Why Don’t You Spend Money On Hearthstone?

Maybe the development of HS would benefit from the devs having a clear idea as to why so many players will no longer spend money on the game.

If you used to spend money on HS, tell us why you have stopped.

Let me give my ten main reasons as to why I no longer spend money on HS:

1). Too much non-interactive gameplay.
2). Too much powercreep inflation.
3). Too many poorly balanced or badly designed cards released each expansion.
4). The abundance of increasing game design that favors RNG over opportunities for skillful play.
5). Increasing predatory marketing practices, which include Runestones, P2W early access to cards, and P2W advantages in BGs (+2 hero options with the Battlegrounds Pass).
6). Crappy mobile interface and gameplay:

a). Card effects and play actions that cover and interfere with a player’s attempts to inspect recent plays during your opponent’s turn.


b). Terrible offscreen placement of tooltips, which makes cards unreadable (see above pictures).

c). Very slow resolution of animations and actions, which limit mobile players to a small fraction of the number of actions that can be performed each turn as compared to what a PC player can do.

d). Mobile update bugs and delays

e). Regular mobile bugs, which have been present for 4 or more years, which require the constant restarting of the app to fix.

7). The increasing cost of maintaining a competitive collection, which allows for playing several different competitive decks in order to maintain variety and fun.

8). I find that my lack of trust or faith in the future development of HS prevents me from wanting to invest any more money into the game.

9). Feeling “salty” about wasting about 12k gold and 1.5 months of time by experimenting with the dumpster-mode called Mercenaries on one of my accounts.

10). Those annoying 2x unopened Mercenaries packs (with a bow wrapped around them) that I cannot make go away on most of my accounts, because I refuse to waste anymore time playing Mercenaries.


I don’t spend money on Hearthstone because I have a decent collection and an enjoyable time without doing it.

I’ve currently got 11,850 gold saved up, and I’ll probably only spend about half of that on the next expansion. I’ve also got 2,060 dust, thanks to all the constant nerfs.


Nothing good to spend my money on

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Up until last year, I was completely f2p. Played for 8 years as fully f2p.
Then my wife and I came into a crap load of money so now I buy what I want when I want. Like I bought 100 dollars of grand tournament and gvg packs. Who does that?

Anyway it’s nice because I like the BGs portraits and emotes a lot!

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This game is unbalanced and overturned to an insane extent. That’s why.
Every class should have variety and playable decks.
They don’t.
Everyone says the design team doesn’t favor some classes over others.
If that were true, then every class in Wild would have more than one deck that is usable to ladder.
Again; they don’t.
There are 6 classes that have been treated far better than the other 5.
They haven’t received the same nerfs, or they have received better cards more often. Or; they have had more cards reverted. And possibly, they have benefited from more than one of those things.
At any rate: I am a mage player, and mages are one of the classes that has been treated like their players don’t deserve consideration.
There is one deck in wild for mages to ladder with. Quest mage.
If you don’t like that, then you are out of luck.
And MS/Blizzard? is rich beyond your imaginings.
Why should I give them anything, when comparatively they have given me almost nothing over ten years? Rogue players have at least 4 solidly viable decks in Wild.
My class has one.
I will never again support this corporation until that changes.


Why do you have multiple accounts for a game you don’t like?

Why do you post threads on the forum of the game you don’t like?


Nice distorted logic Mountaineer, seems like you are back from your paid vacation from Blizzard and came to wreak havoc again …

A person hating on the game has as much reason to make a thread as you do.


its either a) gambling, which i don’t do or b) useless skins that have no gameplay benefit. so what is there to spend money on, really?

I would be shocked of that wasn’t a blizz employee account. Like a personal account.

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Because all what you said is BS.

50% i’m would consider just buzzwords that anyone says to anything or obvious stuff like the game doesn’t running as well as it should.

You wanted a list so here is a list.

1.Hearing the feedback too much regarding design.
Where is the new stuff?

And i’m not even talking about the new expansion but about the entire game history. If you look at it calmly most are literally older stuff with extra steps.

It’s not people function to come up with new things and if everything you do is feedback based then absolutely nothing will be new in fact.

  1. The balance is poor. Period.

It is bellow the acceptable to release. I’m not asking for perfect game balancing but lately there are things being passed that are even common knowledge that are unbalanced before people even get to play.

  1. Poor mobile performance. There isn’t much to add here.

4.Dumb market practices.
Many players here are old enough to not fall for stuff like FOMO just to start with.

Can you just price cosmetics fairly or you really gonna continue to believe that whales will overpay the playerbase?
Your demograph of players did change a lot during the years and you still act like this is hearthstones early release.
Almost everyone here has the potential to be a whale or is a former whale.

Hero portraits and signature cards can’t compare itself to TFT cosmectics. You can’t price it around the same price and expect anyone other than addicts with no self control to buy.

  1. Metagame protecionism.

This is kinda complicated but basically.

