10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

ASMR you say? Oh ARAM, where mirror games are a small component of that whole “random” thing the mode promises?

It’s not impossible you had 3 games in 10 that were mirror games, but it’s statistically unlikely. Fine, I’ll take your word on that, statistically, it means you’re unlikely to be presented with another mirror game for some time.

Now, I don’t like most mirror games, but since they lowered the chance to 2%, I get about one mirror game in thirty or so games.

Okay, let’s forget probability and statistical outliers, and I’ll put on my tin foil had for some conspiracy stuff of my own.

Wouldn’t it be amusing if those who frequently leave mirror games, trip some system that presents those players with mirror games more frequently? I mean, none of that is true, but I have noted a correlation with those who post here asserting; “I leave all mirror games as I get 5 mirror games in every 10 matches”, are the only subset of players who claim they consistently buck that statistical 2% chance.


That would be hilarious lol

if it does then its deserved ahah.

I don’t mind the 10 duplicate hero ARAMs as long as they are fun heroes, everyone seems to hate the probius one, so just get rid of that. Or as an alternative, give us brawl back: Unlikely Wishlist

Good news, they removed Probius from mirror games in the last game patch. I’m grateful that I never had to play an all Probe match, despite liking the hero.


Thats what I have said for a long time. Instead if just removing stuff then its better to remove heroes that makes games too long. But the 3 people asking for its removal will just keep asking to have it removed as usual.

I’ll respond since I’m still around and I am still not a fan of 10 of the same. No one wants to play this mode in general. In the game below (today), entire team groaned and wanted it to end before it started. The entire enemy team started out by AFKing. Basically, 10/10 people did not want to play. For whatever reason enemy team tried to win maybe because they thought we were giving up since we base dived together while they AFKed briefly.


I just think it’s funny people before on these forums were accusing me and others who don’t like this mode or leave it of being afraid to “compete” on the same hero as everyone else. There’s definitely no spirit of competition in these 10 of the same, just people going for frags and hoping it ends soon win or lose. Game didn’t even give me MVP when I am most damage and double everyone’s kills. So what is the point of even playing this mode again? If I was low kills and high deaths, there would also be no shame in it, because it’s the same ARAM people over and over and most of us don’t want to be in a 10 of the same since we didn’t queue for it…

Blizzard should just remove this mode. It is supposed to be 2%? but feels like 10% at least in my experience. I have been playing Diablo 4 more and this game less but it seems like they increased 10 of the same chances to me which is a step in the wrong direction IMO.

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if it’s you playing it out, then it was probably in leaver queue which would also be why the other people are choosing to afk instead of outright leave and end the game.

if you’re ending up in leaver queue, you’re leaving other games sufficient to get into their regardless of same-hero matches. So when you have a limited queue that puts all the same attitude together, then you’re going to get a lot of people that supposedly agree. That group is not going to be indicative of the reset of the player base, but here you are also fooling yourself over other exaggerations.

Keep in mind that a key part of your complaints, regardless of games, tends to come from you making issues for yourself. That’s not going to get much sympathy regardless of what topic you post it in.

Why would I waste my time reading something so long winded and filled with utter nonsense? You are a blowhard addicted to his own his own ramblings. Nothing you say is even close to being valid just another useless opinion from someone who hasn’t got a clue. Please save your lies and conjecture for others . Sad that you and your cronies have never wanted the game to be better . Seems you dislike to improve anything in you life. You play all the MM you want and I will quit all the MM I want . I think that is fair . You don’t have any choice or say about what anyone does in game and that frustrates you and that is something I can happily live with .

LOL yea we made the mode that nobody asked for and the majority dislike . Talk about fooling yourself. If MM was popular at all it would be it’s own thing not something they have had to cram down players throats . You and your delusional rantings lol . Keep tilting at those windmills kid .

Your time is ‘wasted’ because you don’t value what you actually do.

In your tantrum of complaining about me, you have effectively admitted that you don’t even bother to read what you post, so you just ramble on and on. Anyone that has to deal with you in ‘real life’ probably has to bother doing the thinking for you, thus limiting your capacity to have healthy and satisfying social interactions.

Here you are convincing yourself that I have “cronies” as opposed to literate people that like, or even agree, with something that I’ve written: you don’t read, so you assume others are as illiterate as you, much in the same way you are projecting that I cannot have friends likely do your own lack of them. You rant off that "everyone’ wants a particular something, but little-no evidence actually exists that people support what you do. That’s what the claim is “everyone” because it’s pretty much ‘no one’ except for a vocal minority that lack enough self-awareness to notice when they’re the ones making themselves miserable for themselves.

Antisocial antics don’t fair well for people in games that benefit from cooperative play, so you have to try to belittle others and assume the worst about them and spout lies that you then blame on others. Why would you read something through? So you’d actually have an informed opinion about what was written instead of having to tell lies all the time.

You aren’t ‘happy’ that’s why you have to ramble in self-delusion instead of making friends and enjoying what you end up ‘spending’ you time doing rather than wasting it over and over again.

