Why do DK cards go back in after they are used?

So what DK’s now can place like 10+ cards in their opponents deck and are GUARENTEED to win in the end because when they get used they go RIGHT back in the deck?

Who comes up with these mechanics?

No other class has EVER had this much power, so why did you give this kind of power to the DK class?

I was just stating that no other class has this ability… Meaning when it is drawn it goes away aka played. Yet with these new cards they repeat and NEVER leave your deck, that is my issue with them.

I don’t have a problem with the cards themselves as long as they go AWAY and get REMOVED from your deck after they are drawn.

Maybe you should counter it?

They don’t go back into the deck, if you have 2 in the deck and you draw all 2 you don’t draw any more.

That is not what happened to me. I will try and find the rematch.

You’re talking about Helya legendary. Playing it makes all plagues return to the deck after drawn.

So yes. They do return to the deck. But also you can easily counter it with one card. Wait for them to use all plagues and then use it. Street sweeper or something


Ah ok thanks, hate to have to put in one card for a single card but oh well.

You hate that you have to have one card to counter an entire deck and legendary??

That’s a pretty lame complaint. Most legendary don’t have a card that can counter it. But sure let’s ignore them.

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I believe you misunderstand me, it a card that is useless in any game outside of those DK’s that have/use that legendary. Only 27% of my games are against DK, so the card really gets no use outside those games is all I was saying.

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For Blizzard it’s funny that the opponent steals your cards (of course without our agreement). Blizzard is a crook company that loves crook mechanics.

Then i don’t know what to tell you. You’re fine using cards to beat other classes but you just don’t want to counter DKs? Good luck.

You specifically are complaining about DKs and you are given a single card that can counter it and solve allll your issues but decide not to because you don’t play then enough?

You play against DK 1 every 3 games. That’s not enough?

Only the Hala ones go back in.

Maybe they shouldn’t design this kind of garbage in the first place, yeah?

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yea, because its not like they can’t get a 2nd or even a 3rd Helya, mirite?

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This game is a big garbage and blizzard which continues to do their usual policy “the ostrich policy”, you have rules when creating the deck like one and the same legendary in the deck except that once in play you can get more via the discovery system or deathrattle or with the rogue shadowstep or breackdance spells. When you have rules, you have to respect them as if an endurance athlete drinks doping products during his race.

It isn’t cheating at all.

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Its approved cheating, basically. Cheating but not REAAAALLLY.

incorrect, all go back in.

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The shuffle can always happen, but the reshuffle requires a certain leggo be played, right? Right now you have tech cards like Steamcleaner, so I’m curious what kind of cards they’ll have to replace those as it looks like it’s going away with rotation.

Hand disruption seems fairly important the last few years. Before Astalor, there was Daddy D; I always held my Theo to try and snipe that card, for example. I understand the dislike for cards like this tho. MCT is coming back WITH targeted MC. I hated the card and was happy to see it go but today it’s a card we need. I certainly wouldn’t call it cheating.

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You remove the stupid cards from the game, theotar and dirty rat can be deleted. A balanced game and goodbye to cheating mechanics.