Why can't slow turn takers be reported?

I know this has been discussed on here before, but for real. How is this not reportable? One turn or two you might be able to forgive, but when EVERY turn your opponent only starts to do anything when the rope starts. I mean really?

Especially in ranked play where just saying well you know what? If you’re not going to play this match and decide to concede you lose more than just the match.


Because technically they have 90 seconds for their turn. What exactly would you report about those people? “Blizzard, they used the time you allotted them for their turn!”? While I personally prefer people playing faster, Blizzard gave them those 90 seconds.


I’d wager 90% of the time they are doing for no other reason than to be asshats


How would the system recognize if they’re trolling or strategizing? You simply can’t, hence why it’s unfortunately necessary to suffer the wait.


guess both people lose, then. For the greater good and all that.

In any other ccg (digital or physical), it’d be reportable and they’d be able to determine based on play patterns whether it’s intentional or not. Why is hearthstone the only one where it’s somehow impossible to tell?


Yep, that or they are doing something besides playing the game.

If they rope to burning twice it should then cut their time in half the next turn. It could revert to normal if they didn’t get to burning again. Better than nothing. Happens a lot in diamond. I think D5 is the worst spot for this kind of stuff.


That’s actually a good idea^^


Only way to flip the bird to meme deckheads? Allegedly.

Because players are allowed to use as little or all of their turn time however they want. Suck it up buttercup.


Some people are really just slow and need time.

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If some one is roping you… just rope him back… Then he will stop doing it probably… works for me. :slight_smile:

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If something as benign as people taking their time bothers you, this game is not for you.

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Someone taking their turn at a crucial moment to time out a combo, sure.

Someone roping at turn 1 and every turn…a bot. And should get reported for botting. Especially if they are taking no actions, or just do the hero power only for every turn. Simple as.

Also this. Have a standby tab ready with an article or something. Report for botting if it looks like a bot, then tab over and read. Make sure to have your notification set up to flash when it’s your turn and that way you don’t miss out. Counter rope in case it’s actually a real person trolling you, and they’ll stop within 2-5 turns. Longest someone ever went with me was 10 turns and you can be sure I didn’t give them the satisfaction of a concession, because that’s what ropers want: a quick win.

Don’t let ropers win! Only you can defeat ropers, until the company cracks down.

(cue FedNet theme)

I’m doing my part!

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These are not bots which I am talking about, I can recognize bots which are doing nothing else… but spamming hero power. :wink: These are players who hate Paladin and believe I will give it up if they are slow… because I am an aggro and want to win 15 min… but they are wrong. :stuck_out_tongue: I am not an aggro and not giving up so easy. :slight_smile:

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Some of these are bots. You’ll see them hover at regular intervals over the hero power, even during your turn. But, like you said with enough time you can tell the difference.

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A panel should appear after each game. It would have game time, turn time, deck rating (in the way of outlining meta cards usage), and other game stats.

I think we people see that a player is a roper, they will know their win have an asterisk out to the side.

I really do not get you people…

There is this thing called a TIMER and I can use said timer ANYWAY I choose and you need to accept that.

Maybe this game is not for you.


Yes, but literally there’s nothing what to do more then 10 sec till turn 6-8.

Timers should be cut in half at least till turn 5.