You say it isnt rigged

Currently at D5.

Match 1 , i pick rogue. Opponent is Prestor Druid.

Match 2 , i pick rogue. Opponent is Prestor Druid.

Match 3 , i pick rogue. Opponent is… say it with me, Prestor Druid.

Match 4 , i pick warlock. Opponent is Pre… no Hunter. Naturally.

Match 5, back to rogue. Opponent is Druid.

Match 6, try to mess with algorithm, i pick warlock, opponent is hunter.

You cant make this up


But he could, indeed


Id like to know what the actual win rates of a lot of these decks would be without auto concedes and this BS matchmaking system. Probably alot different

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I never said the game was not rigged kek.

Is there a way to see the matchup spread on one of the replay sites? And with this i do not mean the winrates. But the percentage a specific deck gets matched against all the other decks? They must have this data obviously but it has never been published at least i have never seen it.

Publishing this data would settle this issue once and for all.

Hardly shocking news that you are queuing into two classes that are amongst the most popular at the moment.


The matchmaking algorithm is beyond rigged. I was super hard stuck with mech pally, literally an 80 percent match rate against Prestor from D5-D2 (38 matches). I switched to Murloc Shaman, played 9 games to hit legend, didn’t run into a SINGLE Prestor with the Murloc deck. All I needed to see…


Yes it’s on hsreplay and I posted instructions on how to analyse it on every rigged thread for a year, and zero opinions were changed.


Isn’t it very weird that it’s rigged to give you an even matchup with Rogue?

Unless you were playing Bomb Rogue. Were you playing Bomb Rogue?

welcome to your daily zom complaining topic, seriously just stop playing if you hate it that much


so according to you they intentionally matched prestor druids vs you with mech pally but after you swapped they stopped trying to counter you, ye totally rigged! obviously your account is rigged and not allowed to hit legend with mech pally only murloc shaman!!

Bro, I hit Legendary with Murloc Pally twice when Warleader was rotated out. Quest pally back to back seasons, its not about that. The matchmaking algorithm is blatantly rigged and instead of playing your opponents, you end up playing the matchmaking system itself.

Just tell us how, then.

You’ve experienced it, right? To the point you feel you’re playing against it. Just give me an test and an expected result.

For example, is Zom test real? Will I get matched only against Preston Druid?

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Your 6 game sample size is insufficient to draw a conclusion about the matchmaking system.

Here’s how it works according to Blizzard:

At the end of each month, players are assigned a star multiplier based on their finishing rank. That multiplier can be adjusted up in some cases where a player finishes with a low rank but maintains a very high MMR. That star multiplier allows players to advance through the lower ranks more quickly, moving them up to a rank at which they meet comparable competition to their skill level. The star multiplier decays by 1 at each rank floor (B5, S10, S5, G10, etc) until the player eventually earns only 1 star per win. (Note that the 3 game win streak double-bonus is completely independent of the multiplier feature.)

While you still have a star multiplier, you will be matched against other players based on your MMR. This endeavors to match people with similar skill levels. Once your star multiplier has decayed all the way down to 1, you are matched by your Rank. And when you are in Legend, you are again matched by MMR. Casual mode players are matched by MMR.

The matchmaking system does not look at your deck composition or your win/loss streak or if you are a paying player or if you put on clean underwear this morning. It looks at your MMR and your Rank. That’s all.

If anyone has a statistically relevant body of data of sufficient sample size that might suggest otherwise, they are welcome to post it.


I was bragging earlier that I won like 30 matches and lost 4 with my Q Priest.

Once I hit Diamond 5 I have lost 6 out of 6 and am cranky.

The game “does stuff”.

Even the anti-riggers have to admit the game is doing “something”. Whether it’s a legit MMR match up or the sudden jump from being matched up with scrubs to playing VS pros is like night and day once you hit a floor you cant climb as fast.

When you use the same deck, Q Priest in my case. You see the same opponents over and over. I have played VS warlock primarily, then mage then rogue then druid then shaman. The rest I barely see at all.

TBH I think I have played 1 DH in about 100 games. IDK where they went.

Once again, here’s the step by step to get proof that the matchmaking selects opponents based on your deck, it only takes about 10 min.

  • google hsreplay and choose the first search result
  • select the the meta tab->by class
  • note down the popularity of each deck
  • select the matchups tab
  • go through each row or column and total the number of games for each deck type
  • divide the number of games played against a particular deck by the total to get a %
  • compare the % you just calculated to the deck’s popularity, that you noted in step 3.

That’s very possible. But still based on MMR, not deck composition.


And I get that.

I also think that that, plus strange occurrences, is what drives the feeling of rigging.

And he did.

It’s widely available and free to access and always has been.

Because opinions based on anecdote and faith aren’t rational or logical, so rational information won’t change them.


People believe all sorts of things, from divine resurrections to demi gods, ghosts and psychics, telekinesis, chi, alien abductions, ritual sacrificial cults running pizza shops, earth as the centre of the universe. Little green men on Mars. A flat earth.

Ultimately I don’t think it matters what you believe, but if you think it matters I would look more closely at the details.


Well I think people are lazy and risk averse. It’s only 10 mins work, but it is work, and when you realise it’s likely to challenge your view on top of that… Well, lazy.