Will this game ever be balanced for once in its existence?

Tell me your highest rank, you don’t seem to know much about the cards if you think things are fine…u just make a fool out of yourself. And it doesn’t make sense calling me kiddo when you are younger then me Kiddo.

Highest rank? I’ve been literally legend to almost every season since Naxx release until Rhastakan where i stopped caring about Ladder. Highest rank 73 EU legend. And why does it even matter to you? Getting to legend is about grinding not skill anyway. You could play the most braindead aggro deck and get to legend as long as you play a lot of hours each day.

Rank does matter because it tells me what kind of player a person is, and since most people like to talk ish, they need to back it up, not say things and act like they are skilled when they really didn’t do anything ingame like reaching 5 to 1 for example or just enter Legend, u get me?

Some cards from every class need to be scaled down, you can’t disagree with me on that because then it just shows me that you don’t see the power in them that causes the balance.

If you nerf every class, then technically they all stay at the same power level. Why nerf when you can buff? It creates the same effect. And there is no card game that is 100% balanced. That’s a ridiculous statement. Please state your facts that nerfing classes would create balance. Calling people stupid because they ‘don’t get it’ doesn’t make your argument. Present the facts that you say are obvious. if you cannot present them (which you can’t), then please stop.

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I rather have this then them being scattered all over the place, 1 do 10dmg the other one do 4dmg for example, it’s better to make things close to same power level then for it to be huge difference between them because it comes down to how you use them instead of just throwing it out there.

Short answer: never.

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If you play the game competitively and wouldn’t look what’s the most “unfair” way to play you’re doing it wrong. It’s all about winning and nothing else. Not sure how you don’t see it that way.

I said that balance in a competitive game is “logically” impossible. But maybe you see “competition” a bit different then. As I already said it will never be perfectly balanced because people will always find the imperfection and there will never be absolute perfection. So maybe you mean something different with “balance” as well. I would really like to know an example of a perfectly balanced game. I imagine people just didn’t find something yet, but could if they wanted and had enough time and reason.

What are the “real issues” that are “OP” or “broken”? That’s exactly my point. Some people could just call aggro broken and it doesn’t mean all that much except they don’t like to play against aggro because of various and probably very valid reasons for them. What is “OP” or “broken” to you might not be for others and vice versa. So I’m very curious what your answer would be.

I don’t see things that can be countered fairly easy as " OP " or " Broken ".

That’s what people who mabey don’t play well blame it on as “broken”, OP is something that’s near to impossible to beat or counter, or at least take some serious effort in their action.

Personally I don’t see broken the same as OP.

I said this before but in another post, the balance of the game could be better than what it is in the current state, some cards are better than others, a little nerf would not only make the game more balanced in terms of for example (6mana cost 6dmg spell can be into 0mana) but also more fun for everyone playing, abit longer games but also more thinking.

A good example on a good balanced competetive game imo Counter-Strike, can only speak for the time I was playing don’t know about the current updates.

As I don’t have a full meta deck as Priest I can’t say what it would be like to meet a Mage that does 30 dmg+ in 1 turn with the 6dmg fireball, which I think personally feels abit broken but not OP, because it can be countered mabey by priest with some decks I don’t know but I’m sure other classes / class have no problem with it.

Hope I answered your questions, if not I try again.

What balanced competitive games are you talking about?

If people are willing to play HS with those issues, then are there really any issues?

I guess I can see where you’re coming from, but again what can be considered “fairly easy” and what would take “serious effort” is widely debateable. I can’t say much more about it because I don’t play competitively, but I don’t think there’s something inherently impossible to beat in the current state of the game. It’s not like they don’t look over it and would make nerfs accordingly like they did in the past.

And it will always be that way. But I guess maybe the power level of some could be adjusted, especially basic cards in my opinion.

I also would love longer games, but unfortunately many other would not like that. I mean wouldn’t that be “broken” for them. How are they suppose to “counter” that if they only got ten minutes to play, amirite?

I just searched for that + “exploit” and got some results. I don’t know much about that game. I think there are many different versions out there. But as I said before if people look deep enough there will almost certainly be things to exploit with any competitive game.

In your mind, what is balance? What does balance look like in your mind?

I think a scenario where every deck had a 50% winrate would be completely balanced. Will that ever happen in this game? No, no it will not. This isn’t a timeless game like chess that is as fair as a turn based game can be.

This game like most videogames that have mulitiple heroes, classes, champions are difficult to balance and something will always come out on top as better. All it could take is a 1 mana increase on ONE CARD and suddenly an entire deck can crumble below even a decent 50% winrate.

We are essentially playing advanced bingo/roshambo when it comes to Blizzard games.

Being white in chess gives a significant advantage, having about a 56% percent increase in win rate.

Among amateurs this increase is lessened, due to their amateur status. So for you it would seem to be as fair as fair can be. But to professionals, the advantage is obvious and clearly defined.

Furthermore, if all decks of all classes, all players all had a 50% win rate, there would be no fun at all.

What you want, without even realizing it, is everyone to have nothing but 1 mana 1/1’s with no effects and no spells. What you want is the most boring game ever created.

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It wouldn’t be broken for them because adjustment to some of the cards and make the game longer won’t be an issue game wise, sure people might not like it, but people also don’t like being killed before turn 10.

Yes ofc, exploits will probably always be a thing, in none and competetive games, that’s just what humans do.

Why can’t they have 100% winrate if good? Why it gotta be 50? & it’s not difficult to make the game more balanced…I think you overreacting abit too much.

I don’t think some people know much about gaming tbh, thikning the game is fine, or 50% this or that, can’t nerf game will die etc etc Idk what else they come up with.

And how someone can defend blizzard when I say that some spellcards and none spell cards needs fixing.

What is “balanced”? You mentioned CS where the only difference between players is cosmetic. In HS it would lead to exactly the same cards in every deck with different names.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Further, even if you did know what you were talking about, you are clearly incapable of adequately conveying your message.

Truly, I cannot make heads or tails of what you are talking about because your English is so broken. Your comments look like nothing but gibberish to me.

If you are using Google Translate, let me save you some time, just stop, it is not helping. And if you are not using Google Translate, then please start using it. And if English is your first language then god help us all, because our education system has failed you, and along with you, everyone else from your generation.

No this is what you believe,

Here you said it yourself. You proved my point.

I don’t see how anyone could look at “5 mana 10/12” or “draw 7 cards and make them all cost nothing” and think yeah, that’s not broken or anything.

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I never said I wanted every deck to be 50%, I only said that it would be perfectly balanced that way. Don’t put words in my mouth and read what I actually wrote. I could have added a section saying how I know that a game like this would be boring with a 50% across all lines since it would basically make no difference what deck you are playing. I think it would be tedious to bring this up.

Yes, white going to first in chess is a big advantage. Black has a better chance of drawing than losing though. 56% winrate as starting as white hardly matters when players switch sides for a standard best of seven. You look at a hearthstone tournament, they play with different classes/decks and whichever one wins continues with that deck and the loser typically just picks the deck that counters it. It’s not like they switch decks like sides in chess. I said Chess is as close as you can get to a fair match. In a turn based game it is clear the person going first will have the advantage.