Zeddy's video on the battlepass/new system and how streamers won't take a stand

Yeah way later… after the fact.

Seems like a more cautious move.

That doesn’t sound at all, in any way, like mid-life crisis. If sounds exactly, picture perfect like the kind of moral objection that people responding negatively to this controversy are having. He didn’t want work at his company to emphasize these exact measures this change emphasizes - giving players less, asking more from them, and lying and twisting it any way they can to pacify them instead of putting making fun interesting gameplay experiences first.


I didn’t really look at much of the data surrounding this pass. I just kinda did my quests and the first thing I noticed was the lack of exp and the impossibility of leveling up by just playing matches. I guess it is supposed to be disguised by the fact that you get a huge spike of rewards/ext at the start? It reminds of what a lot of Gacha games do in order to give people the illusion of value at the start. Only to hook them into the grind. Except this seems a bit less nefarious. But still brutal for fans of the game and f2p players alike. I’m sad that this is the game I have enjoyed for so long.

I like how he is wearing red shirt in his video, dont know if that was intentional or just a coincidence

He’s canadian. Try again :wink:

was referring to him being a “red shirt hero guy” like the two at past blizzcons, not that he is a commie or something rofl :joy:

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Do you really think that 20% is enough? I don’t

If there even is a difference, it’s less than 20%. So yeah, 20% would ensure that now were getting undeniably more than before even if we discount the other rewards.

And as I said, paying players already get guaranteed more with the 35%, although I wouldn’t say the tavern pass is worth it outside of getting it for free in the big bundle. Well I guess, unless you play 3h a day every day - that would mean that the 35% give ~4k gold extra which is decent for 20 eur, even outside of the skins. Hmm, I guess 360 hours in 4 months is not much for ppl who habitually play HS (I do play way over 500 hours of Hots in that time…). On the other hand, ppl who play that much have no use for 4k extra gold.

:joy: Fair. He wears that shirt while streaming sometimes :wink:

I 100% agree with this. The Devs need to respond and actually address these concerns if they care about keeping the player base. Long time player here who is disappointed and considering leaving </3

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Blizzard issues a public statement in response to player feedback. The first version was confirmed to be intentional.

The cost of the game has skyrocketed with the new mini-sets and duel, and they offered a system which rewards thousands of gold less when it would have needed to double it to maintain the status quo.

And they come back to us with an answer about giving us dimes and nickels like some cheap accountant.

I’m just feeling mad as hell -do they think I’m a drooling morons with endless money that is ok with missing a bunchload of cards EVEN after I spent 80 euros on an expansion?!

They need to re-evaluate their stance, this is madness we need a way to have enough resources to play the game without feeling starved at all time.

I saw a post from Kreparian (however he spells it) calling Blizzard out for this. I am sure there are others or others who will follow after testing the numbers. Some of them will probably back Blizzard but clearly with one of the fasters responses on a topic from Blizzard that I’ve seen in quite some time they know what they did is BS.

This is also why the world is in the state it’s in most people will take money over being honest. This is very sad but also very true. I have seen it with my very own eye’s and then of course roll them.

I’m practically a prophet.