Why everyone so down on demons/Jurraxus

The only thing demons really need is a way to get Divine Shield. When you have 6-7 gigantic piles of stats that can all facetank a Hyena, eventually Poison is the only thing that can really threaten you.

I’ve gotten first place multiple times as Jaraxxus, playing Demons. When you get to the late game, his hero power is insane. Last time I played Jaraxxus, his hero power was giving me +5/+5 worth of stats, every single turn, for only 2 gold. My demons reached the point where they could take on anything. I won against a Millificent playing mechs, because she simply couldn’t scale into the late game as fast as I could.

Mid late game. Not late late game. Especially against beast who have poisonous and scaling. With wolf and hydra even if it don’t kill your demons. 40+ damage is pretty insane for a cleave that’s a 120 damage hit (I have gotten hydra to about 40 attacks many times and that’s before wolf buff). With hyena and mama bear supporting a rat pack is good too because the poison divine shield amalgam will probably be taken out by then and the the 2/8 poison will have trade 1 more demon away and die. Rat pack stick at the 3rd right minion is very safe because its almost certain to die due to demon huge stats and due to lack of cleave, it is almost certain to die summoning 5 rats giving max mama bear value which is frightening for demon build.

Mech cleave is weaker but they have alot ways to spawn mechs and gain divine shield thus a golden junkbot can scale really well. I have my junkbot scale to over 100 HP before which can match demons at end game too and the main issue is still, demons can’t snipe it (unless they tech zap).

I didn’t mean to be toxic, but that’s how misinformation spreads. 4600 is really low rank, and you should be able to win there with pretty much anything.

I thought I’m a good player, but every time I lose I just go watch a couple of Tides matches and see how much mistakes I make. And that is at 5900 mmr.

Also 5900 mmr is so much different from even 5500. At 5500 some people are really weak and even top players don’t play optimally at times (unless its some high mmr smurf passing through)

And again, demons and even Jar CAN win, but it definitely requires luck on your side and some unluck on opponent side as well. And you would still need some cleave and amalgam poison anyway…

Claims to not be toxic but then rank shames.



Toxic means: A phrase used when talking about a video game player who is irritating and/or rude. Sometimes a toxic player can simply be a person making a situation more difficult than it has to be.

Is teal being toxic here? I don’t think so, he is giving very useful information to people who want to learn and get better and climb higher in rank in BG.

In this case, rank is very relevant, anything works if opponent consistently misplay. In chess, at low level play, many opening is viable, at GM level, some opening no longer become viable because opponent at that level will not be fooled by it anymore. Hence, tide being the best player in BG right now definitely know what he is doing and what is viable at his level of play while at the lower ranks since every one is making more mistakes, it make more build viable.

You are asking what’s wrong with demons and Jar. Here an honest and straight answer to you: your rank is what is wrong with demons.

You see it as toxic? Sure its up to you. But I would suggest to look at it as an advice: look at better players, OR just play more gain more rank come here and destroy me with your arguments. I will admit my mistake if someone from top 200 comes here and tells me: Tealquest you are WRONG demons are good, I got my rank by spamming demons.

If anything I want other tribes to be good, maybe someone comes up with some sneaky demon new meta plays that can get you wins. I’m all up to that, cause I love bg, want it to have more viable strategies. And that is why I come to posts like yours, not to be toxic, but to be honest and find more strats to play this awesome mode.

Murloc and demon buff incoming. Can’t wait. With mill and murlka gone, the only tribe synergising hero is jaraxus and if demon become as good as the rest Jaraxus may become a broken hero. Who knows haha.

Hey Null where is info for this buff? Thx buddy. So Yah according to others Blizzard is rightfully buffing murlocs and demons as they are weak. Even though murlocs have the godmode capable in tier 6 after some megasaurs how long do you live to that point? Pretty much never. I done it once in my climb to 5300 MMR.

Here you go:

Can’t wait for it.

Judging by that interview they are not changing mmr system, just adding a multiplier… :frowning:

“could get more than 100 mmr”. Have he even played his mode? winstreaking gives you 250 mmr. I mean yeah its more than 100, but thats a LOT more than 100. Duh, seems like Blizz doens’t know what they are doing AGAIN.

I ruined my main acc by experimenting with builds/heroes. Guess I’ll have to play on smurf for the rest of the time (or till they actually change mms, which might not happen :sadpanda:).

I dont have the energy for smuf. But now since my per win is about 28, *4 can get me higher faster i hope.

imagine if its +1000 for new acc XD

But yeah, I was hoping for actual mmr change so I was not smurfing. Still will try to climb after change, but if that won’t net me anything I’d just smurf. Cause that’s what EVERY freaking streamer does currently - way to f up your game Blizz.
Smurf, smurf, smurf.

“Tides says demons and Jar suck. I’d rather believe top 1 player than a random no-name who didn’t even bother posting his rank.”

