Why do DK cards go back in after they are used?

Hey I’m all for the power getting dialed down, too, but when you have strong cards available in the game, you want to have counters for them.

I’d like the game to go back to more board based decisions than simply “Do they have it” mentality.

Wrong. Read the card. Do you even play the game? It’s every plague you draw gets put back into the deck. Not just the helya ones.


They can’t. Do you even know what the deck uses? Please tell me how a plague frost dk discovers more Helyas?

Edit: even if you discovered more helyas, it changes nothing. It’s not like the effect is double or tripled. You don’t want multiple helyas lol. You make zero sense with you complaints.

Because DK is popular in Warcraft lore and it’s newest so they make it strongest to entice noobs to play it

Are you for real? They’ve used theirsteamcleaner, which they probably have one of.
You then drop down teh second helya. And who saidanything about frost DK, specifically?

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How did you get a second helya? Please tell me how a frost/unholy dk finds another helya?

Also tell me how a second or third helya changes anything? The effect doesn’t stack. It literally just does 3 plague cards and nothing more. Doing multiple Helyas does nothing but just add more plagues. Which you don’t need helya to do.

Who said anything about frost dk? Ummm maybe the fact that plague deck is one frost rune and two unholy runes. Wanna know what that means? No cards that allow you to find a second or third helya, which means nothing because multiple helyas are worthless.

HElya is unholy. Necroticmortician is alsounholy.

HEre you go.

https:// www . hearthpwn . com/decks/1438920-helya-rainbow-dk-legend


Hey buddy. We are talking about the plague deck. The one that runs one frost rune and two plague runs.

I’m still waiting to learn how you can get 3 Helyas in one game. I’m also waiting to learn how multiple Helyas even help you in any way? The effect doesn’t stack. You only WANT one helya

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The effect doesn’t stack. But every time you slap a helya down, it adds three plagues that repeat. Unless you somehow get multiple copies of steamcleaner, you are still screwed. Also, you’re right, if the deck has a single frost rune, its not pssible, unless you discover mortician, then it is.

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Unless they counter it with that card that rotates out meaning there will NOT be a tech card for the deck anymore.

Why would you want a 4 mana card that does 3 plagues when you have 2 mana cards that do 2 plagues?

This is why multiple Helyas is stupid and not something you want. This is why complaining about multiple helyas sound dumb because it’s like wanting multiple prince renethals. They don’t stack.

ITS NOT ABOUT A STACKING EFFECT. Holy hell, man. IF I use steamcleaner to remove the 800 plagues that got put into my deck, I have ONE steamcleaner because running two is stupid. My DK opponent can just add more in for cheap AND, potentially, get a second helya as an extra !@#$ you.


Ahhhh hurrrrrrr duuuurrrrrrrr.

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Wow you still don’t get it lol. Imagine wanting multiple helyas. No wonder you’re silver still.

I play 2x Steamcleaner. In Sludge Warlock :slight_smile:
Mirror matches are bad, but whatever.

Having said that, Sludge Warlock is getting nerfed this week, and Steamcleaner rotates next month. Oh well, sludge warlock was fun while it lasted. Time to take the dust and play something else.


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Not that it matters, but I was Diamond 6 when I uninstalled. I also never said I played DeathKnight. Learn to reading comprehension.

Just shows how easy to rank up when all you play is bots.

You would, if you thought your opponent was running steam cleaner. Then you either play the second copy, or you bounced your first one then played the second copy.

It’s not a double or triple effect one is after: it’s making sure the perma plagues are back.

Beat me to it. This.

Which oen would theoretically want to do if they wanted the plagues continued after a steamcleaner.

I’m not saying it’s a great deck strat, but it is one I’ve seen more than once.

Thanks for the insult. Have a great day.

I have played a ton of plague DK’s and played against them. I also use a deck tracker and in the matches that I’ve played, only the ones that were from Hala went back into the deck.

And if it’s suppose to impact all plages… well… than it’s clearly not working for me like that becuase all the ones taht were put in from spells are removed from my deck when they are pulled after hala is played.