You lost our thrust with classic format removal

By removing classic format, you lost thrust from your players
You sold classic gold packs that players bought only because of the classic format you just removed
Now you could do that with any of the format, mercenaries, dual, even the new twist format

Refund or bring classic back because what you did was theft


Can’t you use classic cards on twist mode?

Can you stop pretending like you care about this specific issue? Its fine being upset at Blizzard, but this specific issue is one you been real weird about.

They gave about a week notice ahead of time, yet you made no posts until the day of the patch, where you only started making noise about this - AFTER it had happened.
Had you actually cared as much as you are claiming to do, you would have atleast ATTEMPTED to do ANYTHING before the patch.

Before said patch day you have been extremely inactive, and news about this was both on website, as well as the launcher. Even I learned of this ahead of time, through a 3rd party website covering gaming news in general.

Reeeally weird of someone not even remotely paying attention to any news of the game to be claiming some kind of loss in said game only after it has been cut out

i agree that they should bring back classic mode, though i personally never used it.


they should just bring it back, there’s no downside. If the player count doesnt support it, it’s not like every other mode isn’t infested with bots


He has the right to complain, he spent on a format that blizzard removed. Not everyone watches the news, especially since you have players who only play on the phone (phone > 0 news).

Buy a new car and a week later the salesman comes to take it back from you without giving you back your money, are you going to say anything?

Blizzard are just big crooks, can’t wait for the takeover to be over so that the cheapskate robbert kottick gets out of the company because he was a big parasite.


I didnt trust Blizzard to begin with, due to the many company wide decisions that has been made over the past years, and I was under the impression this was the norm, as they have long since lost the trust of a big chunk of the playerbase.

My point is this was given a warning in good time. If OP were as invested as they claimed to be, it would be natural to start getting concerned before it actually happened.

Despite your analogy being extremely wrong, as theres vast different amounts of cash, one game is free to play and you SIGN A CONTRACT BLIZZARD CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT and you ignore the warning in said analogy, let me put it like this;

Its like your car salesman tells you a week in advance, very seriously, that they will take the car in for maintenance for who knows how long in a week. You decide to ignore the claim, until it actually happens, and you only then start making an issue.

Its perfectly fine making an issue about this, but waiting till the day of the patch to start claiming you are an active user who cares a lot about this is weird. More can be done before the patch than after.
To begin with, this wasnt their first post, and to even post, you can already see the news.

edit; quote didnt implement correctly

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Theft it was. I have been playing Hearthstone since it came out. How much money have I spent? Wow! And now i cant play Classic anymore? i have no desire to learn all the new card mechanics or abilities. Thats why I stopped playing Magic. This is supposed to be a casual CCG - at least thats what they used to tout it as. Guess not anymore.


Stop blizzard can’t do everything, if it didn’t have a large base of fanboy (moron) who forgives the company everything, the company would have already closed because the company has been doing nothing but s.hit for years.


Oh yes, the old fallacy of “if you are not with me, you are against me.”

I recall a similarly stupid point of view by a certain Anakin Skywalker. Or perhaps he was Darth Vader at that point. Either way, he was being dumb.

Just because someone can understand why a business does a thing, and can explain you entered into the transactions you did, willingly, as you and I and everyone else that’s played the game and bought anything on it clicked the EULA Agree options (reading them or not). Yes, being self aware of the things one has agreed to and being capable of rational thoughts from a business’ point of view is definitely enemy behavior and fanboy service.

Basically being a human with the ability to read and have the ability to think in an abstract way, is somehow the antithesis to you and your kind. The Luke Skywalker’s all whining about how they were going to go to Tosche’s Station to pick up some power converters! But now the script has progressed and they blew up your house and Aunt and Uncle. Deal with it like that whiney brat did, go kiss your sister!

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I agree with most of your reply, but what did you mean by this (quote under this)?

All your base are belong to us. Set us up the bomb.

Not that I generally don’t agree with you about the Classic format, but there are a few things to point out — or nitpick, if you will.

First, it’s not exactly a jet engine or something like it to lose ‘thrust’ — just saying. :grinning:

Second, you can lose only something that you have — and I’m not certain that could be said about players’ trust at that point.

Finally, one more small thing: this has been discussed profusely, including the points you’ve made, and you have apparently seen it. Do you truly believe yourself to be so special that it warrants a separate topic? :grinning:

How about the whole game in general, which has already happened in China? Yes, another repetition, but what of it…

Mercenaries appear abandoned, by the way.

So are they slashing or smashing now?

To be fair, I saw the Twist announcement.

I skimmed it very quickly and when I saw that it would involve the use of Wild cards, I did not look into it deeper. Wild is not for me, and Twist is not for me. So I genuinely had no idea that it was replacing Classic. I just went back and re-read the article and I do see a line about finding Twist “where Classic used to be,” so I guess it’s not unreasonable to think that the reader could infer that Classic is being removed entirely. But I just didn’t pick up on that when quickly skimming the article. And I also don’t think it’s unreasonable for quite a few Classic players to have been surprised when Classic was suddenly gone from their game menu options.


Understandable — almost happened to me on my first try, since the first sentence of the article (the essential one) got scrolled somehow. :grinning: The forums were all abuzz with the subject, though, so you might have noticed it. After rereading the article, I even posted this:

I still stand by my statement that reading skills are important, and I try to follow my own ‘preachings’ as well.

With that said, let me also reiterate that many would find the one-week notice very short. There are cultures and countries (thinking about the likes of Germany, Sweden and such) where you’d generally assume that even an ambulance must be booked at least a month in advance, let alone less urgent matters, when you could wait for months or even years in a queue (that includes renting a flat first-hand, for example).

Sure, this company operates in a rather barbaric environment, where you could do more than that: you could just say, ‘You’re fired’, and ‘unemploy’ someone the next day — something legally impossible without a very convincing reason (like a breach of contract, law or something — not on a whim) and, at the very least, a lengthy notice period elsewhere. However, the decision to discontinue Classic had apparently been made for some time, so they might have announced it much earlier — if even minimum consideration for the players is what you’d expect from this particular company, that is.

Thus, I could also agree with you here:

Oh my! I went back and that first line is quite clear. But in my initial skimming of the article and even my subsequent reading of it the other day, I completely missed that line. Maybe because it was above the header of the first section of the article. So while the information was there, I missed it in two readings of the article, so I’ll maintain that it’s certainly reasonable for many Classic players to have missed it and then only become aware when their preferred mode was (from their perspective) suddenly eliminated. Perhaps Blizzard could have explained why Classic was being replaced rather than simply adding Twist as an additional game mode. It’s not like Classic needed all that much support. There’s minimal balancing needed; just let it be there. I don’t see the logic in removing it.

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lol, I laughed when I read the title of this. You guys are acting like they took something away from you when it was never yours in the first place. Blizzard has every right to make any changes to their game modes as they see fit. It’s their product, their software, and if that means they have to remove dead weight and put in something else to increase engagement, well then I’ve got news for you, they can, and every smart game developer does it.

Just to let you know, you are able edit the title of your post… I’m sure you meant to say Trust instead of Thrust.

And I also just want to add, I understand the frustration of when something you enjoy playing leaves or changes, however, those of us who play Standard regularly, experience constant changes on the regular. This is hearthstone, the only thing that is constant is change.

Hopefully you will come to move past this and focus your energy on something that will yield some satisfaction. I thrust you will eventually come to your senses. :slight_smile:

:grinning: Yeah, exactly that.

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Wow, they gave about a whole week notice ahead of time, eh?

Such a fair and good company they are!

/sarcasm off