Why is Zerg so popular?

It is not popular in the 1st k, I think the problem is related to skill issues (sorry). But it is not about how to pilot this zerg deck. It is about how to play against this deck.
I watched some diamond games of my friends, for example, some people are too greedy in building starships – I wanted to cry smth like – dude, launch it! DK has no answer now! Other people played aggressive weapon rogues, but was arfaid of DK’s minions and did not go face while this deck often wins with low health, and risking is a part of its gameplay. Etc, it is impossible to describe all situations

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Its a hard pill to swallow, you know, launching a 6/3 starship with nothing but armor and divine shield.

Oh, I’ve launched even smaller starships with almost nothing recently just to have smth on the board and to activate some effects.
But situations when you need to linger exist too. And feeling the difference is very important

Even a weak starship can ruin a zerg dk board if it has the right bonus effects from 2/1 pieces and missile pod, especially if one of the effects is poisonous, you just cleared their board

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that’s a lot of IFs.

The terran location can give you two of those starship pieces each, you get another one from lift off, so another potential 2, so decent chance. Bottom line, don’t wait too long to launch.

only works if the zerg dont have permanently increased stats the rest of the game. then doing 1 damage to all zerg really does anything

Sometimes damaging zergs is not your priority and you want to hit your opp’s hero (DK’s health is limited) + live + create smth on the board that would be somehow not easy to deal with.

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Or in other words, “play for tempo” or “push tempo”

The idea behind utilizing tempo is that by making your opponent defend himself, he spends precious resources suboptimally, and you’re the one who hits his face first, so you don’t have to waste your resources defensively or to regain tempo

However, in order to gain such a tempo advantage, you either have to:

a) draw much better than your opponent,
b) play a deck which is stronger early game, or
c) wait for opponent’s mistake and overturn the board with your big plays.

Just thought I’d give some additional tips about the game, since I noticed a nice block of background info already there :slight_smile:

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