Unlikely Wishlist

I first wanted to start off by saying HOTS has been my favorite game for the past 10 years. I think i’ve racked up over 9000 levels and climbed to master so many times with friends. The game is truly unique and amazing and it was a shame to see the pro scene die. I really appreciate the changes and patches that have been released. I know these requests are unlikely to be implemented but it would be truly inspiring and amazing if they were.

  • Bring back Snow Brawl, Pull Party and the other fun brawl modes. They could be in their own category or played during wait times for ranked.
  • Remove Unranked Draft. This mode has long been dead and will only leave new players waiting for a game for hours.
  • Bring back the old Garden of Terror version. When the map was reworked, all of its uniqueness was destroyed. Being able to control the terror and put the plant down was so much more interactive, now it’s so similar to tomb of the spider queen and even alterac pass.
  • Bring back haunted mines. I don’t think there’s a single player i’ve talked to that hates that map. The multi-dimensional map was so fun and unique, and the only change that really needs to be made to balance the map is to increase the damage of the golem bosses, and reduce pumpkin damage.
  • Change the AI programming again, it should work like so: if you ping once the AI will resume its normal game programming where they would play independently and not follow other players, so if you have a offlane AI, they can actually do their job. If you ping again, the AI can follow you, and if you ping again, the AI will sit in the base, this gives teammates 3 different options to improve the overall performance of the bot.
  • Get rid of the placement match party requirements. Players that are unplaced should be able to play with placed players, this restriction just makes it harder to play with friends.

Thank you for reading through my wishlist. It would be amazing if some of these things were implemented, adding to the dynamic, unique nature of the game.

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Yeah old Garden and Haunted Mines would be wise, but that’s why they won’t happen. Runs along the same lines as why the game was abandoned…bad people with no vision operate the company. Most of the people left playing aren’t much better…they love reporting anything that upsets their fragile emotions.

The fun of the map was the controllable Garden Terror. It also made TLV especially good for that map because you could put a single Viking into the Terror while pushing with the 2 others.

I’m still a bit salty for them making the Terrors into automatons that move on their own. What a mind-boggling game design decision that simply made the map less fun IMO.


Yeah, I really liked the old terror map. But even if I didn’t, it was unique.

I too actually enjoyed the interactivity of having a really mobile objective reward. It really put pressure and the dynamic nature to minimize the value of the objective.

Honestly for me, what I hate about the new map is how you’re incentivized to come late. Not only do you have to clear the mini terrors you also have to channel which requires your team to either distract or zone. So this just plays into, okay, I’ll ignore it for just a little bit longer so I can finish doing this camp or wave. Why go early, when the enemy can clear the terrors for you, be damaged, and maybe use cooldowns, and be behind on XP because they prioritized it. It’s just terrible design to make objectives feel impactful when you don’t even get a reward, especially because early seeds and terrors have so little impact in early game. On the old map, you could rush and steal the small seeds and they could be stored for the next terror that would scale.

The old map actually had quite a bit of diversity in strategy of whether you rush your own big Terror or try to contest the enemy’s. Made for a lot of ways the game could play out even if it didn’t quite go your way, but you always got partial credit for the seeds that you earned/stole. And then once terrors spawned on both sides, you also then had to dedicate resources to either attacking or defending. There was such a diversity in how the game could go.

Doesn’t it require only 3 matches? Seems like a pretty low bar to clear. You can also play QM. I don’t have a problem with grouping in ranked games, but I do find it a bit weird if you try to jump into ranked and have your MMR so enmeshed with your group before you can really establish your own.

I think for me, it would depend on which version. The reworked one was worse in my opinion, because everyone would just ignore the mines because it meant that you would get guaranteed value if you did the mercs outside.

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correct, and there was nothing more hilarious (imho) than both terrors duking it out in the middle of the map

Was funny when whole team was dead just for you to respawn when timer went to 0.
The only thing that was annoying was trolls that picked it and never pushed with it. Had plenty of games with people just trying to farm kills with it.