Would you/ what would you balance in the wild mode

wild is more stale than standart but its state is not carved in stone. It benefits from new card like standart does, in a lower amount. Further more you could have all kinds of dragon decks for nearly every class, big-minion decks for all kind of classes, jade-decks, secret-decks, crazy combo-decks, spell-dmg-decks and so on.

That is a great amount of variety. One of the benefits of this mode is, even on higher ranks you could be matched against a unique, long-forgotten niche or meta deck which does make a great gaming experience.

All this isnt possible if one deck and maybe its counter deck is dominating this whole mode for entire years of playing.

Maybe some of you remember even-shaman-domination of wild maybe 2 years ago or the rezz priest and secret mage era which we are facing today?

like a user posted above, maybe yearly (carefully!) wild balances, hand in hand with the yearly set rotation, could be good step towards better game experience in wild?

Today in Europe realms, 21 game to fight 18 secret mage…this wild is so broken and now so boring.

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today got a quest with getting 2 wins in every game mode and already got another for 3 games with hunter.

So I take my tonk hunter (this version is wild only!) and did 3 beautiful and exciting plays. The only problem was, however, I got matched against 2 secret mages and the third one was against a big priest.

I dont bother loosing, I do this quite often. But every time a big priest plays Blood of ghuun t5, drawing what ever, followed by a resurrection spell. Some thing itches me really hard saying, there is something wrong with some card synergies in wild.

People who stop playing wild dont switch to other game modes obligatory. They just stop playing.

tbf tonk hunter is weak in every game mode

It’s honestly really not that bad. Depends on meta as always. There IS a wild meta, there ARE different meta decks in wild, some matchups are good some are autolose… quite similar to standard. Still, low wild legend playground is my favorite, super fun full of crazy surprises, and I enjoy it a lot, a lot more than laddering to legend. You can actually MAKE (or alter) decks that can win some games. I play both wild and standard btw, reaching legend occasionaly lately, as I don’t really have time to play more. In the end, I suppose everyone plays for different kicks…

I’m glad that the new Classic format is coming out.
What it means is that even if Wild is a completely unbalanced mess (which it completely is, by the way), you can just rank up in Classic.
Wild is very frustrating.

On my humble opinion it can be decent strong in wild with its multiple possibilities to trigger and resurrect.
But it was just a example though, for a cool deck type.

In the last half year Ive hit a few times legend, for example with secret paladin, murloc paladin, big shaman, big demon warlock. All more or less self made and all of it representing a possible variety of the wild mode which is outstanding.
There are literally dozens of decks waiting to be played. Decks which are more or less competitive.
But all is squeezed in a shell between on, two or maybe three dominating decks which is limiting the whole meta.

Assumely the development of hs does not want to see it. Its a shame really.

Mozaki. Should be 5 mana 3/8 spellburst: gain spell damage +1.
Also Archivist Elysiana: I think it’s better if we remove her from the game, it grants such huge value, definitely more than it should be allowed.

I’d disable standard decks from wild so they are exclusive from one another, then I’d start buffing up the old sets (mainly cards that had cool art or unique effects) and nerfing the new sets slightly so it doesn’t just become another version of standard. Basically reverse the power creep, wild doesn’t need that for people to buy packs.

I’d tweak mechanics that are busted in wild but not in standard
like the infinite board wipes or the permanent immune decks you might see in a few years time. Rez mechanic, that clearly is overdue and should have been implemented way before changes like battlepasses and the likes.

I don’t think Mozaki is a problem in Wild. I’m happy to have combo decks in the meta. Sure, it can be frustrating to lose to them but we need decks that can actually beat control decks.
Plus, there is lots of counterplay. Your favorite card Tickatus is extremely powerful against combo decks in Wild. Dirty Rat works pretty well, too.

Elysiana: I would pity any deck that relies on a card such as Elysiana to win. Druids have Jade Idol. Even Odd Warrior doesn’t bother with Elysiana. Rogues can do infinite (for all intents and purposes) N’Zoths, Shamans can do infinite Sudderwocks, etc. I haven’t met anyone playing Elysiana in Wild since I came back to the game last August.

Balance out wild but hear me out , no nerfs or buffs … NONE .

Just release a “wild” only set that powercreeps to squash the top offenders , release 1 set per year . Problem solved , fun stays intact

Well, if it does work it would be fine.

Don’t you think, maybe annual, tweaks a few cards would be less work for Blizzard?

Just a spontaneous idea: how about to change the rules a little bit?
Spells can’t be reduced to less than one, except for those which already costed 0.

Also every minion can only be resurrected once.

Or something similar.

