You say it isnt rigged

Because the arguments are eternal and unchanging. The whiners have nothing new to rationalize away their own bad performance.


When we get tired of washing bird crap off the porch we take down the feeder.

Just sayin’…

Okay, but the system still sits the same with some minor changes (it’s not easier for “bad” players at the start of the month, but the end), and I suppose many people here who are claiming MMR is involved in climbing are wrong.

The general point is still the same: the way the system works divides people into “Bad”, “Good”, And “Great”, instead of having a proper ranking system. It’s far less competitive because of the check points and full resets not keeping you tightly groups with players of your level to start.

But whatever, if you’re right, my assessment needs rework. I was going off the fact that I was constantly told that MMR mattered during ranking up. If it doesn’t, that makes some other things incredibly strange, and seems to suggest that this thread is true, as I’ve had similar experiences across different accounts.

What is it that you think ranking systems do?

Most of them are more complex than that, and I put it in quotations for a reason. And it’s missing the actual point of that explanation. It’s about how it plays in with the monthly resets and player experiences.

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Why would you think for even a second that MMR is less complex than rank?

What are you talking about? Apparently MMR doesn’t matter until you hit Legend here.

This isn’t to do with MMR, but how everyone resets to 0.

Why are you so insistent on these huge buckets? MMR is a finely-resolved continuum, much like other proper ranking systems such as ELO for chess.

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MMR isn’t reset, because MMR is about matching you with an opponent of equal skill. MMR is real, but hidden. Until you hit Legend, then you can see how your MMR compares.

Rank is reset, because rank is about conveying a false sense of accomplishment and handing out participation trophies. Rank is fake, but visible.

The game currently has some instances where matchmaking is by rank instead of by MMR. Those instances are stupid and should be eliminated.

But you said yourself this game isn’t using MMR at the start of the month.

Because it is way to easy to get to Diamond in this game, even if the numbers are not at all like what Scrotie reports. I see the issue going on here.

If you are of good skill level and keep your deck somewhat up to date, you can easily get to Diamond. But the next month, you may not have the deck up to date, so at the start of the month, you just get steamrolled. Imagine what it is like for “Bad” “New” and players with out-of-date decks? The experience must be miserable, because everyone resets to 0. And since it isn’t that hard to get to Diamond in this game, yeah, I’d say it’s basically only 3 levels of play, and since it starts at 0, and you need to open lots of packs or constantly be dusting, money can also come into play. What a horrible system that uses checkpoints to compensate.

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I said the exact opposite. Go try reading it again.

FYI the guy you are responding to has been trolling these forums in bad faith since the beginning. He actually got green text but it was removed because of how toxic he became, srs. The dude is in threads causing problems every single time. I actually reached out the other day to try to start a convo with him and boom, more toxic posting.

He is one of the handful of people here who are causing problems in every thread they are in and refuse to see they are in fact the problem.

“Stars” is not MMR as I mean it. You still start at 0, which means if you are bad player, new, or have an old deck, you are getting steamrolled until the end of the month. If you are teetering on good, you are getting rolled until mid month. Just because you get a star bonus doesn’t mean you’re not facing those decks. It’s no wonder people hate this system.

On top of that, with the constant nerfs, if you’re not constantly dusting, you don’t have the best deck. Just a crazy system.

It’s even worse for the “bad” player, because they can’t get anywhere until they are mostly facing other “bad” players, since they lack stars . True MMR/elo systems are way better.

Wtf guys why are you all responding to a 2 year old thread necro?



Your posts don’t really have an expiration date :smiley:

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Remember when it was called history?

And studying the past was encouraged?

Thje marks(azbusterd)cyst(boil/lesion/pimple) says NO!

And tries to make fun of you in the same sense that you forgot to wipe…

“look guys this dudes tryin to learn stuff haha what a jerk”

next day

“hey guys dont hate on that XYZ thats bad”

same day

“haha scrub did bad thing in bad game haha I made them pay haha i BIG NOW” :clown_face:

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Yeah, I always ignore when people try to side-track with such a lame as argument as, “This post is so old.”

Guess we could just make another new one of the same topic? =\

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Thanks for the reply, see you in 2026.


No. MMR does not reset each month, that’s the whole point.

You seem to be completely contradicting yourself.

Is your definition of MMR Stars? That is not MMR. That is like a win-streak bonus.