Stop forcing the metagame in a direction any time something new does not gain traction via buffs.
Also stop not nerfing new cards when they are clearly overpowered and meta warping just because they’re released recently.

Also here:
Everyone here knows why a tournament mode does not exist yet.

It would force blizzard and team 5 to stop being lazy and adapt.

Once people have control in closed enviroments to make new formats there would be a big public formed in a organic way.
Basically you’re gutting a mode that would be a sucess to protect standard despite of it not being as big in numbers as it was in it’s glory days.

It’s time for blizzard to stop determining what people should play and follow what people actually want to play with their hearthstone products.

For that blizzard need to stop sabotaging formats in pro of standard. If standard eventually dies in public so be it.


I can usually still find some mode in Hearthstone that I enjoy. These days it tends to mostly be Arena, Twist, specific Tavern Brawls, and a little bit of F2P BGs (depending on the season).

The current state of most of the constructed modes provides such a poor play experience that I do not bother to play them, which means I no longer have a reason to pay to support them, which brings me to your second question:

I post threads on the forum of a game that I play in an attempt to influence the devs to improve the game.

Some examples of things that I had suggested and campaigned for in the HS forums that came to be:

My past recommendations included:

1). More decks slots, which was a real battle to get.
2). To maintain the weekly pack reward for winning the first Tavern Brawl.
3). Expanded ranks (beyond 20) on ladder to help create a “kiddie pool” where new players could learn and explore the game while not being preyed upon as much by veteran players. Many Veteran players said this idea would do nothing and it would never happen.
4). I suggested adding more floors to the ladder to create breakpoints where players could experiment with new decks without being severely punished for doing so—and to stop end of season de-ranking by players who wanted to farm new players at lower ranks under the old rewards system.
5). Arena-like rewards for climbing ranks on the ladder, which many players said was unneeded and would never happen, but it happened.

6). I was the first person in the forums to recommend a one-time purchasable bundle for an extremely good value in packs in order to swing non-spending F2P players into spending money on the game. Hey, once a player made a single purchase, they were no longer a 100 percent F2P player anymore, which meant they were more likely to spend more on the game.

7). Duplicate protection for Legendary cards, and I was truly amazed and pleased when it happened—especially, since it included duplicate protection for Epics, Rares, and Commons—something I never suspected they would do.

Anyways, the moment I cannot find any pleasure left in playing HS is the moment I will say goodbye to the game, just as I did for WoW or games like Marvel Snap.


It feels wrong.
If you consider AAA title is going for 50-60EUR, in sale after few months for half of it without needing to spend single euro, why would I pay 75EUR (or whatever is the price for mega bundle) for a card game 3 times a year. And not even have full expansion?

For me new set is basically DLC and DLCs dont and should not cost 75 EUR. 10? Sure. 15? Maybe. 85? Hell no. So yeah, not spending any money on standart ever. I buy BGs pass, because it is reasonable price - basically DLC level.

It is similar to Total war franchise, failing with new games with releasing it in good order, overcharging for smaller game etc.

In general it is not about the money - I spend similar money monthly for my gym membeship, so money is not an issue. It feels predatory, it feels like taking advantage of players. It is like if there is average price of pizza 10-15EUR in your town/region and there is a shop, which is charging 75eur and pizza is not even that great.

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I agree, but you used too many words, and some of the items on your list are pretty duplicative.

I have historically bought both pre-orders and the tavern pass. More recently, the last expansion or two, I have only purchased one of the pre-orders. I am hesitant to spend any more money on Hearthstone at this point, for the following reasons

  1. Planned Removal of Duels
  2. Pre-order exclusive cards
  3. Removal of Classic
  4. Mercenaries abandonment
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You know the worst part about being a millionaire?



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game is going P2W direction, no thnx

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This is a huge one for me. Basically in the first 6 to 7 years of playing this game I rarely if ever would hit a rope turn unless I was playing something like patron warrior that had insane turns, but funny enough even with patron warrior I still felt there was enough time in a turn to play it out.

In today’s Hearthstone I see myself timing out on turns regularly, and it’s not because I’m playing otk decks. It’s because a normal turn now might be draw 4 to 8 cards, play 4 up to 20+ cards with a tone of them using discover or long animations which stall the game.

Here’s another one for you. Anyone paying for success in a non-professional game is basically a cheat, no matter that Blizzard uses the possibility of that success for financial gain.

Are you claiming that anyone who isn’t f2p is a cheater?

I stopped paying after i saw what they did to D4. As far as i’m concerned, all of them deserve to get fired and work in hard manual labor under the worst conditions for next 20 years.

It is more effective for them to ignore picky tightwads like yourself and target what the spenders want.

Trying to appease you is a lot of effort, it’s like digging at a dry well.

Now – you and I are very similar. I rarely spend money on the game.

Except I have worked in sales, I know to target the whales and the spenders. That’s the slice of the pie you want, and that is what Hearthstone wants.