Why did I have this win rate if the matchmaking is rigged?

I had to stop posting in that FB group. The amount of “This deck is SOOOO good, give it a shot! I’m on a 5 win streak right now” and the deck contains things like “Creepy Painting”

I’m like, ah good for them they’re having fun, I won’t spoil it.

Then this other guy posts about how he easily beats all DH and Rogues with his Control Warrior and he doesn’t know what all the fuss is about with those two classes. I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to chime in.

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On the flip side the people not taking the game super seriously are living in a blissful ignorance meta where they aren’t living in the hell of miracle rogue mirrors, or quest DH mirrors.


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For real.

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When you play that bad, how you made it to d5?

I mean common its not normal to loose that much when you did great before.

The thing, with these people, when you tell them their deck is bad, they don’t understand and think you are being toxic and offensive (that happened to me a few days ago in the forums)

Some people are living under a rock and have absolutely no fundamental knowledge of the game.

They will often play cards that have 0 synergy in their deck (for example hellfire in zoo) and won’t listen when you tell them it’s awful for the deck because it sometimes makes them win a game.

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Here’s a funny screenshot from the group I saw yesterday. I had a good laugh.

And no, he wasn’t kidding lol

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His first post said

He then said this proved matchmaking wasn’t random, also a true statement. Rigged arguments say that, so do matchmaking arguments. Then the thread devolved into the usual “it’s rigged” “no it’s not!”.

This is a very confused individual right there.

But then again, he has a Quest Reno hunter in standard, I expected no less!

Also I’m jealous you are able to post screenshots, lol.

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If you upload to that website does it not let you link back here?

I had the privilege, then it went away, then it came back like 3 months ago. Weird.

Well no, because it wouldn’t let me quote you.

That sucks

It’s just a bug in the quoter. If you manually re-add the code tags it’ll let you.

Edit: nevermind this entire post is stupid


Yeah I was gonna say idk what you’re talking about.

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I derp occasionally too.

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Can you link if I give you permission to edit my post via wiki?

I still can’t, lol.


After checking, it would seem I’ve lost my ability to include links. It’d be nice if trust levels were kept until otherwise taken away via breaking the CoC.

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Yeah I only took a break for 1 month and played/posted very little and it was gone.

Trust-level 3 is too consuming to acquire, and far too easily lost. It’s somewhat sabotaging to the forum, because it disincentivizes players from even bothering, when meanwhile you have much more freedom on platforms like Twitter (ew) and Reddit. And, I’m sure the team couldn’t care less. I suppose I can’t fault them when other platforms will moderate for free and reach so many more players.

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Is there anything above Trust Level 3?