Why everyone so down on demons/Jurraxus

i will readally admit that in MOST circumstances the TOP beast/mech decks are best… but with a SHARED POOL everybody is pulling at the same minions and u can wipe the floor with them with lesser average power decks that u can gaurantee max decks with… like the combination of juraxxis/demons… and this is a discussion forum, i expected opposition… and i am pointing out to people who cant seem to top teir their mech deck because there are no junkbots available… dont dismiss the other options!

you dont always get mukla/rat king/millificent/etc so… when u dont… who do u pick? juraxxis of course! every time he comes up… it’ll be a progress game… even if u get 6th!

remind me of a greedy toki who go rank 5 when i am still at 3. Next turn i see her dead. LOL

rank 5? that would have probably been +10 for juraxxus… i got +4rank at 6th place! O:)

misrolled a ratking this game… 4th place… +9rank… too many people playing beasts… lost to a better beast deck.

hmm… 8th place, first rank loss at -20… still one of my better average heros… but probably finally dropped below… say ratking and millhouse

now skipped ratking to take juraxxus… again to prove a point… no first round demons… lets see how this goes?

no second round demons (upgrade tho… with a 2/3 murloc on the board. thats no too bad) (stopping the round by round… i’ll just update at fun times)

first 8th place… thats 60% 1st, 20% 6th, 20% 8th… first rankloss at -20, making it maybe less than mukla or millhouse… but still top8

Here’s another problem with Jar (and a common trap for any auto-battler) trying to force strats. No matter how much units there are at the pool, aiming for specific strat might just F you in the butt. And Jar kinda forces you to go demons (which is not the right strat imho. Ideally you just go for whatever is the strongest with ANY hero, and heroes must be giving you some additional strats as an option due to specific heropowers. Works with mili, not so much with Jar) (btw I once lost to Jar who just went all mechs XD I got 3rd so don’t know if he won, but it was top 2 for demonless Jar).

Demons do have some things going for them in the case that many times the demons are wide open. Nobody is getting them so if you do decide to go for them you wont be fighting many ppl for them unless Lord J is in the battle.

No win condition? 4 Voidlords. Double Soul Juggler lvl 2

no way to have 4 voidlord. Only 6 available. Best you can is 2 golden voidlord. Also the soul juggler is likely to be cleaved

The current top US Battlegrounds player, with a rating of more than 8100. The only player close to him is one of the devs.

I’d always take his opinion on what is good and what is not over some random sub-5k player.

A minor league team beating several other minor league teams is still not likely to be World Cup material.

Technically it is possible to get 4, which would make 1 gold+1 normal. I’ve seen golden mama bear + mama bear once… in close to 300 games.
2 gold + 2 normal is possible on paper. Just need to get all 6 from the pool and then get 2 extra from zerus. Piece of cake.

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Hmmm that’s not 4 voidlord. That 1 golden and 1 normal voidlord. Lol but if that is what he mean then yea it’s possible.

George can give them divine shield,i have been thinking about playing demons with George but the divine shield alone is not enough and it does come very late.
There is no scaling synergy between the demons,like junkbot or heyena. The shooter is far from good enough.
Also,with how the minion pool is currently designed you can not really afford to spend 4 mana on giving a guy divine shield unless you got all the minions you want already. That hero power is very lategame and you will lose before due to other weaknesses with demons.

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This is not about the top build possible… but calling juraxxus with demons a bottom build is absolutely NOT CORRECT!

stop citing top teir lucky rolls to me… ffs… it’s about the ability of normal players with normal rng to get playable builds… dont pass it by.

The toxic rank shaming is totally unnecessary (and reportable).

thank you… not interested in the report… just the shaming :wink:

and as we go into this round… picking juraxxus over curator (1/1 that eventually getst sold!) here we go!

homonculus/tier up/homonculus+upgrade/amalgam+hero power/amalgam+upgrade/upgrade+reroll (locking homonculus)

You sell ur amalgam??? What??? If anyone can make demon work it’s him.

no. was just calling my buys… for a sec… then it got complicated… next round was like 5 things…

teir 5 with 8 buys and 2 hero powers at round 7 (i believe) 1 teir above with a solid board… and if i get some lucky rolls… this is over… but placement is low… 7th or 6th because self hits

top 3 with sh*tty minions… only like… 12-14 rounds. just murdering ppl left and right… half builds… smoked…

end rank: 2… i had such crappy rolls and i saw some of the cards i was looking for in deadman decks… but still: 6 games: 3x1st, 1x2nd, 1x6th, 1x8th

Demon builds are viable in the late game as long as you have double amalgams :smiley:

i actually sold all my amalgams in that game.

I have found it pretty impossible in the super late game where you battle for 1st place. 1 single Mexxna can wreak havoc.

Though when I had amalgams, I had mostly no problems (though mostly it was like menagerie build to buff up amalgams and demons, then switch for additional battlemasters so I guess its not typical pure demon build)

Yea tts precisely demon problem. They can only do good if they get mech and murloc help.