10 Duplicate Heroes are ruining ARAM - terrible feature

Normal ARAMS are just as bad to play if opponent wins the jackpot with most CC to stop you from playing the game or getting that one lvl 7 account that afk in base and keep disconnecting.

When ARAM was first introduced, most players were very casual, about a game mode that was designed to be casual and chaotic. Now, players are taking ARAM far too seriously and treat it like Storm League, because for many players, ARAM is the game mode they play most frequently, indeed some players don’t play any other game mode.

That is fine, even in ARAM, people should play their best and strive for victory, but the mode will always be chaotic due to players being presented with three random heroes and the fact you can’t see what the enemy is picking. The hero shuffle pick, gives the illusion that it’s a draft mode, it kinda is, but as it’s a blind draft, you can pick what looks like a perfect meta comp, and find you’re still out drafted or outplayed.

Speaking of, as others have already noted, I think many players hate mirror games as you can’t blame “bad draft”, or “bad choice of heroes”, or anything but being outplayed. From my experiences in game and reading the comments on these forums, many players don’t like to admit the enemy was more skilled and that’s why they won, which might explain why many go AFK, you didn’t really lose if you didn’t participate right?

With mirror games, there is no hiding behind the usual excuses for poor personal performance. I was dead last in my all Alarak game, because I was simply the worst player, which isn’t “fun”, but it didn’t matter as I’m very unlikely to have another all Alarak game in the near future, or even another mirror game for that matter.

Those who want “balance” and “order” in ARAM, will always be unhappy and full of complaints, as both of these concepts are antithetical to the basic premise of ARAM.

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But doesn’t that all come full circle back to the point of why did they even do the reddit poll in the first place? The poll happened well after they announced that Hots was being put on the shelf to collect dust. Can we agree that the reddit poll was just a bad idea?

When ARAM was first introduced, it was through the weekly rotating Hero Brawls and it was meant to be a fun mini game and yes casual. When the dev’s ran the numbers, they saw that ARAM was wildly popular and hence the reason why they eventually made it a stand alone mode, and it really took off from there.

It is easy to understand why ARAM is popular… ARAM gets right to the action with 5v5 fights and all the chess moves or paper/rock/scissors that come along with having different heros in game. The 5v5 MMs take all the thought and strategy out, it just turns into everyone spamming the same 3 abilities over and over. It is dull and mundane.

If people hate ARAM there are plently of other modes to play. If they enjoy it then cool.

I dont see anything more to discuss in these kind of topics. Just like the complainers keep saying mirrors are boring then these topics are aswell. Nothing more boring then to read the 20 copy paste topic that calls out for a removal of what OP hates instead of just moving on to other stuff.

I just played 10+ ARAM games now and half of them was just bad players messing around on my team or me sitting CCe’d for 10+ sec cause opponent won the CC jackpot. And then I would get that one I hate Blizzard account name that sits afk in spawn and keep disconnecting. That was boring experince aswell.

No idea why these people are so hell bent at having mirrors removed when normal ARAM are just the same experince with one team having no healer while the other have that force you to walk around with no hp left until fountain gets off cd again.

But these kind of games are expected when you play a clown mode. But it gets boring fast when the team comp is against you.


The poll happened last year, Hots was officially put into maintenance years before that poll.

I wouldn’t doubt ARAM was more popular than most Brawls, but the reason the Dev’s gave for retaining ARAM over Brawls was simply Brawls took too much manpower to maintain, as they had to update them after any change to the client.

As for mirror games having less “thought and strategy”, I would disagree. Sure, if you’re just spamming your abilities as you said, then I agree that is indeed a limited strategy.

I get it that people don’t like mirror games in ARAM (I don’t for the most part), but many people have unrealistic expectations for a mode designed to be chaotic, an attitude which often sucks the fun out of regular ARAM games.

Mirror games happen so rarely now, I don’t mind playing out the very occasional MM, it no longer something worth complaining about.

Fair point. There is nothing left to say, as basically the complaints essentially boil down to: “I don’t like this rare feature in ARAM games, so remove it as it doesn’t suit my personal preferences.”

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It smells like you’re conflating player-made polls with what a blue did.


Wanted to check and see if there were any comments or thoughts on hero selection in ARAM? Are we feeling some heroes aren’t very fun to play against and should probably not be in the mode? Are we thinking maybe the others that were removed can be thrown back in? Nothing guaranteed on changes but wanted to collect some thoughts and opinions!


31 ARAM games played and not a single mirror match. I feel scammed.


Open a CS ticket, Froggy and request a refund.

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HOTS Mirror matches the worst thing in the history of MOBAs.

Just give us the option to opt out. Probably too complex for them to do at this point so just remove them.


Nah, the weather anomaly was the worst thing in the history of MOBAs.

I still have nightmares of invisible Garroshes lurking near walls…


I can tell you stories about how dumb normal ARAMS can be. When you are not playing mirrors you are forced to play 25 min game with no healer vs a team who have one. Or wasting 20 min playing a game with no frontline vs a team who have.

Main tank Butcher vs 3 bruisers. Guess that sound alot of fun to you ? Played 32 ARAM games and 1/4 of them was unplayable with trolls afk in spawn cause no one picked a healer or a tank.

It doesn’t matter. The point is that they acted upon something that was way out in left field, well after development ended.

It seems like you have more of an issue with individual players and the decisions they make. Welcome to online multiplayer video games.

You need to get on the same page with us because the issue is bigger than any individual player who makes a bad decision on their own hero picks or talent picks whatever.

It actually does matter.

People that are looking to fault things tend to make up lies to suit the claims they are making; that’s part of why the usual whine is “[they] don’t listen” despite evidence given to the contrary, or rather the “it doesn’t matter” when a the narrative doesn’t pan out.

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This thread (and the millions like it) are the epitome of a first world problem.

Fair enough that players complained when mirror games had a 5% chance to occur, but the Dev listened, changed it to a mere 2% chance and have also started adding and removing some heroes that are problematic.

As for the Dev making this change and consulting Reddit, they didn’t have to do that, and frankly it was very unexpected and welcome.

When you take into account Hots is not in active development, I’m grateful whoever is doing this work has listened to complaints and have made appropriate changes in an attempt to please those who like mirror games, and those who don’t.

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I have played 35 ARAM so far and not a single mirror match. I dont really get why people complain about when it dont pop up that much now. 2% is a generous number if you take into account that you have to play nearly 80 ARAM games just to have one pop up.

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It can’t stand 10 of the same heroes either. Most of the time I just close the game when I see it. 10 Mephistos for example. It is basically one ult after the next that you cannot dodge. Still wonder why they keep those meme modes in the game when they abandonded those “fun” arena matches like Beach Party with the Chromies a long time ago already.


All of our problems are 1st world problems - but that doesn’t change the fact that some players are massively bothered by not getting the chosen game mode (ARAM ← all random). But are forced to spend their little spare time in annoying kiting games - in order not to end up as a desserteur. I had about 10 games today and yesterday - three of them ASAM - that may have been a coincidence, but i am now unsatisfied. :confused:

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three out of ten which you probably left
oh woe is you how will you survive


It’s a shame this mode is still present. So many reasons why this game is on a decline.

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