Why do Mages have EXCLUSIVITY of "you'll win by round 10"?

It appears to be an extreme advantage of theirs; no other deck (at least not one with a similar property (Sif) can seriously compete if they know “I will probably die if the Mage is alive by round ~10”; that’s a severe exclusivity-advantage because the game is extremely simplistic in terms of that: you WILL be the most powerful by round 8+: you WILL have the most chance of being powerful by round 8+.

I’m not surprised though; mages were always the most popular class in the warcraft world because they are the most inoffensive and “psychologically average” (“both pew-pew and politically inoffensive”); the most played whines the most and it’s hard to not be overpowered or at least “always good”.

not arguing with this part

absolutely not

Mages are not the most popular because of any Warcraft reason. Mages were more popular with Warcraft players before the Warcraft players even became Warcraft players. Before they even bought the game, much less learned the mechanics, they were thinking to themselves “I’m going to cast fireball and it’s going to be awesome.” That’s why.


Cagehead OTK? Any Reno deck? Purified Shard Priest? Odyn Warrior?

Literally any OTK over the years?

By my reckoning, the classes that have been more prominent with OTKs have been Druid and Warrior (maybe warlock). We’ve had a few of those over the years. In fact, Sif is the first viable OTK mage has had in a while. It doesn’t seem to be some preference of the class.

And yet, aggro is consistently on top of the game.
The game won’t wait till you feel you’re powerful enough to play. Setup whatever you have to setup before turn 10, not after.

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You complain alot. How many threads is this now?


The whole “Can level faster” through AoE farming doesn’t hurt their popularity either.

Face Hunter consistently wins by turn 6. Since Classic. Not always a viable deck, but has been for much of HS history.

You continue proving just how clueless you really are, OP. I would say troll, but I think you honestly believe your misguided views.

Rainbow Mage is slower than Nature Shaman. There’s plenty more to say but this is enough to debunk the OP so I won’t bother.


Perhaps. Maybe the Warcraft devs didn’t invent them; besides WoW was aesthetically extremely derivative; e.g. the Elves aesthetics (especially at voice-acting) were obviously ripped off from the Peter Jackson LOTR movies of that era.

But the mage in general is too attractive to the general masses; it’s a combination of “damager” with “inoffensive”; most other damagers either remind to many people “right wing” or “too evil” (offensive to the left or right).

Do you have a source on that?

While the mage/wizard/sorcerer archetype is one of the primary archetypes, it’s just one of three of fighter mage and thief.

I tried to look around, but a lot of it are sites like VS which just tracks which class is more popular or powerful in-game, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to them liking the fantasy archetype.

I mean, if we apply that to VS we might conclude a lot of people like paladin, and mentioning anything positive about paladin would trigger certain people around here :joy:

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What problem is it of yours if people like it? It’s funny that you call it “inoffensive” when you are obviously offended by the popularity of the class. Are you in some kind of “Bizarro World” headspace where things being inoffensive is somehow offensive to you?

Not directly, no. But I think the evidence strongly supports that Mage is consistently more popular than the power of the class would justify. Whenever a Mage deck gets to top of tier 2 or bottom of Tier 1 in power, it’s always the most popular deck, hands down, regardless of what the actual #1 deck is in terms of performance. If Mage ever had the best deck it’d get emergency nerfed so fast your head would spin.

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Your first assertion was about World of Warcraft mage, not hearthstone mage. What evidence do you have to support that more warcraft players were mages before they played warcraft?

Nice strawman. I’m main mage in WoW since the dawn of creation. It’s just too obvious to me that we were always the most obvious to whine that our damage wasn’t the highest; oh at least 1 of the 3 mage specs wasn’t AT THE TOP 3 of the damage meters: quickly spam the forums till the end of tarnation until at least 1 of the specs is at the top 3; other “purely dps” classes like warlock (that is rarely played by the general masses because they are considered conceptually “too evil” and that’s generally never the most populous opinion) had whole years of never being in the top 3 lol…

It is.

For me it’s less about the speed of rainbow mage that annoys me, and more that they put in one card (Sif) to a deck that otherwise has a good backbone and now they have a consistent OTK.

It doesn’t really suffer from having to set up the OTK, it kind of just happens passively while they play the good mage cards.

Back in the day shudderwock also had that advantage.

I think that in the last years due the obcession with the mage class i kinda craked the code for it’s design.

The main word to describe it would be evolution.

Mages in general are supposed to have the most powerfull spells by going all in with the theme but this brings a key problem.

  1. It isn’t the only spellcaster so just having all spells more powerfull than everyone in the spellcasting theme can’t really be a class identity alone.

  2. Powercreep burn spells effects would mean getting burn deck with the same level of actual minion based aggro deck. Making people die turn 5 from spells.

And no. While synergies really did increase in the amount of spell damage in the end game for example.
There was no powercreep in the sense that no one printed stuff like:

2 mana
deal 4 damage.

That while some would think to be outrageous would fir perfectly with nowadays powercreep.

That is where the main word for it’s design enter as a solution.

You bring ways to the power of your spells evolve during the game. Not only directly but also getting synergies that other classes will never have acess.

This is where most sucessful mage decks come from.

From cards that evolve the more you play the match(usually involving spells in the method).

You can go from stuff like inquisitive creation to older stuff like mana wyrm.

This is also why OTK is part of it’s design. Reaching OTK means “evolving” during the match enough to reach to a singularity level and win.

Other important point is card generation:
You can play with cards that are basically 2/3 cards in one. Like void scripture.

That way you can also enter attrition wars and cover “the other side” of your evolution if you want.
Basically the mage class is gifted with the real possibility of doing anything it wants provided the player lives enough.

That way the powercreep for damage in general is deemed as unnecessary and only need to happen in the high end of the spectrum(in OTK decks and stuff like that) without the necessity of stuff like:

2 mana deal 4 damage spells for the class.

That while in theory would be just going together with the powercreep of the recent years in practice would result in people really pissed about it because damage really gets people whinning.

Being a good backbone without a wincon is pretty useless. Take sif out of the equation and rainbow mage stops being a deck

Decks across the board shouldn’t have win cons like that.

It’d default back to chaining frost spells at your face for consistent burn. That’s also a win con.

Decks should not have obvious “if you play this, you win” cards.

It just turns the game into one dimensional “draw it first” setups.

But they have.

We either take then all out or stop implicating with they.

The fact that people who defend downcreep think they can have that fight card by card only shows how little they really care for other players fun and therefore should not even be considered.

Because when just one deck or card gets that type of nerf it only means that the deck is now unplayable.
Not that the goal was reach.

If you or anyone defending this think that it’s “too dificult” to demmand that approach then i can’t help but say to just stop thinking other people not habe fun just because you don’t have anymore and get lost.

Because what is being defended by said group right now is harmful.

That worked when they could run 2x each of Frost Nova, Blizzard, and Iceblock. Game is too powerful for that approach to work now.

It worked more recently than that. Frozen touch with the small minion swarm did a lot of heavy lifting within the last year.

Win cons don’t need to be OTKs or even close to them to be good enough. Making them that good is just lazy design across the board in my opinion.