Wild discard warlock is stupid

Why no1 talks about even shaman kills you turn 4 with a fully buffed board, same goes for mech mage, mech pala, shadow priest, pirate rogue and tony druid.

After playing alot disco lock the last few days, the deck is not able to put every game a fully buffed tiny knight on the board., especially when you draw not well for many games.

Winrate is not extremly high in legend. Its a good deck like many others that can kill on turn 4. Discolock is back again just another viable hyyperaggro deck beside those i mentioned above.

Edit: oh i forgot about even warriors who have some crazy amount of armor turn 4 and no matter what you play they will remove your board.


Discard warlock is crazy broken but so even shaman ,mech paladin, pirate rogue, otk druid, odyn warrior, quest warlock… well it is wild accept this or play standard.


just to beat a dead horse, but in a more specific and meaningful way … can we nerf the chamber of viscidus to be 3 mana and 2 charges please??


it actually got me to legend this season after years of not even thinking about legend. I had hit legend in wild and standard ages ago and haven’t bothered trying in any real way.

if you think it is bad, then wait until you see the new yogg titan rogue. cycle all your cards, drop free titans, shadow step them, gang them up for more, etc. (wild of course)

I would spend money on a strategy game. constant RNG tavern brawl? not so much.

discard warlock is FTP friendly.

They nerfed it and it’s still going strong!! They’re going to have to nerf it again!! I still don’t think anyone is managing this game!! Because they nerfed shaman murlocs out of nowhere!! Why???

They nerfed Shaman because the stupid flurgl toxfin combo has been broken for months and finally they woke up and realized it was a major issue going forward.