense of “white knight” syndrome