Since you aren’t literate enough to notice: I write things for people as a point for them to improve things, ergo, your thesis that I don’t want to improve things is demonstrable false and is a core lie of the tripe you ‘waste’ your time thinking about.

Time is only a ‘waste’ if people don’t know how to value it: you don’t value what you do, so you waste it. I was already prepared to benefit from what I write, therefore, I don’t consider my activity here a waste regardless if the primary recipient doesn’t bother to take the opportunity to improve themselves.

That’s part of why I written guides, answer questions, reply in the bug-report or technical support topics, write in long-form essays, post poems, have shared drawings, wrote tips on how others can improve their drawings.

You are uninformed, and create lies to try to overcompensate, and then project your faults at others instead of learning to improve yourself. I’m not particularly upset that you choose to be willfully ignorant, but a key part of reading comprehension is also ascertaining the intent and tone of an author: so you don’t read enough, you aren’t informed enough to actually tell what I do, or why.

Reading is practically magic with how much good it can do. People that vehemently refuse to even try are setting themselves up for a very bad time, and they will continue to do it so long as they have anything else to blame instead. You trying to echo back some of things I posted to you does not make them true simply because you said it back about me.

What I wrote is based on available evidence, and not simply being an impulsive contrarian. The same gimmick also applies to HotS – and similar games – they convince themselves that players are cheating, are “fanboys”, that blizzard is personally out to ruin the game for them, and a host of other conspiracy rants because they don’t know how to improve themselves, they don’t know how to be informed, and they will keep on looping that conduct by blaming any and everything else they can.

Surprise yourself and delay those double-standards an iota enough to bother reading your own tripe before replying again.

When I see 10 heroes pop up in Aram I just close the game. And it looks like many others do the same. It’s just frustrating when you want to have a couple of challenging and fun matches after work and then 10 Alaraks or 10 Mephistos pop up right in your face. I do not even care if this is winable or not. It’s just zero fun for me. When they had this weird arena matches once per week back in the day, like pool party, or all Hammers on ToD then this was just a welcome change. You could play them, get your reward and then continue to play other modes. But now most people just want to play Aram matches and don’t want to be forced to play stupid crap which doesn’t even give you extra rewards or whatever.

Why not just add a checkbox when you queue for Aram? If you want to play 10 heroes, you check the box and then eventually you willbe placed in such matches. If you don’t check the box, then you will be spared 10 heroes.


You will still complain about people not picking a healer in normal aram games so whats your point ?

And you can keep yours to yourself aswell.

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Good for you. You and the few others who say they leave all mirror games, apparently are not in significant numbers for the Dev to remove MM from ARAM.

I have no evidence, but I wouldn’t be surprised that when mirror games were set to pop in 5% of matches, internal data showed that too many players either went AFK/DC, which is no doubt why they reduced that number to 2%.

Again, anecdotally (as why not, unsourced claims form the backbone of most Mirror Match complaints), I’ve seen very few players leave mirror games since they removed some heroes and lowered the chance to 2%. I will agree (again, anecdotal), that prior to the change people did leave MM more often.

Keep complaining about this minor change, any day Acti/Blizz/MS might end all support for Hots and switch off the servers. Honestly, it feels very petty to be complaining about small changes to a F2P game, that has been out of active development for years.

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Why would I listen to the narcissistic ramblings of someone who choses to defend a corporations bad decisions over making actual positive changes in this game? Your words are just your opinion and outright lies about someone you pretend to know something about . You have lost . I do what I want in this game . I really don’t even think people quitting is a problem but at least it gives you a chance to whine about something that does not affect you and you have no control over . Enjoy the frustration you have imposed on yourself . I just bet you eyes are brown. lol

every word you say is true that is why they push back so hard

Then why so much whining from you and the forum knights?

unsourced claims indeed

Even more of a reason not to waste my time playing a MM .

it also feels very petty to defend these changes in a F2P game that has been out of development for years. The changes being small is just your opinion . I would consider turning off the switch a mercy killing at this point .

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Oh no, you just owned me! My entire point is you (and others) are using anecdotal evidence to justify your complaints (and your choice to leave/AFK MM games), I simply took a page from your book.

This here is the relevant patch notes regarding the change from 5% to 2%.

When it comes to the numbers who leave mirror games, well I would be closer to the mark with my musings than you. The reduced chances for mirror games to happen, that alone would reduce the amount of people leaving them.

Oh, I don’t know, I’ve never actually defended the change, I’ve consistently said I don’t like most mirror games. As MM can only happen at 2%, this is only an “issue” for those who are entitled enough to think the game should be balanced around their personal whims, and I’m not one of those people.

You might need this:

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Ye I only encountered about 1 mirror match in nearly 50 ARAM games. Would be waste of time trying to argue about something that is that rare now.

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Yes, it’s petty and pointless, yet we have daily complaints about this from the same five or so posters. The one above says they would rather have Hots be shut down completely (others have said the same) because they have to play a rare mirror game, clearly a true fan.

Totally not selfish or entitled behavior at all.

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