  • 4500ish

“Hey, if you concede 50 times then you’d have 100% winrate with pretty much any strat, any hero. Probably even if you alt-tab to watch some tides matches…”
concede = loss… i’m 3/3 still and despite playing like 5 hours tonite drew no juraxxus

To the off topics: i dont mind being hijacked, but yer off topic (like next heroes, etc)

to the rank definers… I played day one of public release and mmr is broken… no offense but a lot of good players who figger sh*t out for themselves are in mid 4k… the copycats are in 5k and the innovators are in 6-7k… if i youtubed more and copied strats more… i’d be 5-7k… i looked at it after i started playing and finding my own strats… hence why i ask… why no demons? it IS VIABLE

you have all fallen for the classic, this won first, so this will always win strat. I was actually like 4100 when i finalized my first strats and CLIMBED 400mmr at 5-25 per game… figger it out, thats more wins than losses… trajectory matters

to repeat some previous issues: cleave is a non-factor to a mega demon setup (as another poster pointed out this is toproll vs toproll, i just think its easier to toproll with a bucket NOBODY is picking from), poison is potentially lethal, i know. it kills those massive hps… this takes some rng and luck and in latelatelate game murlocs will win, but i deal like 15damage to a round 5 (tier 3) murloc, so it aint gonna see latelaltelate game unless the rest of the players are trash (see mmr problems, so yeah it happens) and divine shield is only like double attack, which still loses to more than decent hp… and repeat divine shield is just an rng game… so the longer it takes the more likely it is to lose in those latelatelate games

btw… i was playing when i saw this post was still relevant (first page) so i quit the game to address the followups… because u all still got me SOOO heated over dismissing demons… (tbf i had pyramid and that guy that gives +10attack PFFT!)

also today as mediocre heros i lost TWICE to demons in mid-late games… where they usually just facedamage u for 20 and go… pfft non-demonlover go HOME!

How you win with demons is go all out smorc in midgame and try to kill ppl with huge monsters before everything has divine shields and poison is everywhere. Demons have a place. They can be monsterous in the early and midgame just rekting ppl but once it goes late you are done. Voidlord is terrible for a tier 6 minions. I never try to get demons but when you are offered 2 wrath weavers and some demons and soul juggles you have to.

Yep kinda. And demon secure top 4 easier. Because of the strong early to mid game but top 1 alot lesser. So it’s really what they want. I just awaiting my demon buff since my first ever win is from a demon jaraxus build (3.2k MMR LOL)

“I just awaiting my demon buff since my first ever win is from a demon jaraxus build (3.2k MMR LOL)”
nullspace! u been arguing against me and then u claim first win with demons!!! welcome to the darkside!

Nope just cause you can win with it don’t make it good. Its just I once thought it was good because it was what I first won with and as I learn more, I found out more. Something consistent with what all the top players realise and blizzard themselves, demon need to be buffed.

that’s not true. Its all up to rng. Most demons are just bad. You need specific buffs or t5 units (several of them) to make demons viable - and thats already lategame. Smork midgame? With what? wrath guy? its 1 cost unit thus 1 damage.

Here’s another thing: with amalgam any build is viable, cause amalgam might carry you. Mechs and beast can win wo amalgam, dr and lightfang MIGHT win as well wo amalgam. Even murlocs can get wins wo amalgam. Demons need a lot of luck or an amalgam to win. Thats it.
And again, obviously you can win with demons (or pretty much any build) with enough luck, BUT demons are the last tribe I personally would go for, given an option.

must admit there’s some truth to it (sadly). But then again how would you distinguish random crap player from top player just experimenting/smurfing? (Again its another topic and MY biggest complain with the mode currently - completely broken mms). What to prove your point smurf, get to the top and then brag. XD

I’ve watched tides, kripp and savij they all agree demons are crap, even if they can still win with them from time to time. :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:

so… occasionally i run into a really wierd deck in this mmr… and i keep track of who i play and what they do… so only in my brain are there stats, but i can write them down if my brain reading, then writing down stats makes u more confortable than my non-writing does… because without streams or recordings thats all pretty worthless anyway… but point being i see the same people changing small/medium pieces of strats (from teir ups, to consistant hero picks, to selling/not selling triples) and what the outcomes are… thats how i know i’m playing with other people experimenting like i am… i know i averaged out because i landed barely above 4k. i know i get better because other than a short drop to 3980 i have climbed since… by playing the game as a MATH GAME! and thats what most of these posters dont get… a win is a win (1st) and a 4th is a progress game… so… play yer mechs at -30 to +30 and i’ll play demon at +15 to +30 and we’ll see who wins.

and fyi playing juraxxis now… in 8th place with 2hp left… but thats normalish in midgame…

24 hp round… now in 7th or better… 6th…

first non 1st place juraxxis against a fully complete and poorly rolled mech dech (my poor rolls (lots of 1/1 spawns, golden junkbot)

STILL got +1 rank? as 6th? wtf?

for the record: 3/4 now… 75% first place… 25% 6th place

not entirely true, again. A win at 4k must be easy (ideally, obviously with broken mmr system its not that obvious, but in general) a win at 6k is a WIN. At 6k (again ideally) people don’t make mistakes, play only the strongest strats and strong midgame to not get destroyed.

Here’s a thing, when I started playing I could just go wo buying units at all and just level my tavern for several turns and never got punished for that. At 5900 you might get completely destroyed if you level too early ONCE and lose some tempo as a result.

So mate, let me throw it back at you: you are either playing against noobs or against people who experiment with builds/heroes (as noted by you personally). How is this data even viable?

Don’t wanna call you bad player, maybe you’re top 1 for all I know, but the data you throw in here is not viable, cause its not played at the top (at actual competitive environment where people tryhard as F and still get 8th sometimes)…

And current top meta says demons and Jar are bad.