Why did I have this win rate if the matchmaking is rigged?

How does warrior look?

Bad, but not as bad as you think. Enrage Warrior is fine, but people play sucky control versions instead. How many metas contain a class that’s not in the dumpster?

The game is too fast, the developers even reconciled as much

VS have said the meta is about average speed. The devs saying they want to slow things down is different from saying its objectively too fast.

don’t try to make it seem like there are not alot of people who are unhappy

I’m not. But people are always unhappy. Or at least the unhappy people are always the most vocal.

I’m not loving the meta. I was at first, but that’s more down to the novelty of playing for the first time in months. I think it’s OK, it could be better.

All I’ve done is question why people rage at Rogue at Demon Hunter when most of the ladder they aren’t an issue. And that’s a fact, again according to vs. One that is reflected in my experience, and also that of Chapuzo.

Again you are a small select few. Rogue is getting nerfed. At D5 and up it is broken and it will not stay that way. They will not let it stay broken because its fine at lower ranks. Not how that works.

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Happy to see it goes find for some of you because personally, I lost 23 games in a row in Diamond 5 in 2 days.

No matter what deck I switch too, I get screwed all the time either by awful draw or hard counters.

It is really bad when I am counsidering to go play Battlegrounds for awhile instead of remaining a “free kill” for all these Legend players I am facing all day long…

I don’t understand the point of these threads. There are two possibilities

  1. Matchmaking is rigged
  2. Matchmaking is not rigged

There’s a large group people behind 1, and a small number behind 2. The discourse you guys lead discussing these is something I’d expect from grade school children with maybe slightly more colorful insults.

It’s not like one side or the other has anything useful to add.

Myself personally, I don’t give a sh*t if things are rigged or not. If it is I’ll find a way to adapt, if not I don’t have to. Easy as that lol.


They aren’t an issue below D10 because the lower ranks simply are not playing Miracle or DH anywhere near the higher ranks are playing them - likely because they are harder to pilot.

Instead, Lower Ranks prefer playing easier decks that basically pilot themselves (Shockspitter, Big Spell Mage, DK)

For example, in Bronze - Gold
Miracle Rogue saw 10,000 matches
DH’s highest played deck saw 6,700 matches

Now look at DK/BSM/Shockspitter
Blood DK - 35,000
Frost DK - 27,000
Unholy DK - 11,000
BSM - 25,000
Shockspitter - 12,000

Now if you look up the ladder (as players get better), you notice this starts to go in reverse. (DH and Rogue go up in play, the others drastically decline)

Think about those stats for a minute…lower rank players are playing lots of DK because it’s new, and they got a LOT of the cards for very cheap which is huge for free to play.

Unholy DK is seeing more play than DH and Miracle Rogue in lower ranks…I mean, come on.

What Rogue/DH/Shockspitter do is warp the meta hard. They push out decks that require minions to play. All 3 decks punish decks (and each other) when they play minions…and then if you don’t play those minions, they just hit you with a giant 1 turn kill.

To break this down:

The less Rogue / DH / Shockspitter see play, the more balanced a meta looks (ie, Bronze through Gold has variety)…the more these see play, the more warped the meta is and the less balanced the meta is…and since 2 of those decks require more skill to play than the auto-pilot decks, they see more play at top competition and less play and lower ranks.

As DH and Rogue go up in play, the meta becomes less balanced.

Thus, those 3 decks must be nerfed because the more competitive you want to play, the worse the game gets.

There is absolutely no way whatsoever they don’t get nerfed.


Now that was a neat explanation.
Well done.

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He used that as hard fact that the game isnt and cant be rigged as he explained why counterwalls happen. Dont twist things friend.

The Matchmaking Patent owned by Blizzard is no conspiricy theory its public record.

For all of their games without limitation.

If by ‘lower ranks’ you mean ‘anything outside top legend’ then sure. I’m not great but I’m not Silver either. Outside that very narrow definition, things are pretty normal. Most Rogues in the whole of legend are Thief Rogue.

I have not argued against nerfs for Rogue, I’ve several times pointed this out, yet every time I dare suggest this meta is anything less than apocalyptically bad means I’m automatically pro Rogue for some reason. Where is the nuance?

By lower ranks, I mean Bronze - Gold. It gets worse at Platinum, then Diamond then Legend then Top1k Legend.

Because you don’t have DH and Rogue warping the meta where you’re at. I already explained why it looks normal at lower ranks.

It is, without a shadow of a doubt, a broken meta because of DH and Rogue and Shockspitter. I don’t know how else to show you that other than stats, and if the stats and explanation above I gave does nothing for you in terms of educating you then I fear there’s nothing else that can be done. You’ll just have to take my word for it and the word of nearly every streamer out there.

Edit: I think the culprit is that new minion that generates gold with Avenge.

By lower ranks, I mean Bronze - Gold. It gets worse at Platinum, then Diamond then Legend then Top1k Legend.

At Diamond 1-4 (where I reside) Miracle Rogue has a 7% playrate. Spitter Hunter marginally more than that. Demon Hunter WAY less than that. Do you see what I’m getting at? You don’t have to go down to the scrubbiest of the scrubs to find a normal spread of matchups.

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You’re literally just proving my exact point that I made above with the thorough explanation…

No one’s dumber than me.

I’d like to mention another point regarding that quote.

Perhaps the reason these decks see less play in lower ranks is because everyone playing them are getting to higher ranks.

I’ve never been in the low ranks in standard but when it comes to wild, it is extremely easy to get out of the bronze-platinum (in my opinion at least) with a good deck. That’s why the top tier meta decks are far less common in those ranks unless a player is purposely tanking his MMR to stay there for whatever reason.

I get why Rogue needs to be nerfed, I really do. I’m just saying nearly all of us are having the kind of horrible time that streamers are having, because we aren’t anything like as sweaty. But loads of people are on here acting like all they face is Rogue and DH and there’s no way that’s true.

That’s pretty common, people in the low ranks always complain about people net decking when in reality, most of them are playing bad and unoptimized decks. The reality is, it’s nowhere near as bad as people make it seem and you are correct, there’s a lot more variety in the lower ranks, heck, even in high diamond there’s still quite a bit of variation.

Only in high Legend it becomes an issue where rogue is FAR more popular. Because the ones spamming this deck are the ones who reach high ranks.

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At Legend rank it is. Do you want to see the data to show that to be the case?

At Legend Rank, DH and Miracle rogue are played SO much that DH + Rogue play rate is higher than all other decks combined…probably combined x 2 but I don’t want to do the math.

For example,

At legend:
42,000 instances of Thief Rogue
35,000 instances of Quest Spell DH
29,000 instances of Miracle Rogue

The next decks:
Frost DK - 18,000
Shockspitter - 17,000

VS report shows at Legend rank Rogue = 30% of ALL decks.

How many people are playing at legend rank in the forums do you think ?

To be honest, the average rank of the forums is probably gold or plat.

Maybe diamond at best.

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That’s actually a great question, one I’ve often wanted to ask.

I joined a FB group for HS like 3 months ago and the amount of people showing off wins and talking about the game who are in Bronze - Gold rank completely amazed me.

I mean, I know the stats…but I had no idea what that little part of the meta thought of the game. They don’t have a clue what’s really going on lol

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Yeah, you would think everyone would be aware of what’s going on, reading VS reports, hsreplay, watching streams and browsing reddit, etc.

But it turns out there’s a ton of people who do not do any of these.

It’s kinda like those guys you see in gym fail videos… they have absolutely no idea what they’re doing nor do they try to learn.

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