10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

I mean to be fair, the only reason people leave because there’s a lack of moderation with it. Smurfing and all gives that incentive to a mode you lose absolutely nothing, gain absolutely nothing, and requires absolutely nothing to play.

At least in QM/SL you need to grind for gold to get those heroes.

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Care to point out what is not true in my post ?

When I read Reddit I see the same quitters that force people to do what he says or he will stay afk in base lol. And most of the complainers are getting downvoted cause no one want to play with people like them that force his team to play outnumbered for 15 min.

Maybe not hold other people in a gunpoint everytime you get it. People will gladly play a mirror out as long people dont baby rage. I have played 3 mirros already and all games was played out to the end by everyone. No one left cause no rage baby was forcing them to quit.

The more I read post on this forum and on Reddit Im almost 90% sure every mirror game that gets left is because of baby quitters and not because the majority hate it.

So no this is not some forum whiteknight symdrome. More like Me Me Me baby rage symdrome. If I dont get what I want then no one should symdrome aswell.

With my experince so far in ARAM I see more people leaving normal ARAM games alot more. There is always one who goes afk in base if no healer is taken or bad team comp.

But im sure you and everyone els who hate mirrors are fine about playing a 3vs5 game for 20 min casue you did not pick a healer.

Thats how it mostly is when you dont got a rage quitter trying to decide what others should be doing and will afk in base if they dont. The people I have played with so far did not quit out cause they were happy to make the best of it and make it fun. Its like if you hate cooking then make it fun to cook instead of just ordering food from outside.

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Exactly. And those few ignorant fanboys don’t even get your point.

I’ve never personally left out of an ASAM game, but I would be lying if I said that one or the other side usually has a leaver/thrower by the first or second minute of the game. You can insult peoples’ intellect as much as you want to but the fact of the matter is if even 1 out of the 10 people don’t like ASAM, no one gets to have fun.

If they don’t want to get rid of 10 same heroes ARAM then they should add a checkbox. If you check it, you are up to play them. If not, you won’t be placed into them. This game mode sucks, it is unfun and whenever it pops up I directly close my client and check back 10 minutes later in hopes that it is over. And I am not the only one doing this.

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Hi, My moniker is “xenterex”, I post on the forums when people make assertions that are demonstrably wrong. I have this magical observation that people that spout lies, disconnect themselves from ‘common ground’ with other people, and pretend they’re experts on things they are not tend to have perpetually bad experiences.

You have a made a claim regarding “Reddit”.


  1. No context required (Meme)
  2. Nice looking game history (went from <40 to >52% with illidan)
  3. Zanshin Genji replay share
  4. Weekly rage thread (no complaints on aram)
  5. Tyrande showcase
  6. Genji Montage 13
  7. Learning new hero poll
  8. Solo Uther questions
  9. HotS Gen chat (in-game)
  10. ETC fanart
  11. Uncommon build discussion
  12. A whitemane asaram
  13. Butcher/Zeratul question
  14. aram leavers
  15. “Anti-fun” characters
  16. gameplay stuttering (bug report)
  17. Falstad same hero (with emoji)
  18. Icy Vein’s builds questions
  19. 4 stack vs 4 stack solo playe woes
  20. german topic
  21. draft question: squishy vs non team compositions
  22. li-ming benny-hill moment
  23. Malthael help request
  24. Kharazim/Valla complaint
  25. Map Pool complaint
  26. Peak time for ranked question
  27. MVP share
  28. League player asking if HotS is ded
  29. amzo quest share
  30. fast aram win (not from leavers)
  • rage thread isn’t about aram same hero complaints, but it is in all-caps, so it all looks that same.

  • Whitemane asaram OP isn’t complaining, nor are the comments affirming it is ‘universally hated’

I don’t have any issue with mirror matches, I often enjoy many of them. However mirror healer can get quite annoying and long…

The topic was regarding the uniqueness of all-hero as they hadn’t had one before.

  • Falstad topic were people commenting on the quality of the screencap (not using button for it) and otherwise not complaining about the match

  • aram leaver topic wasn’t about same-hero matches.

While you said “30 topics here”, I extended the same curtesy to reddit as I generally don’t bother with it and was wondering if people actually were complaining about it on reddit.

They aren’t. At least, not in a language I’m literate in.

