Why did a troll flag me for asking how a

This is your opinion. You sound like so many other posters on the internet, their opinions are the laws of the universe.

What is my opinion exactly ?
Because all I just described is not an opinion, it’s factual and verifiable

you can play a card before the animation ends
why dont you give it a try ?

You posted the animation is the same length. You posted that the opposing players gets additional animations/views each animation with no overlap. You then asserted this makes them “a different speed” because in your opinion it should be considered a pendatic difference. You begin with assertions that aren’t facts.

Oh wait, I forgot, you are another god of the forums. Must be fact.

You can Play a new Card, while the Animation of the First Card still running, but your opponent sees one animation after the other.

This ist why your Turn Looks longer for your opponent.

Yeah so it might be a good thing to start reading sentences in the correct order, the one in which they’ve been written.

Correct and verifiable.

Wrong. I started with the “different speed” then explained why it’s pedanticaly not the correct way of wording it

At no point this is what I said

  1. It’s faster on the player’s side
  2. Pedantically, the animations have the same speed, they are not faster
  3. the non-player will see additional animations that will make the opponent’s turn look longer <=> slower

Once you’ve read all 3 sentences in order, if you understand words, the conclusion is that animations have the same speed, and that the opponent’s turn look longer because of the additional animations.
I’m not supporting the idea that the same animation will have different speeds.
Saying that animations are faster is just a shortcut to say that additionnal animations are added, but if you want to be pedantic, sure it’s incorrect to say so, and you have to go by the full explanation.

Yet again, this is not an opinion, just an explanation.

Still waiting for you to explain how the full example I’ve given is an opinion and not something factual that you can tets by yourself.

He posted the animations are not the same length. You posted that it is factual. Your opinion is that the difference is pedantic.

What a lot of commas.

Your opinion is that you don’t want to listen what that means.
The difference is that you don’t do anything to support your points beside just arguing for free.

3… So what ? Can’t keep up with a sentence with a couple subordinates ? That may be why you were not even able to read my earlier message in order and couldn’t restitute what was written.

All I see you writting is “This is only your opinion” as if it was a relevant argument.
What are you bringing up to the topic beside that ? That only being your opinion.

Actually no, now you start writting sentences that have nothing to do with the discussion, like commenting the number of commas in a sentence. If you have so little to say about the topic that you start talking about something else, it would be better not to take part in it.

Your writing is getting worse. Did you turn off your grammar checker? Are you starting to stutter?

Sorry Derkan, another troll. The forums are mostly this now. It’s not a great place for meaningful discussion

I’ve played this game since launch, I can literally glance at a card and know what it does. Quest mage back in the day made you play about 20+ cards in a turn to burn your opponent down. I don’t how it’s hard for you to process that some people are good and no “program” exists .

I can’t believe people are this dull and clueless…… it’s amazing and really funny to me lmao :rofl:

Another complete brainless person roaming around the world without a clue of anything or anyone around them,…