Yet another way Blizz is killing its own game

tbh just take advantage of people jamming Renethal bc their decks aren’t refined. Yes, the extra HP sucks for decks with finite points of dmg (so like DR Rogue or Garrote Rogue); and yes, the 10 extra cards suck for fatigue oriented decks (so just add one of your own); however, the 10 extra cards are also a drop in consistency for most decks. Run a refined, tight list like Beast Hunter and you’ll climb.

were u asleep for when Control Warrior was so oppressive it had 3 entirely different win conditions with the same base shell? what about HPala or Freeze Shaman? Curse Lock? Control is fully alive and well and dominant.


“OMG people are playing a free card everybody got thats going to kill the game!!!” :rofl:


wooo, it’s almost as if people like new cards and try them when they are free.

When they gifted Vanndar/Drektar it happened the same thing, it’s nothing new/strange.
It would be worse if they gifted an irrelevant/uninteresting card (like murlock holmes, it seemed cool but then they revealed the effect and it’s terrible: I fear it will be free in the pass, unfortunately)


People have been asking for higher health pools precisely because of the dominance of aggro decks for years. This is one way for Blizzard to achieve this without having to check individual class mechanics. It’s 10 more health, that’s maybe one more round for your average aggro deck anyways. Suck it up. Besides, you have to remember that a larger deck also dilutes their deck a bit and makes it less likely that they draw something they need in a given round. It’s a tradeoff.


The card could use some nerfing (I think +10 HP is a lot, especially when the drawback is something you can also turn in your favor) but this is hardly “killing their own game”. If anything, it’s the opposite – the extra cards allows for all kind of wacky strategies, and the extra HP makes sure those strats have at least a semblance of viability.

And while I think that the +10 cards can be turned into a benefit, usually it’s a drawback. And a big one. It means you won’t get the cards you need when you need them. Aggro decks thrive when people can’t find the answer to them.

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Well the problem I’m seeing now with the new card that jumps to 40 warlocks now will shine even more since the stupid card immolate burns the whole hand

it only burns the ones you didnt play !

Well if you cared about those cards so much, why didn’t you play them?


Because I didn’t have enough mana to play them.
WHAT?! You guys pay mana?! Who pays mana for cards nowadays? Honestly. Hue hue hue hue hue hue


Literal poor troll attempt at trolling is poor.


This is bad, even for you. And in another thread, you literally post:

So which is it: troll people for saying the card was bad, or troll people for playing card against a card you lied and claimed no one plays in their deck.

Nevermind, the answer as always when encountering the bot is: troll people who take issue with the company.

you do know i was quoting inmolate flavor text ,right ?

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The new excuse for violating coc is…“I was just ‘quoting’ text that violates coc, so it doesn’t count.” I’m sure one of you will pull that one the next time you use hate speech, or harass a poster who states they are on the verge of suicide. But it won’t wash there, and it doesn’t now.

im pretty sure you are lying

just in case

hate speech on a flavor text ?
can you name the card with it ?

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1.i didn’t play board clear because it would kill my own board
2.i played Zephrys but rip that polymorph card for your disgusting deathrattle 5/7//other big treat…also rip Zeph for lethal or board clear needs
3.i didn’t play finley because it was meant to turn your power off…not screw up my own
4.not enough mana(single minions)
5.not enough turn to play my few high cost cards i had in hand
6.i didn’t play n’zoth cause i had yet to get any deathrattle to die :S
7.too soon executus ! you had to hold back this board clear for another turn since they didn’t had enough value to use it on
8. wasted battlecry…Imma be rich !..wait…rip my Reno ! it could of save me from fatigue damage or lethal T_T
9.i was hlding these card for a combo…even my backup plan is ruin…why just why ?

Dear Blizzard,

Scissors are OP. Please nerf scissors. Rock is ok.


“NO U” intensifies. It’s clear you were intending to troll the poster, and there’s plenty of card text that could be quoted that violates coc. It doesn’t wash.

Suck it up? One more turn is usually what slower decks are lacking to stabilize. 1 more turn is a major deal. 10 more cards isn’t necessarily a drawback like you make it sound. That is 10 more heal/removal/taunts that makes slower decks even more miserable to play against.

so not a single card has "Hate speech " as flavor text


reading again, and bot is set for troll mode.

“This game is over”. Because they made face decks weaker? Seriously… Face decks are why i gave this game a break for awhile. People go face even in arena. Maybe learn to play with strategy instead of just blindly smacking face.

We need glass cannon to exist, in RPG too, some players enjoy absurd output damage. I myself is more of a control/ reactive player, but a balanced meta mixed with control, combo and aggro is healthy for the game