Even when I look for dedicated hate-threads, the comments aren’t universal, they aren’t a majority, and they generally pale in comparison to representation for indifference or enjoyment for the mode.

There is a similar experience that can be found here: the amount of people hating it is significantly lower than other replies. Even if I were to lump in suggestions to improve the mode (removing heroes, reducing frequency, etc) in as ‘complaints’, it is still far lower than other forms of participation.

It is a demonstrable vocalized minority generally advocated by players that are: ignorant, lying, and/or delusional.

It is not a ‘twisted white-knight syndrome’ to point out that people spreading falsehoods tend to be the ones that are making things bad for themselves, and likely others around them. As someone who knows that HotS’s game-quality is in want due to a lack of skilled players, I’d prefer to put in an iota of effort to try to get players to be more aware of actual issues instead of the ones they scapegoat instead.

MVP, or ‘forced 50’ or a myriad of other complaints on game quality generally all suffer from similar issues, and it’s not from “white knight syndrome”. However, it is significantly easier for people to invent things to blame than bother to read, learn to play better, or ask questions on how something actually works instead of relying on hyperbole and fantasy.

Turns out, much of those same qualities also influence ‘real life’ and life magically gets better when people learn to curb their complaint cycles instead of fueling their un-useful impulsive superstitions.

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ah yes, i’ve absolutely “complained” about all of these things too, right

whose making a hive mind out of their opposition now?

Which is ?

Okay, in general I’d agree… but the 10 Probius, like the 10 Murky (or please, the 10 Aba!) are just plain fun.

This is a weird place to confess to the world that you’re a loser… but I hear confession is good for the soul, so you do you boo.

Do you have any proof they did this because of Reddit?

Please quote me where I insulted a poster’s intellect regarding this topic?

I did say it was selfish to leave MM, as that shows a lack of respect for the other nine players and as mirror games are part of ARAM, simply don’t queue up for the mode if you don’t intend to play the occasional mirror game.

Just because I don’t make daily threads requesting mirror games to be removed, doesn’t mean I love this feature, but out of respect for the other nine players on my team, I will play out the rare mirror game, and not make a fuss over something so insignificant.

Then why have no one left the mirrors I had so far ? Becasue individuals like you and anyone els always need to hold people who want to play it on a gunpoint. They dont do what you want and you leave the match or stays afk in base. Self centered ego symdrome at best.

It’s selfish of the devs to still have this mode in the game as they know people leave games. It was a bad idea to ask on Reddit and it was a bad idea to implement it.

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You have rants about a “Forum commune” that ignores what people actually post in favor of disconnected strawmen.

You’re posting on an alt account with a generic avatar: there isn’t a “you” for me to care about. Writing is composed of connecting thoughts and conclusions into more than just single sentences, much the same way that a post isn’t directly addressing just one person.

I’m doing this magical thing of connecting one element of the post to another to demonstrating chronic issues for people that refuse to read, blame others, and go on repetative rants of looking at something to blame.

Considering what remains of your post history, whether or not you necro-bumping a 3-year old forced 50 rant is you complaining about forced 50 or about the “commune” doesn’t matter: you look for things to complain about, and you spread falsehoods to perpetuate the cycle.

Your latest accusation on me is just more of the same. It’d be nice if you’d put in more effort in bothering to read before you spam another set of posts to get deleted with ‘commune’ rants again.


tl:dr :nerd_face:

…which is why I encourage you to bother to actually read: these are games that rely on exoteric knowledge.

People adverse to the ‘reality’ around them aren’t going to have a better game experience because they found something to scapegoat.



urm, actually, heroes of the storm is a complex game that requires 10,000 hours of practicing macros’ and downloading map hacks to be good at!

I’m under the impression you don’t actually know what ‘exoteric knowledge’ means. You could look it up and be informed before you post more impulsive spam.

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Spamming nerd face just proof you never grown up from your teenage body. Probaly a Gen Z kid aswell.

oh my Goooooooooooooooooooooooood
will someone at blizzard pull the plug on this thread they’ve understood there are people who play it and didn’t like it and reduced it to 2%. that’s their response
everyone’s argument is a placement of personal anecdotes that have not baring in anything other then living proof that the human race just likes to argue

cant anyone just let it go? this joke has gone on long enough, look there’s spiderwebs in the the threads code where the humor is suppose to be.


The 100 people who still work at Blizzard don’t look into this forum.