Why did I have this win rate if the matchmaking is rigged?

I dont think bee brags that much. And there is nothing wrong with beeing proud of your achievements and showing them off now and then. There is enough negativity on this forum as it is already.


It’s the only “rigging” post with evidence provided

I like how the “IT’S RIGGED!” crowd is here saying all this guy’s work essentially proves them right.

How about for once one of you crazies gather your own evidence and post it here along with your “claims”?

In some ways it does, because there are some who claim you are GUARANTEED to get shot back down to 50% by the algorithm as soon as you go on any kind of streak. But I get your point.

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Tbf, standard is balanced outside of the very top MMR.

The problems are
a) Streamers dislike the meta for fair enough reasons, and people are influenced by them
b) Renethal lovers feel like they are entitled to that kind of meta the whole year round.

I agree the patch could have come sooner, but it’s inevitable in January for it to take an extra week or so than ideal.

Why are you replying to my post without actually reading it?

Heh heh heh heh heh…

I get hooked up against high ranked players very quickly and the crap Rogue and Demon Hunter can do is not something I will put up with.

Now maybe you like this meta or maybe you are stuck bronze and don’t care, but the consensus is that this meta is one of the worst and that is because it is true.

Killing from hand like DH or spamming a full board on 3 or 4 mana like Rogue is not a quality meta.

Don’t worry. I read all your words. I did again because I thought, “Hey. Maybe I missed something.” I didn’t.

I have a hard time believing you when you say what you said to finish

So you think inciting a debate about rigging isn’t pointless ok enjoy wasting your time.

Debating is fun. Rig debating can also be fun, but not if it’s a rant, which this clearly isn’t.

Rant = “I lost a lot after winning a lot, so it must be rigged” -posts zero evidence-

They did post evidence. They lost. The problem is their logic is they are perfect players therefor it can’t possibly be any other reason other than the games fault thus proving it is rigged.

I know…? Where did I say the OP didn’t post evidence?

but the consensus is that this meta is one of the worst and that is because it is true.

3 possibilities here

  1. You’ve conducted a thorough survey of the playerbase, or have seen one from a reputable source
  2. You’re influenced by the whining on here/reddit. Spoiler alert, every meta is the worst ever on the internet
  3. You personally don’t like it and are projecting that onto all of us.

I’m in high Diamond and am seeing a relatively even spread of matchups. Am I really so alone in this?

After 72 games of Hunter I’m facing:
17% Death Knights
15% Hunters
12% Druids
12% Rogues
10% Warlocks
8% Demon hunters
8% Shamans
8% Mages
and 3% each Warriors Paladins and Priests

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I meant the “its rigged” crowd. They always have evidence of losing at least one game and anything less than 100% win rate proves the game is rigged according to their logic.


I must’ve missed that one

I am having a similar experience. I am currently around 4000 Legend rank in Europe, and I am playing almost exclusively Miracle Rogue. I was at 2600 and I started losing non stop, so my current WR has gone down significantly recently (used to be at around 55-57%). Here’s my HS Replay data on miracle rogue from 121 games:

63-58 (52% WR)

19% Death Knights
17% Hunters
17% Rogues (most of them Thieves)
11% Mages
11% Demon Hunters
10% Druids
4% Paladins
3% Warlocks
3% Warriors
2% Shamans
2% Priests

So I have 2 questions from this:

a) Is Miracle Rogue really as broken as people say? I will concede that maybe I am just not very good at it; but I don’t think I missplay very often and I have been able to climb quite consistently with it until now. I am certainly biased tho. Regardless, I do lose quite a bit and against a wide range of decks. It sometimes flops miserably and you’re completely helpless and even when you manage to pop off strongly sometimes you get a board clear and you have used all your resources and it is hard to come back.

b) Is everyone that complains about roguestone playing in the top 1000s? I don’t know if I am alone experiencing this, but everywhere else the meta seems significantly diverse, moreso than at many other points in recent times.

I am not trying to say that we don’t need balance changes urgently or that rogue doesn’t need nerfs (If only just because I am SO tired of this high-steroid meta); but I have been experiencing a bit of cognitive dissonance between a lot of the current complaints and my own experience of the game. So I would like to know if I am the only one.

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a) Is Miracle Rogue really as broken as people say?

Certainly the stats say so in terms of the top 1000 legend

Is everyone that complains about roguestone playing in the top 1000s?

That’s the only place where the deck is broken, but people are feeling second hand rage at the deck from how much the streamers are complaining. That’s at least the way I see it.

Thanks for backing me up, sometimes I feel like I’m going mad, and that everyone is having a different experience from me.

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There is a problem with arrogance and bullying people who do not agree with you. Debating is one thing but starting a thread to mock and belittle people who think differently is immature, divisive and a poor reflection on anyone who would participate in it.

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Standard is not balanced. How does warrior look? People are not imagining that standard is unbalanced right now. The game is too fast, the developers even reconciled as much. You are trying to defend a broken meta because you are having fun. That is fine but don’t try to make it seem like there are not alot of people who are unhappy. Rogue is broken right now and it will get nerfed. No-one can talk their way out of that one.

The people who aren’t seeing Rogue every game and are actually facing a diverse meta are only experiencing Miracle Rogue high roll maybe once or twice in 10 games. The people in top 1k Legend are seeing Miracle Rogue half the time, so they are experiencing the turn 3-4 Miracle Rogue high roll like 3-5 times in 10 games, so yah it makes sense that they would be feeling the pain more than other areas of the ladder. The deck is broken regardless of how often someone experiences the high roll.