Worst balance ever


All I see in Standard is DH like 60% , Hunter and Warlock like 30% and the rest random.

This is beyond pathetic. DH is so strong that you don’t even need a brain to play the deck. Even a 5 years old kid can play this deck and win.

Microsoft? Jump in already and at least try and fix the mess Blizzard is doing, and not only with Hearthstone, but on all their games.

Edit: Just had a match as we speak against a DH. He finished me off so fast, that Hsreplay addon didn’t even saved the match LOL.

Blizzard, sorry, but you suck!


I agree, DH decks are so strong and brain dead. Ive made a freeze rainbow Deathknight deck and i still lose against them 80% of the time. Blizz needs to seriously nerf this.

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If you face 60% dh just play a deck that crushs them.

I dont think u understand, we want to have fun… not playing counter decks to win…

Then do that in casual mode, not ranked.

Funny enough, people will happily play the exact same deck in casual as standard.

Look, they simply can’t balance this game anymore.

Besides, even if they knew how to balance they wouldn’t because they want to keep you frustrated with Blizzard’s rigged fake “rng”.

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Ugh. Ye olde worthless, misleading HSR class chart.

If that chart wasn’t completely full of excrement, then it would look something more like this:

Class Winrate
Demon Hunter 54.97%
Hunter 52.75%
Warlock 50.64%
Warrior 50.06%
Death Knight 49.09%
Priest 48.38%
Rogue 47.83%
Mage 46.71%
Paladin 46.53%
Shaman 46.01%
Druid 45.75%

Here’s how my calculations are different:

  1. Instead of using Gold through Bronze, I used Diamond through Legend.
  2. HSR only counts the games from the side of the person who has HSR’s tracker installed. So if tracker guy is playing Hunter and not tracker guy is playing DH, and DH wins, HSR counts that as a loss for Hunter but does not count that as a win for DH. People who install trackers tend to play better, and win more, than people who don’t install trackers, so HSR exaggerates winrates up. I made an attempt to normalize for this, although I will admit it wasn’t “pure” so could still be off a little.

Demon Hunter is still OP and all, the crappy way that HSR calculates stats can’t get around that fact, but you still shouldn’t ever trust their class winrate summary, ever. Wait for the Vicious Syndicate reports if you want accurate stats and dubious commentary.

Also Shaman has a Tier 2 deck currently, some might argue Tier 1, and the only reason Shaman is second from bottom is because a lot of Shamans out there playing Tier 4 meme decks bringing down the class average. There’s really no great way for even an honest class winrate chart to not be misleading, because it is including all the behavior of absolute clown players. Shaman is at least 6th best class or better in reality (and Priest is better than DK, for similar reasons although not quite as extreme).

TL;DR: All class winrate charts are bad and HSR’s is extra bad.

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I don’t care about your calculation.

I am taking my …calculation based on the data from hsreplay and from my very own games.

Exactly this.

Too many rng with every new expansion. I think we have rng over rng over rng x10.

All they care is $ at this point. Zero balance, sell as many xpacs , cards, skins, etc.


Which is crap.

Which is even more crap.

I mean, it is a discussion board, I don’t think that there’s a hard data requirement. I think you talking about your personal experience is fair game. What I take offense to is you calling crap “data.”

And your calculation is not crap?


Oh, you are that guy. 10k+ posts.

Just… never mind! :)))

Your “data” is right…


What does his post count have anything to do with your discussion?

A guy with 10k+ posts on a forum game is 110% a whiteknight no matter what.

The game has problem? Nope, not from his POV.

The game needs balance? Nope, not from his POV.


Seems I have to learn you guys the basics here.

Ok, so you made an assumption based on only one observation “his post count”, and it looks like you now consider that to be a fact that we need to learn from you, interesting. Almost as if you rush to a conclusion based on limited data.

Limited data? LOL

10k posts are not “limited data”.

Seems you have to go … “outside” for a bit ( aka to …other games forums ) , if you don’t know that if a guy has this many posts on a forum game, then he is 110% a whiteknight no matter what.

Yes, your your observation that he has that post count and come to the conclussion he is a white knight based only on that is limited data.

You might want to check his posting history …

Wtf are you even talking about ?!

Geez “dude”. I’m wasting my time with you …

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I have read his posts for quite some time since he is frequently posting in many threads. My conclusion is that he is not acting as a white knight. I did neither see him white knighting in this thread. What i saw was him putting in argument based on different oppinion from yours on the WR numbers. And argue your data you based your numbers on was faulty. Why this became quite comedical when we now see how little information you need to come to a conclusion that you seem to consider facts.

He possibly also has a 19-post-account to support his 10k+ main account. :rofl:


Paranoid much are we?