Why Did You kill Battlegrounds?

Why did you remove Quest?
Why did you add a character that never loses? (doctor whatever)

Adding 32 new minions makes it almost impossible to build a sol.kid team.

Undead are broken at tier 4/5
You seriously took the fun and soul out the best part of hearthstone. way to go


First impression is the game feels less fun by far. Have to agree here


I seen that quests would be removed but it never crossed my mind that it would be battleground quests…Personally if I’d of read into more details about it to notice it was battlegrounds quests getting removed, I wouldn’t have pre-purchased the pass.

I agree that it does seem a lot less fun/interesting now. Plus with what I’ve seen so far with the new cards, if something isn’t adjusted with them, then battlegrounds may as well be dead for many players unless you enjoy playing same/similar builds every game.


Adding 32 new cards has completely butchered Battlegrounds for me. Almost impossible to build something that isn’t Undead. I’m at 4700 and reborns are basically shoved down your throat. Mechs are scarce, psn murlocs have been butchered, Pirates are dead. I’ve seen very few builds actually stand up to Undead.

Reborns aside, removing quests? What is wrong with you Blizzard. That is what made things fun and interesting. Tbh, I honestly don’t see myself continuing with Bgs past a week if something isn’t changed.


If they had been more upfront about it, a lot of people wouldn’t have purchased it.

There’s a reason they aren’t honest and upfront about these changes. Scamming people out of their money is what they do, since they can’t do honest business anymore.

Anyone feeling this isn’t worth their money should request a refund, citing the lack of transparency on the patch/changes, and if they refuse, do a chargeback through their card/payment method citing that actiblizz scammed you.

Then uninstall if they try any account shenanigans, and cite this whole debacle as the reason.


When a new expansion comes out, I usually put time into Arena to see if the new card pool will be fun, and I have been having fun in Arena, despite how poorly balanced it currently is.

Usually, I shift to checking out battlegrounds whenever they make major changes to the format, but after reading the feedback of others about the most recent BG changes, I have no interest playing battlegrounds.

I am so glad that I have not invested any resources into battlegrounds!


whole bunch of people in here are real sad and mad that they cant just look at a guide immediately.
Dont worry, someone will be along to hold your hand and tell you what to play soon enough.

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Usually, the pro company trolling has more effort behind it.

They’ve finally hit negative bait levels.

Of course, the mods will ignore the coc violating pro company trolling because it suits the company agenda. Like always, because even hate speech, and real life threats get ignored by them.

Stay classy mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!

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I really don’t understand why they removed quests. It was a very important part of the game that I enjoyed.

I’m around 7000 and I haven’t seen Putricide win yet, so I think he’s not as powerful as people are saying. Lots of RNG it seems.

One thing that is for damn sure is that Hungering Abomination and Eternal Knights need a nerf bat really quickly.


they managed to make battlegrounds even worse …lol
i really didnt think it was possible at this point ahahahahha

i think they won’t kill all game not only BG, atm HS it’s a miniscam for me

It seems like a well established rotation at this point. Darkmoon Faire, Battlegrounds Buddies, Quests. They rotate in and out intermittently to freshen things up. They’re never part of the core came, just a time-limited bonus.

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I just wish they would time DMF with when it occurs in the other games like how we are getting Lunar Festival things around the same time as WoW is. something a lil predictable timetable wise but still mixes it up from the same old same old. Plus who doesnt love Ticketus with 2 of his power the whole game? lol

Undead are overpowered, that’s true. Putricide, however, is pretty weak. 4 mana for an average minion. You only have 2 choices.

So far, play Undead or lose seems to be the motto. At 5 and 6 stars there’s a ton of broken stuff.


What are you guys talking about? They didn’t remove quests… They’re still there, still under the same tab. Were you guys logging in during the patch? Because that sounds like what people would complain about during a patch.

The talk is about the quests in battlegrounds for the added various effects, not the dailiy/weekly quests.

Uh, dude…clearly they are talking about bg quests, which are very much gone. Literally play a game and you’ll see unless you somehow get sire every game.


its undead or urdead

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Yes, battlegrounds is a done deal for me until undead are changed. Literally half of every single lobby are playing them. In addition you can’t find any other tribe tbh. Trying to play say, elementals is pretty much an impossibility. You’ll find like 1 ele every 3-4 refreshes with ZERO people playing them in the lobby. That goes for every tribe except for undead which show up as most of the tribe minions you’ll see. Personally I think they need to go to 4 tribes in 6 out. And remove undead from every lobby like RIGHT NOW. And nerf several of them.

Naga do a decent job at it