Would you/ what would you balance in the wild mode

hey there,
it’s almost like the Gretchen question. Should the wild mode be balanced by various buffs or nerfs on outstanding cards/decks to keep them in a certain line or should it be completely left to itself, as in the wild west?
What do you think?

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It needs some balance. I get that the devs don’t care or want to care. It’s not where they money comes from. But it’s stale. A few tweaks would work wonders.

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I know this argumentation and I can comprehend it but wouldnt that a be bit short-sighted?
Wild-players do cash in, too. Catering them would be an investment in customer loyalty.

the thing about wild is that there is soo many strong cards from hearthstones lifespan, so there will always be an insanely strong deck unless you nerf everything. and nerfing everything would defeat the purpose of letting old decks be at full power for the fans who want to keep playing them.

i have personally played a fair bit of wild this season (hysteria otk :slight_smile:) and there are plenty of decks that are just as degenerate as that deck. and playing degenerate decks is honestly the only appeal i can find to play wild, if i want to play something fairly normal with a curve i would just play standard.

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then you dont want to play a card game you just want your opponent to watch you play.

if you want to limit yourself by playing a weaker deck because you refuse to play the strong ones then that is your decision, but then you shouldnt run and complain when you lose.

I refuse to say you that you only gonna play wild mode because you like to play degenerated decks or even just to let your opponent watching you how to play your otk-deck for yourself.

given the assumption, that there are some design sins or out-of-line synergies which only do not hit the roof in standart because of the limitations there the question remains:
does a “tolerated line (of power creep area)” exist in wild which is inherent to that modus or should everything be allowed in this mode. For example with the possible outcome of one deck possible dominating all other decks and playstyle maybe over years?

I think we need a very good neutral tech card vs. rezz priest. We need something that devastates rezz priest in the same way that eater of secrets can just win the game vs. secret mage.

The problem is that the priest gets his powerful minions from both his deck and his rezz pool. In order to stop rezz priest strategy as a control deck, you would need to use ALL the tools to corrupt his rezz pool, minions in deck, and spells, but you’re going to be running about 10 cards to do this, so goooood luck.

I don’t mind losing to OTK with my slow control deck, but a matchup against another control deck shouldn’t be hopeless when I am running many tech cards for it.

is that what you tell yourself while you skip your opponents turn with tiller lol?
there is a good reason why they are called degenerate otk’s, and that’s because degenerates play it
and no things like maly druid don’t count as degen

the only deck that can get their turn skipped is mage, all other decks die from the combo

problems cards.and recommended nerfs

Dark Glare…2 mana cost–>4 mana cost

Loatheb…5 mana increase to spell---->3 mana Increase to Spells

Tickatus…Burn 5 cards---->Burn 2 cards(if remain 6 mana)…Burn 3 if cost = 9

Enbiggen…give all minions in the deck +2/2—>give all minion in the deck +2/1

Tiller…give him anti-magic so that the degenerate combo cant occur

Blood of Ghun…solutions…remove it entirely from the game…or give players
an all class spell that mass polymorph for 4 mana(Twin Spell effect)
no amount of stats nerf will fix Blood of Ghun

Anka current…reduce deathrattle minions cost to 1 mana and their stats to 1/1
Anka after…reduce deathrattle minions cost to 5 mana and their stats to 3/3

Lightning Bloom current…grant player +2 mana this turn and overload 1 mana
Lightning Bloom after…grant player +2 mana…overload 1 mana…and prevent the player from playing more than 3 cards this turn

Bombs dmg 5—>3 dmg(stuff too strong in aggro warrior)

thats all the nerfs i can suggest to fix all the problems cards and also most optimal ones…unfortunetly blood of ghun dont have a solid solution to fix
that or like…just swap the class that can use it…because in priest decks its just too powerful

i think that conclude it…for Demon Hunter Case maybe slightly nerf anything with -1 to -2 attack depending if the card seem too strong(dont have DH cards name memorize yet so i’d have to launch the game to be able to call them out)

EDIT: Paladin Murloc rez card should be change to “for each murloc that died this game summon a random murloc”…31 dmg ressurect from buffs//charge murlocs is bs too

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What about rogue with Evasion?

then you are playing mill rouge and shouldnt complain about balance :slight_smile:

Some quote the designers with words like “wild mode is wild, people just want to play and refine their old decks. Nerfs would be take out the fun from those old decks”. But isn’t that attitude wrong?

Yes, people are playing wild for nostalgia for their old cards and because their favorite decks arent viable anymore in the standart rotation. Also, they like to refine them with new cards, what makes crazy combos and synergies even more possible.

But does that necessarily mean, that synergies, which are going meanwile right through the roof shouldn’t be alined with other card/deck-outcomes? Keep in mind that this does not mean to standardize all kind of cards. In this case wild would remain as the power house. It just would be open for more variety, enabling more nostalgic and cool decks to shine?

I believe that wild should be a competetive and fun gamemode, so in that context when new cards rotate in I think they should nerf certain cards yes. If there weren’t any nerfs such as the incoming tiller nerf wild would be dominate by 1 or 2 decks and you wouldn’t be able to have a nostalgic experience noir would it be competetive with tournaments etc, that’s my take on it.

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not that wild shouldn’t have any sort of balance changes but i mean can you really balance it? like there’s always going to be crazy strong combos and that’s kinda the point i feel.

It’ll never be perfectly balanced but outliers can be tweaked, like they did with Darkglare.

yeah i know you can rework outliers, but usually when i hear people complain about the balance of wild they want the balance to be equivalent to standard which just isn’t possible.

The balance in standard isn’t always on par with the balance in standard. :joy:

i’m aware but in every card game i’ve played the people that complain about balancing old/unlimited formats are the people that want every format to play the same