Wild discard warlock is stupid

seeing 15/15 in stats on the board after two turns is really dumb … that is all


Agree discard lock is insanly strong right now.
I think its a new card they got?
Nerf is incoming soon i guess, this deck is way to op right now.


Hoping the location gets nerfed. Discard should be a gamble. Currently that is not the case. You shouldn’t get to choose what you discard.


It is just another clue that Blizzards devs don’t understand their own game, discard was supposed to be high risk high reward, now it is just high reward no risk, since you pick what to discard most of the time, so cards just feels way overtuned.


lol after years of players complaining about discard not being good

not being competitive

they decided to make it better and then …people claim "they dont undertand their own game " :rofl:

people been complaining about discard cards being unplayable for alooooooong time now it is …and decided to complain about it too

at least complains should have a bit more sense like mentioning the location having low cost and 3 durability instead we get " choosing what you discard makes this card playable make it random!"

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I’d prefer they stick to discard your lowest or highest card but maybe thats just me. There has always been a bit of risk playing discard. Take out the risk and its just as broken as mech decks in wild.

They should buff Discardlock.
Like giving Bloodqueen Lana’thel Rush or something.
Or Taunt for Clutchmother Zavas

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Vs mech decks you have a fair chance. Vs discolock its gameover. No matter how perfect your removals or else are.

Edit: i just won a game as even shaman only because the lock wasnt able to play location on turn 2 or knight.

Out of 20games vs lock my first win.

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You could say it’s dumb, but you could also say it’s… wild… Okay I’m leaving now.

No. Mech decks are just as broken. Lose on turn 4 bs.

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I agree, since people allready paid for the ready deck in the shops they will not nerf atleast for the rest of the month.

Edit: Played the deck myself now and i must say, even warrior, even shaman and secret mage can be tough opponents. D5-legend was kinda tough, especially d1 was back an forth.


Discard has been very playable many times

really? mech paladin empties its hand and half its deck on like turn 3 and the board is full of magnetized insantity

mech rogue with the quest feels even worse.

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lol discard lock has been playable many times, the only people who understand hearthstone worse than the Devs are the people defending them, next you going to tell me Warrior has always been bad.

ive seen constant complains about every single “discard” card they added for years

about them being a wasted slot of the card rarity

Yeah this is from shaman view, maybe other classes struggle more…

It’s grown to the point where I’ll concede against other warlocks because I already know what they are playing before they play a card. Its dumb. The location needs nerfed asap. Maybe that would at least slow them down one or two turns and make the game where it isn’t over on turn four.

Sure you have buddy.

Are these “constant complaints about every single discard card” in the room with us, right now

Did they buff Tiny knight? I remember it being a 3/2. The location is definitely the biggest problem imo. Tiny knight is manageable without the location. A challenge but most decks have ways to deal with the Tiny knight before he becomes an issue. If they buffed him that probably didn’t help things though…

Tiny Knight of Evil is kinda like the new broken or problematic Edwin VanCleef, while Malchezaar’s Imp has always been a mini-exploitable-Gadjetzan Auctioneer.

Darkbomb has become the best single-target dot as a mega-staple in Warlock and Dark Bargain got mega-buffed to be the super-Doomguard-removal of Spells for Warlock.