Why Don’t You Spend Money On Hearthstone?

I just buy the season passes

I think loot-box-type micro transactions are the worst thing to ever happen to video games…

I’m nearing a full collection so I can now just craft the cards I want.

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I just buy the passes for each expansion and for BG’s. Plenty of gold to collect all the cards and i want to support BG’s because i enjoy the mode.

All of those, especially the first five.

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I’m not claiming it, I am stating it emphatically.

That’s just stupid.

If everyone were f2p, there would be no game.

There are other ways to gain revenue from the game without building an uneven battlefield. The only difference is there would be no f2p players at all. The game would have no cheats and actual skill would be more in evidence.

I like Hearthstone and I’m ready to shop at the Hearthstone store, but in my area the store is closed and I can’t buy anything. All hope is for you, friends, that one of you will give and play with me the quest “Play with a friend for 1500” or give me a small gift!
The Hearthstone store is closed to those customers who can buy something. THIS IS A PARADOX!!! :point_right: :partying_face:

Social capitalism :joy: :joy: :joy:

I pay 80 a year(20 each expansion) cause it is a very minimal investment for the amount of time I play the game.

There is insufficient value to attract purchase.
There is many offers that does not make sense e.g. 1pack for $X, 1 skin for $Y, etc

But as seen most players dont mind the current setup, thus the Dev wont care.
The current setup still works as a whole.

The battlepass is interesting but too restrictive in term of value. Player would want more more flexibility to get the rewards they want rather than a fixed/random reward pathway.

simple, I mainly play arena and the arena is the spearhead of the whole colossal scam behind Hearthstone, Microsoft perhaps noticed this and fired 1600 people in the last few weeks, in the arena you often encounter blizzard bots with strange names, they are used precisely to avoid excessive victories for those who know how to play well, combining this with the rng based on how much you spend obviously playing f2p arenas you can only have a terrible average. Everyone sees the variable rng, and I, together with a group of friends, did a test, creating an account from scratch by paying and our averages in the arena have ALL increased, isn’t this a scam? I don’t know if there are the conditions for an investigation but it would be useful to everyone, I think Microsoft should proceed

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I spent enough, and not ranking anymore. I already opening 50 packs from gold, having 50 000 dust, not motivated to spend real money.

They removed Classic for Twist (a mode thats not even open half the time since tis came out)
Removing duels (i dont like duels, but its 2nd presidence of Outright Removing a mode)
Mercenaries is again a abonded thing

And i think theyre terrible and design and direction of game for past few years
Evrything is to extreme in power and design, and just efefcts past devs wouldve NEVER ever made into the game because theyre Unfun for most people.
And i also just havent liked a expansion theme in long time

Also like cosmetics sucks, because theyre "animated’ by strethcing and Bouncing since Nathria, even if art itself is actully good.

I did once when the game was new to buy some cards using real money. However I got crappy cards, so I’ve decided that I will not gamble on packs anymore (which is what using money to buy packs meant). I have not spent a single cent on any random card packs ever since.

However, I have subsequently also bought some adventures, such as Naax, as the cards are fixed and it’s not gambling.

Because the money I could spend on HS goes to my other hobbies.

Mostly tarot cards, yarn and journals.

Because I was young and foolish. Luckily I’ve only spend $10