Why did a troll flag me for asking how a

Mage can run through their entire deck in one turn without the fuse stopping them?
There is no way for a human to do this. I 100% believe they are using a program to do it.
Are there any videos that I can watch that shows how a mage can do this without the fuse stopping them.
Yes yes yes “the animations.”
The human brain still has to select the cards pull them up and read them and see what gets drawn next.

I only want serious answers. Trolls stay away from this question.

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There are often videos on hsreplay if you look up the deck and click on VOD

Skizzy old friend, can you link a video of a mage pulling his cards from his hand doing the play a card get a card and play a card draw a card with the 4 mage girls out so the smells cost zero and then on turn 7 they run through their entire deck use timewarp to play the wizard and then keep playing “play a card get a fire bolt” and keep hitting you until you kilt?
This is what I want to see.
The last time the “animations” took over 2 minutes of the fuse time after it should have run out.

The animations took two minutes for YOU.

But they are much faster on the screen of the person playing them.

They can even play more cards while the previous animations are still playing.


What does this have to do with animations?
I asked for a video of a human running through their entire deck in one turn.
I don’t believe a human can grab their cards fast enough, read the drawn cards and look at their 10 cards efficiently enough to do this.

I am asking for proof a human can do this.

It’s like when people tried to claim in World of Warcraft, humans were stunning people in battlegrounds at .01 seconds after someone started an action. Well sonny, guess what? They were using 3rd party software, it turns out, called “kick bots.”
Shills in the forums would swear that people are just that good. tee hee

Are you willing to concede that a there is possibility a 3rd party program might be playing all the cards?

If a human can do it, then make the video yourself and link it here, showing me how it’s done. Make a mage character and run through your entire deck without getting the fuse, record it and let me watch.
You should be able to do it since you claim it can be done.

I tried looking when I responded earlier, but I was on my phone, as I am right now, and the videos I was trying to view wouldn’t play on my old garbage phone. If I remember next time I’m at my computer, I will see if I can find something

Thank you for continuing to amuse me

Which translates to your opponent is using a modded game that skips or accelerates animations.

They could time their animations each expansion and compile a “this should be impossible” function, but they don’t care. Standard has no such apm decks and fixing wild would require spending dollars they don’t want to.

No it does not.

If I’m fast with my mouse, I can play a card from my hand in, say, half a second.

But the animation for that card might take, say, three seconds to display on my opponent’s screen.

The animations are NOT the same duration on both screens. The animations are always quicker on the active player’s screen. That’s just how the game is programmed.

And it makes sense – the active player obviously already knows what card they just played, so they don’t NEED to see a lengthy animation.

But it was decided, and perhaps reasonably so, that the opponent should be presented a longer animation so they can see exactly what just happened.

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Are you making the video yourself, running through your entire mage deck in one turn?
Are you going to make it to show me?
I just want to see proof and someone doing this on their own screen.

The game client can be modified to skip animations. This is a known property. Nothing is being done about that even though it is cheating.

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Yes it could
You’re right with all you’re describing, but it’s been proven that some people actually manipulate the speed of the game to skip animations, allowing them to play more cards than they should physically be able to


I’m never in favor of accusing of cheating when an alternative explanation exists and is the most likely one most of the time, but since this one fits the video shared in this reddit post, it can’t really be defended, at least not by us, not like that

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Playing APM Decks is just practice.

When you played it often enough, you don’t have to think a lot about, what you’re doing.

I Play Ignite/Questmage too, and the only Card in the Deck, where i need some Seconds to ready and choose ist Vast Wisdom.

All other goes automatically.


Here you can See a whole Stream, how a human being ist playing the APM Mage.


Search for exodia mage in Youtube. There are several videos of different versions of this deck.

I’ll answer the question
We live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by trolls with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You? We have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. I weep for us and curse the Forumarines. They have that luxury. They have the luxury of not knowing what we know; that SilentStorm’s flagged post’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. They don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, they want you on that wall. They need you on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. They use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said “thank you” and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, we don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to!

Just remember, what you do is right, keep on fighting SilentStorm, and myself, and others who heed the call. You may condemn us, you may flag us, but we will never stop fighting and doing what is necessary to stand on the side of light, might, bright, and right. There is the answer. Amen everyone, God Bless, remember to ask yourself before you abuse the forum flag feature… What Would Jesus Do?


What other ideas float around in your mind?

Well what they just said is factual
It’s faster on the player’s side
Pedantically, the animations have the same speed, but the non-player will see additional animations that will make the opponent’s turn look longer

When you play a card, it instantaneously fires the animation
When you witness a card being played, you are first being presented the card that is played for lile a whole second. You can click on it to make it go away faster but it will still take some time. Only then will the animation start unfolding.
Not even accounting that you can play multiple cards during the animations of a single one.

Imagine that you play 5 cards with a 2 seconds animation each.
You can play all 5 of them in 2 seconds and click the end button. It would have taken 10 seconds on your side to unfold with only 8 seconds of waiting time.
For your opponent, if they don’t click the cards each time, it will be a full 15 seconds waiting time. Even if they click, it will be 11~12 seconds with the need to click every 2 seconds

It’s a video game

Being fast with thinking and reactions has always been an integral part of games

Not everyone enjoying roping every turn

Why do the animations sometimes make you lose your turn?
They go on so long sometimes you miss your turn. Your turn does not start until the animations end for you.
After they end, you missed your entire turn.
I sure there will be trolls that say that never happens.
I am pretty sure some people were exploiting this feature not so long ago.
So how do the animation on my side make me lose my turn?

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Yes, this has happened in the past with the original Nozdormu, but that was a bug that was fixed at some point. It is still possible with certain combos that I’ve seen some YouTubers do occasionally, but they’re usually very hard to set up, and I don’t see many decks that can do it very often