Yes the game is that it finds..a worthy opponent

If your skill is say 7 out of 10 then you’ll - eventually - play against …7 out of 10 people by definition; that by definition means you’ll go to a 50-50 win average at some point; that point varies between people but: given no bots around and given not many have an unfair star advantage (for no good reason): most will be stuck at the rank that no longer gives a star advantage or a streak advantage [unless they play too much and eventually jump to a next rank floor by mere chance(a single win streak can do it even without any bonuses(and with a <50% win rate))].

I’m still open to the possibility of literal rigging; e.g. it’s a documented fact that Activision filed a patent to rig games for profit; but a more obvious issue is that the Devs shuffle the meta decks around all the time so you keep being triggered to buy packs.


I’m enjoying starting my mornings off with a bit of comedy

Tho, the execution could be better

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When foxes offer, chickens buy :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:

Which is what you expect from ranked matchmaking, don’t you ?

You start at a low level when you’re new to the game.
You start by playing against “bad” players.
Then you become better, you start outmatching your previous opponents and you start climbing.
Then you hit new level of opponent that matches yours and you stagnate a bit.
Maybe you’ll become even better and will climb higher. Maybe you will stagnate in level, so in rank. Maybe there will be a shift in the meta and you will not adapt, making you lose in powerlevel and you will derank.

that’s the theory of what I’m expecting from a ranked matchmaking :person_shrugging:

That patent doesn’t apply to competitive matchmaking ladders, it wasn’t for Hearthstone, and it wasn’t even implemented in the game it was written for.

But sure, go ahead and blame it for all your salty losses. I’m sure you’ll still be here complaining about the same thing next year.


It’s a documented fact that Microsoft / Activision filed a patent for software that impersonates dead relatives in forums and chat, great great great grandson.

I agree with the overall message of the opening post. Even the last paragraph was like “I am undecided on whether to believe in a lie or not,” that’s not anything bad or anything.

I guess the tone might have been off though, since it drew in all the flags lol. Title too spicy

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The insanity of some replies shows how people are prejudiced and don’t try to understand what you’re saying.
E.g. I was trying to say there’s no much rigging in reality probably.

Nope: most replies were implying I said the inverse lol…

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Correct… until they get better at the game. I used to consistently get to P10 ranking and would be very excited when I’d occasionally hit P5 (and get the one additional bonus star for the next month). But after a while, I was consistently hitting P5 and creeping up to D10. Then, after some more time, I started hitting the Diamond ranks with some regularity. And now I always hit D10 and almost always hit D5. I’ve even gotten to D1 once, but haven’t quite gotten over the top to Legend yet. Maybe I will some day with practice or maybe my skill level is such that D5-1 is my landing spot. But it sure seems to me that the ranking system works (for my gameplay) exactly as it’s intended. Personally, I’d like to see more rank floors added to help the “stop loss” during a bad streak of games, but I still think the system overall works to (eventually) funnel players into their appropriate skill corral.

:thinking: :thinking:

Yeah if you censor 80% of what I say, and talk out of context for the rest 20%, you can create a good strawman.

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You made 2 paragraphs. I quote the second one.
Isn’t your final short paragraph supposed to be your conclusion ?

But ok let’s consider the context of what I omitted

Describing a normal ranked matchmaking

You’re talking “unfairness with no good reason”, which kinda leans toward talking about a rigged system

normal ranked matchmaking

You assume only luck can make you climb

This one talks for itself

So from what I’ve omitted : 2 parts to describe a normal matchmaking, one to say that not all players are treated equally, one to say that the system is luck-based, one to say that you’re open for the game to be rigged. Plus what I’ve already quoted where you introduce as fact that the games are rigged for profit and the devs voluntary rigg the meta.

At what point is any one reading your first post supposed to read through the lines and come to the conclusion that you do not think the game is rigged ?

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And when you do this, suddenly there’s no rigging you can or even want to do. As long as 9 classes out of 12 have a strong deck or two, and as long as you can force them rotating every once in a while, you don’t have to rig anything, even if you could.


You are prejudiced. It was completely unrelated to that. I meant I find it lame that star bonuses (and even streak bonuses) even exist because they contaminate what a rank means (if you have star bonuses from the past you’ll go easier to a higher rank and if you get lucky with a streak you may also raise rank too fast even if the win rate is low (PS also rank-bottoms are bad since someone worse at the game may be stuck at a higher rank than their skill)).

I don’t know any ranked matchmaking that does hard reset each new season.
The star bonus is just the way it is in HS.
Battlegrounds keep your hidden MMR between each season, allowing you to climb faster at the beginning of the new season.
Other games will rank you closer to what you previously were, because they don’t erase your MMR
Star bonus is mainly the reflection of your MMR from previous season. It’s not unfair, you had to earn it at some point, and you can lose it afterward.

Winstreak is kinda the same thing, even if it can reward luck, it mostly rewards consistency.

Come on, if someone managed to reach silver 6 and got 3 lucky wins in a row, are you really saying they don’t belong in silver 5 ?

Other than that

If you start your own thread with off-topic comments, don’t expect people to understand that you can’t express your ideas without bringing unrelated topics to the table.
You started this topic. What you say in the first message will be taken as a whole support for the very topic of what you’re saying.

At no point in time, neither the title not the first message are giving any clue that you were not calling the game rigged

I’ve never had a win rate close to 50% in any expansion, with any of my decks. It’s always more, so this system clearly fails.

That is correct… and it is by design. The bonus stars serve to drive the higher ranked players out of the lower ranks more quickly and closer to the rank they achieved the prior month.


You are niave if you believe that… You can’t really have skill in a game that is 65% RNG. (being conservative also).

Especially with this group of cards way to many OTK decks you literally can’t stop unless you outright DPS their face off. There are 2 decks that can kill you on turn 5, 6 or 7 turns most of their games.

You have one deck that can’t even be countered except by Wheel Warlocks.

Nope sorry but skill plays very little in this game right now and I know that must chap your lips knowing you have very little skill.

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It’s worth emphasizing that while you have bonus stars, your hidden MMR is used for matching and not your explicit rank. So somone dropping a 9-star bonus will be up against other 9-star bonus players on the first of the month, not actual bronzes.

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That’s such a hypocritical argument. If I were a narcissistic noob who has the delusion they are pro: I would not make a post saying “it’s not rigged”; I would make a post “it is rigged”; I would say the Devs are not letting me go Legend rank 1.

I.e. it seems you were talking to the mirror there.