Why did I have this win rate if the matchmaking is rigged?

As entertaining as possible.

I have pop corn to eat.

How much have you spent?

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In the thousands over 8 years.

Easily 1000$ a year. Is this why blizzard rigs the matchmaking in my favor ?


Obviously it is. What other explanation could there possibly be for you beating the algorithm that forces hard counters, while also feeding you insta-wins on your final push into legend?!?

(no one else is biting, so I may as well try to get the theorists interested again)


You must have been using the almighty Tin Foil Hat.

You guys all get suckered easily.

This is a “Hey look I’m cool” thread masquerading as a “proof of fairness” thread.

He owned you guys so hard.

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This has been my takeaway from them as well.

But one can’t be bothered to make any effort to educate one’s self!! lol, just wow.

Persons with special needs are not entertainment, Bee.

This is the truth.

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Correct, but it does provide evidence against very specific claims many people have made here. For those who say the game is rigged to keep every player close to a 50% win rate, this is difficult to explain. There have been many other claims that have nothing to do with MM though and this topic is indeed pointless for them.

Well done. Though it appears during one of the 8 times you switched decks, you lost your next game, thus confirming that after switching decks you are matched with a counter. One of your losses was also a chance to reach legend, proving the company is deliberately forcing you to play longer in order to climb the ranks (23 Minutes you can never get back!).

This is the response I was waiting for lol

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Um, that experiment had 0-100 hard counters. Counter walls there weren’t something that can be powered through, but like trying to push a grape through concrete. Obviously the extremes on that simulation are the opposite of what you want.

More importantly, what you want is irrelevant.

Do you realize how disgusting this post is?

Scottie and elchar are on my ignore list btw. So no more need for them to make posts which are meant for me.

ßƐƐ is clearly using hax0rz! :flushed:

I guess it shows that the forums are dying if it took that long. Any old timer knows BEE is a whale, yet it took 20 posts (& me being a fool for my own entertainment purposes) for it to get asked.


“Evidence against rigging is bragging. But dont ask me to provide evidence that the game IS rigged, its obvious to anyone with a brain!”

People have literally been asking for evidence AGAINST rigging while refusing to provide evidence OF rigging themselves. Now we have it, and it doesnt count 'cos reasons?


This will ALWAYS be the case. Classic conspiracy theorist mentality. You can always come up with a reason to dismiss any and all evidence.

That’s the beauty of a conspiracy theory, it’s impregnable to satisfactory evidence.

Flat Earth is a classic example of how a conspiracy theory can have an ever shifting goal post. You’ll never kick a field goal. Ever. Photo proof? Fish eye lens and Photoshop. Video proof? CGI. Eye witness? Obviously in on the conspiracy, thus a liar. We’ll take you up on a ride to see for yourself? I won’t know what I see is real, I could be drugged. Let’s go to the edge ourselves? Can’t, coast guard will stop you.

It’s never ending.


This argument always makes me laugh.

When someone posts he is incapable of climbing, that’s perfectly fine and proves to some extent that the matchmaking might be rigged.

But when someone makes a post about being successful and thinks the matchmaking isn’t rigged, that is considered bragging.

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Admit it, it was comedy gold.

And no, I don’t care about the rigged topic in the slightest.

They can’t balance standard, how could they rig a game?

It’s a clown show all the way down.

Even though I think there is a good chance it is rigged, I also went from bronze to about platinum 1 without losing a single game, I think it still will match you to someone of similar ranking, if there is nobody who can beat you in those ranks then it is fair game, there is some skill element in hearth to the point where you could beat a small child even if they had the perfect draw a lot of the time.

At saying that I got beaten 2-0 in xiangqi, a much more skill requiring game than hearthstone by a little kid possibly aged 7-9 at some club that has adopted me, but I am literally so new to that game. I think there are some of the best Xiangqi players in the country at this cafe who play everyday so I should get very good at the game quite quickly I hope.

To be fair all of bees post is basically hey look at me posts​:joy::joy:


All the maps are flat that proves Earth is flat. Globes? What are those?