Why is Zerg so popular?

Obviously Zerg-DK is not the strongest deck. However, it’s easily the most popular. Here’s my personal opinion why:

Zerg DK is one of the cheapest decks to build. 2nd only to Weapon Rogue. Many strong decks need multiple epic and/or legendary cards. Often ones that will rotate soon. I will mark all rotating cards with an *.

Want to play Paladin? Craft Sanc’Azel, Toymaster, Amitus* + some epics

Want to play Shaman? Craft Shudderblock, Turbulus, Golganneth* + some epics

Want to play Warrior? Craft Hamm, Tho’grun*, Fizzle*, Zilliax, Ceaseless + some epics

Dungar Druid? Craft all legendary minions + all epics

Warlock? Sell your soul to Sargeras.

Zerg Death Knight? Buy half the deck for 1200gold. The rest is mostly rares and commons. The only cards you need, that are going to rotate, are rares.

Personally I would like to play some Protoss Mage. But do I really want to craft 2 Volume Up this close to rotation? Nope.
I think people should stop whining about Zerg DK. The deck isn’t popular because it’s the strongest. It’s popular because it’s cheap. And when Death Growl rotates it’s dead anyways. Let f2p and budget players have some fun.


Death Growl is just extremely overtuned in it. If it happens early then the probability to lose goes to ~0% against almost everyone. The spell could be 7 mana and I bet it would still be used (it’s …1!).

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It would see no play at 7 mana, because Zerg is too agressive. 3 mana should be enough. But yes, Death Growl is supercheap currently.


Probably the best decks wouldn’t play it or the deck might be gone forever, but I was mainly trying to make a point, that if the decks still existed then some of those deck would use it with a lot higher mana cost with how overtuned it is right now.

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These popular decks won’t be around in Standard much longer after the next rotation, be prepared for an influx of “make X card core” threads


Because DK Zerg requires no brain so a 10 year old kid can hit Legend with it and it’s broken because of the easy Deathrattle abuse… thats why… Easy win for kids and Blizzard needs their money… It will lose a lot of key cards anyway in 1 month… until that… we can suffer… they don’t care…

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You can also choose not to suffer by not playing the game and they still won’t care.


Yes but I still want to play it. I managed to reached Legend 3 times in one row, so I am wondering if I can reach it this month too by adjusting my deck again ofc. This month will be a real challange for Paladins because didn’t get buffs for Terran and didn’t nerf other factions… so we can use only the older strategies.

Isn’t Handbuff Paladin still kinda busted? I don’t even have Amitus and Tarim, and the deck is already pretty strong. I’m shure I could go legend with it.

However, having a buff for Terran would still be nice. But how? If you buff the neutrals, Shaman gets overpowered again. So what card could be buffed, that is Paladin only, and doesn’t make Handbuff overpowered? As a more experienced Paladin player, what do you think?

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No, it is not so easy as you think. Handbuff is not busted… there are too many ways to defeat it by insane mana cheat and armor build. Handbuff is the only working strategy for Paladin now, blame the developers for that. Meta deck has no answer for many new things, need to think how to adjust it… and Handbuff needs to count every damage, if you are not realize you can kill the enemy, the RNG turns against you and make you lose rightaway. Above Diamond it needs to make every damage count and healing too. I am using a self made handbuff deck, not meta. :slight_smile:

Zerg DK do nothing else just abuse the Deathrattle and flood the board thanks for the stupid aura effect and cheap cards… even a kid could hit Legend with it now… absolute brainless deck…

Nothing will help atm on Terran Paladin just the rotation… there are way too many board clears in the game to play it and the removers… it is just impossible to make it work in the current meta… thats all… just check on PIP cards… it was a complete design fail… only 3 cards were useable. developers created cards which require board in a non board meta… incompetence… they have no idea about what they are doing… Even if they would reduce the mana cost of all Paladin Terran cards… there are too many AOE in the game to keep a board and the starship pieces are too hard to summon in time. I have tested it, I could barely launch 2 middle starships until turn 7… and that is really low compared to Mage who is doing 12 x 2 dmg into your face at turn 8… This is just way too slow to be competetive because they created it board based and thing are not working which requires a board. Paladin has almoast zero mana cheat and that makes it really hard to play.

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Handbuff pala is mediocre mainly because of the power creep of DK. The pala needs like 7 to 8 rounds to even start being a threat so if it becomes desperate to start clearing the board from enemies then it already lost the game usually.

A basic aggro pala is probably the best pala right now which is a testament to how pathetic the Devs are at balancing their game.

I don’t believe in aggro decks now because of the too many AOE… and don’t even like that concept. I rather adjusted my Handbuff deck by some tech cards so I can block DK’s deathrattle abuse and summon bigger and bigger minions to keep the board clear and also send face damage to him. However it is not easy ofc… but I can defeat 60% of them as far as I saw.

Because it’s a metacall, metacalls are always popular

No. I’m F2P and !@#$ like everything you’ve listed really makes me reconsider my decision to start playing again. I didn’t play during hte whole tourist garbage.

I’m playing Zerg Dk because as a new player you don’t have access to all the legendaries and it’s cheap to make, but it loses to pretty much everything right now. There’s so much agro/cheese otk decks (at least in silver) that i feel like i stand no chance against most meta decks unless i have the nuts draw or the enemy has a terrible one. You lose to pretty much every combo deck, and agro aswell. You die on turn 5 most of the time… but it is what it is.

thats an example of overrating a card thats the type of nerf people suggest to make a card unplayable

You can listen to all this larding or folderol, or you can accept the fact it’s simply the desire for something new.

Most of these folks either eat Snickers bars or fap. This brings entertainment into their lives.

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It’s popular because it’s a cheap, fast, powercreep deck. Fortunately it has little to no defensives

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Doesn’t really need them, honestly. Just throw out minions. Force your opponent to play a card on your turn. free extra damage hero power just for having stuff on the board. Its ridiculous that they continue to make DK such a problem/annoyance.

As others have said, these guys are clearly not playing hte game they are designing stuff for.

It was an exaggeration, that some people could still keep it in even in that case.

Realistically 3 mana is probably fair this meta because its’ the main enabler.