"Your game timed out as it was requesting data from the Hearthstone utility service. Please relaunch Hearthstone to reconnect."

HS:CT;NetCacheCardValues= 2
Is what comes up in the top right.

I play on the American server from Asia.
This problem started 4/18/2020
I have tried every single fix that a blizzard employee has posted for issues like this.
I have flushed DNS, I have restarted my router while the computer was off, I have uninstalled and reinstalled both Hearthstone and Blizzard ended Blizzard’s tasks. I made a new user on my computer all that stuff that has been recommended. Also tried repairing the client.

Every once in a long while I can log in, what I noticed Is that when It works there is an opening cinematic with the little girl in the forest… then I get all the old updates about Priest changes and I can play for a while.

… anyway, this is frustrating. Maybe a new update will break me out of this hearthstone loading screen cycle. But then again maybe not…

If anyone has ideas. Let me know!

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] SEA & Oceanic - Unable to Connect or Game Time Out