It would let the most decks stay the same only taking some power from the most hilarious otk, big priests etc. Decks?


Well a lot of legend streamers play Mozaki mage, and I’ve seen one playing Mozaki in wild at legend #3. (on Australia). That’s because Mozaki is better than anyone should allow.

I played my favorite card, Tickatus, many times against a Mozaki deck. I think only once or twice in my whole career I’ve hit Mozaki with Tickatus. When you can’t consistently hit a combo piece, that means either your tech card is too weak or the combo card is broken. But you say Tickatus is extremely powerful, so then Mozaki is broken. Simple deduction.

Almost every control player has Archivist Elysiana in their deck. If you did not meet them, that is probably because they didn’t need to play Elysiana but they had it in hand/deck.
The things you list there are class specific option, but Elysiana is a neutral option. Also you can run Brann + Elysiana for shuffling 20 cards into your deck. With Augmented Elekk, make it 40 cards. Trust me, when I heard Elysiana is reverted two weeks ago I was close to bang my head against a wall.

The AU meta must be vastly different from NA and EU.

Also in EU (where I play), Mozaki is abused very very much.
Every mage seems like a parent that sends their own child called Mozaki to beg on the streets. Except they want wins, not money.

Brand + Elysiana can’t shuffle 20 cards into your deck though. Battlecry always removes your deck first, so when 2nd battlecry triggers it will remove the first 10 cards you put in deck.


As Reno Priest, I faced Reno Warlock twice on ladder recently.
The first time, my opponent played Brann Tickatus on turn 9 and milled my Shadowreaper Anduin.
As a combo deck, with a key combo piece burned, I had to concede after a few turns of futilely trying to win through max board pressure.

The next time I met a Reno Warlock, I had Polkelt in hand but was afraid to play it because Gnomeferatu would burn my Anduin. So I waited for some way to draw right after playing Polkelt but I didn’t find card draw. Meanwhile, Tickatus burned my Spawn of Shadows. However, stubborn as I am, I didn’t concede and tried to win without it. As soon as I played my Anduin, my opponent used the Grizzled Wizard - Finley combo to change my hero power to a useless one so I conceded.

So, in both games, I was a combo deck facing a Tickatus warlock. Tickatus (played before turn 10) burned a key combo piece in both games. I tried to win anyway but couldn’t in the end.

I realize Tickatus won’t always hit combo pieces.

There is no way this is true. I have watched wild streams, looked at popular decklists online and played myself on ladder. Maybe I have seen her included once or twice in Odd Warrior lists but never in other Wild control decks. Maybe you can show me evidence?

I play Odd Warrior and Reno Priest myself and I don’t include Elysiana in my decks, though I guess Reno Priest is more of a combo deck than a strict control deck. Reno Warlock is a control deck yet they have no need of Elysiana. I don’t think Reno mages include Elysiana.

By the way, I’m not saying that Mozaki is a weak card. It’s a great card for combo mages.

I’d like to see weak legendaries be buffed, even if it’s just reducing their mana cost by 1 or 2.

Gazlowe should cost 3 or 4, his power is cool I’d like to see it

Hemet Nesingwary should cost 1 less and destroy ALL beasts, that’d be a crazy power since it’s so conditional anyway

Nefarian should cost 8 mana, or fill your hand with spells from your opponent’s class, that’d be a real legendary ability

There are loads more but yea basically just make past legendaries better because most of them are just… not good.

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Personaly id buff ALOT of old cards, many have cool/inetresting/unique effects and could support more decks/archeytpes but are to expensive/to little stats or both.

Like for example : Rend blackhand to 6mana 7/5 or 6/5 and destory ANY minion not just legendary, smolderthorn lancer to 2, twilight guardian gets +2atatck, Drakanoid crusher gets Rush aswell on effect,volcanic is 6/5 instead of 6/4.

Or shadow bomber is a 2/2 up from 2/1, Mana geode tokens have taunt,shadowfiend is a 2 mana 2/3.

Those examples would be nice some help to dragon decks or any kind of aggro/Tempo priest.

but id aslo do wild only mini set(s) that support old/strugglign archetypes(like giving dragon decks some betetr dragons, espciallly in early game) or some support at all for the dozen palladin arcehtypes blizz made 2 cards for and then never gave more.

8 mana, give it taunt AND fill hadn with spells and he might be something you play at all.
Else still 8mana 8/8 no board impact,no taunt or rush or anything. Which wont be played at all.

And buffs shoudnt be limited to just legendaries, archetypes often and usally get far more out of their non legendaries then legendaries, like for example dragon warr has far more out of alexstrazas champion then any legendary Dragon o rlegednary support (like Rend blackhand).