You were disconnected from your last game. Reconnecting

Hearthstone is the most busted piece of garbage software I’ve used in recent memory. I play almost exclusively on PC with a 1G fiber connection. Hearthstone is the ONLY game that constantly disconnects. The game can’t seem to keep a connection for more than a few matches since the last patch, as if it wasn’t already bad enough.

Why are they so bad at making stable software?


yet i have a 10mbps connection and never disconnect… heck my old 3g cellphone can handle it . might be a you problem.

Happening to me as well. I’m on 500mbps

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Nope. Not just me. It’s possibly a “time of day” issue.

could well be a me problem.

But I can connect fine to the forums. while mobile Is telling me I cant connect to hs.

Sort of annoying to lose connection to bg’s in 2 out of 5 games especially as bgs dont reconnect.


Why are you here at this point?

You say you hate the game, then make another post promoting runestones.

It’s a public forum, but you seem to be wasting you’re time.

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Why are YOU here? There’s a fellow gamer expressing that he’s having technical issues and you’re here gaslighting him. NOT COOL.

when they increased the system requeriements i started to disconnect the first game after starting HS is it possible your device no longer meets the requeriments ?

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Doesn’t matter the device. Right now, I’m using a 12-core Xeon W-2265 with 64GB of RAM and an RTX 3080. It happens on my regular gaming PC too. I suppose I should have clarified that it’s mainly just a Battlegrounds thing. I don’t seem to have trouble with regular ranked HS.

It’s because the multibillion dollar company can’t invest even a fraction of their profits into upgrading their server tech.

They’d much rather blame comcast (even if comcast isn’t hundreds of miles near you in terms of a service area), your antivirus program (strange that every other program doesn’t respond like it’s malware…but actiblizz does, according to them), but Holy Light forbid they take some ownership of their terrible server upkeep.

But no…it’s swamp gas reflecting off of a comcast satellite, that caused your antivirus software to keep causing your actiblizz (AND ONLY your actiblizz) games to dc like you have early 90s dialup like you lived in the middle of nowhere.

it happens to me as well even though I never disconnect from other games aside from once a week maybe for 1 second. Meanwhile, I get this message every couple games in hearthstone. Doesn’t add up.

I get a fun zero percent bug occasionaly.

Basically as the game is loading a “0%” flashes on the loading screen then goes away and the wheel continues to spin. The messed up part is if you don’t notice it and fail to disconnect/reconnect then the game will have started without you and by the time you rejoin two of your turns would of been skipped. If you catch it though and quickly reconnect then you get dropped into a game at the card selection screen and avoid missing turns/losing a game.

Happens to me alot when the match is in my favour ior i just get the card i need to win…bäm disconnect.

Game usually boots me after a match ends. Would be very frustrating to dc in the middle of one.

This forum doesn’t give email notifications, so this is the first time I saw your post. I didn’t say I hate the game. I hate how BROKEN an otherwise fun game is. In the early 1990s, during an introductory programming course, I wrote a program that established a network connection, monitored that connection, and automatically reconnected if the connection was dropped.

Even still today, I can queue for Battlegrounds, and the wheel will occasionally spin for several minutes before dropping out to say “Your opponent failed to connect” followed by “Your are not connected” with a “Reconnect” button. Why in the high heavens can’t the software reestablish a dropped connection on its own?

It’s sad.

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“muh game hater” is a strawman (along with a long line of others) designed to try and shut down legitimate criticisms involving aspects of the game, dev team, and company. It’s like the old “sounds like something an enemy of the party would say” kind of dialogue, designed to put anyone who brings up valid criticisms on the defensive, gaslight them about the reality of what they are experiencing (something this company is well versed in, given its track record with its emplyees), and shut down discussion of the situation.

What’s interesting, is that just about everywhere else can maintain a better game network stability connection (because of over 30 year old programming like this and improvements on it) than a multibillion dollar company who will blame everyone under the sun (comcast is a favorite, even if you don’t have comcast!) rather than the fact they won’t spend any money upgrading their infrastructure.

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having to use a reconnect button while out of games seems to be done on purpose

thats why it only appears when you are browsing your collection or on the main menu but never shows up when we lose connection during a game

I don’t think you understand. It happens when queuing for a match. The wheel spins for a few minutes, then dumps you to the main menu with the “You’re not connected” dialog. It’s not when browsing.

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And if people were talking about out of game disconnects, this would actually mean something.

If you only knew. After years of this, it’s not a lack of understanding…it’s getting a free pass to derail threads (and worse) from the powers that be.

isnt that the one that doesnt give you agame loss

thats one when they tell you the game failed tos start because your opponent coudlnt connect ?

forgot about when you cancel the matchmaking for some reason the game often loses connection when you do this

losing connection and being unable to reconnect once the game starts is really really uncommon

ive only seen it happen often if i cancel matchmaking myself