Salt Mountain: Insert bad game stories here

I’m quoting you from another thread that I don’t wish to bump with a reply. I won’t identify them, but I’ve encountered at least three (confirmed their B-Tag ID) people who complain about mirror games here almost daily in regular ARAM games.

These people went AFK because they didn’t like a hero picked by their teammates, or they didn’t like the selection of heroes they were offered, or didn’t like that the enemy had Azmodan or Zul’Jin, or, well, you get it.

This is why I’m certain if mirror games were removed, it would solve nothing in the complaints department, as you noted, they would simply shift their complaints to “balance” and ask for more heroes to be removed. Actually, we don’t need to speculate, as many of the “remove mirror” people are also asking for “balance” and for heroes to be removed.

If they had their way and all the changes they wanted were implemented, ARAM, would no longer be ARAM, but a completely different mode. As @ZolZol said, we need to stop feeding these people with replies.

I’ve been deleting many of my replies in such threads, as on a surface level, the more replies we make, can have the unintentional effect of making this problem seem more legitimate than what it really is.

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