Worst balance ever

DH is only hero that has cheapest hero power while rest of heroes have 2 mana cost.

True BUT to be fair if you made it 2 mana they would have the SAME ability as Rogue. So they are fine.

I literally said that Demon Hunter is OP. I guess I didn’t explicitly say it should be nerfed, but I implied it heavily, and let’s make it explicit: Demon Hunter should be nerfed.

This isn’t about white knighting AT ALL. It’s about attacking class winrate charts generally and HSR’s specifically. You’re actually the one white knighting for HSR here.

I’d rather DH aggro being reasonably OP (not like naga aggro->draw deck->win) than greedy control/combo decks continuing to go unchecked. If the game is ever going to recover, it’s going to start with aggro dictating what the slower decks get away with. I think it’s a first step in the right direction at least.

How’s that leather taste?